New Event – Grapple

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  • deindiaan

    I’ve seen the Unicron once a day in this event… Guess you need to play like 20 runs a day to see him.


    3 times so far. And usually he turned up without me having to pay gems to recharge the event.


    I didn’t get the impression that Glassor is being nerfed.
    I assume that you refer to the fact that e.g. a pile of stones needs more than one hit to be destroyed completely. But as far as I can remember, this has always been the case. (But I must confess that I have a bad memory.)



    I’m seeing pigs taking direct hits and surviving.  Extremely damaged, but still alive.

    These are “normal” pigs, not the buffed pigs that were originally from the Spark Run.

    Also, the targeting has been getting wonky.  This was especially apparent on WMT day.



    I assumed that @Lewie4 meant an average of 1 in 20, i.e. 5% chance of any given run to have Unicron show up, not that you automatically got one after 20 runs.

    I’ve been averaging over 20 runs a day this week, and only seen Unicron once.


    You’re right about the pigs, now that I’ve started looking at it. (Although I don’t know with 100% certainty that it was different in the past. But I assume you have a better memory than I have.)
    This would be the first time that an Energonicon is nerfed instead of a bot.

    Btw, the destruction of WMT’s is without any problem.



    Yes, WMTs are still destroyed with one hit, but I meant that Glassor doesn’t always target the WMT, I’ve had three charge Glassors bypass the WMT entirely and go after random blocks on the screen.


    Link to old thread.  Interesting discussion there:

    They nerfed the energonicons

    The problem with the Energonicons, in general, and this is something that is not just limited to this event, is that we need more control over what the Energonicons shoot at, especially during Boss Pig runs and Unicron Pig runs. I say this because I’m sick and tired of the Energonicons NOT shooting at Unicron and the Boss Pig, respectively, unless there are no other targets in the playing field, especially when I need it most for the Energonicons to shoot at them.


    Thanks for freshening up my memory!


    @lewie4 How to start a Challenge Run in Token Exchange Day?

    @asen   The answer to that is simple. You wait until the start of the next event in order to complete that task. I don’t know what time zone you’re in, and so I don’t know what time (Pacific Time) that the Daily Tasks reset for you, but, for me, the Daily Tasks reset at 12:00am PT, and new events/challenge days start at 5:00pm PT. That timing allows me to compensate for any delays with completing certain tasks.


    You’re right, that the answer is very simple. However, it largely depends on the time zone you’re living in, if it is doable.
    For instance, people living in the USA have a time window that’s large enough, but people living in Europe only have 1 or 2 hours to complete this task. Moreover, this time window is in the middle of the night, so there will be many people who won’t achieve this task unless they want to set their alarm clock in the middle of the night.
    So it would be better if the task “Start a challenge run” is not present on token exchange day.


    @asen sadly you will need to wait until the next event starts. This is something we’re aware of and will change in the next update so it no longer appears on token exchange day :)

    @moifirst   I know that not everyone who plays the game can use this solution, especially those who live in the UTC time zone. And you’re right, the “Challenge Run” task should not be present on Token Exchange Day. I was only suggesting what   @asen   should do because, unless I’m mistaken, it seemed to me that he still had the option of waiting until the next event started without being pressed for time.

      I would also like the “Spark Run” task to not be on the Daily Tasks list so frequently. Now maybe it’s just a coincidence on my end, but I have had the “Spark Run” consistently appear in my Daily Tasks list every day for the past few weeks (at the least), and I am getting tired of it and tired of having to try to complete it in order to get all of the rewards. So please fix this. Thank you.


    don’t really get why you wouldn’t do a spark run each day?

    worst case just choose your weakest bots & let them all get sploded, shouldn’t take more than a minute, & the challenge is only to start a spark run not complete one


    There seems to be a misunderstanding about what a challenge run is. It’s NOT a spark run, but a run in the weekly event (like Grapple).


    no I get that, no confusion, I was responding to Garfield’s comment above addressed at lewie4


    OK, some misunderstanding by me!


    They have consistently had some daily tasks that appear every single day,  such as 30 energon cubes,  thank 3 buddies,  start a spark run, etc.  Seems like they decided to make the challenge run one of these everyday tasks but didn’t think it through. I for one am glad that thanking 3 buddies is no longer an everyday task.


    Yeah, I refuse to wake up in the middle of the night just to finish the Daily.

    Another JARSU.


    @lewie4 Thanks. @jimmy-necessary I can’t wait for the next event, because my events day ends/starts at 3 o’clock in the morning and I won’t wake up in the middle of the night like @optimuspig said, because of the game … that time is past away already :)


    don’t really get why you wouldn’t do a spark run each day?

    worst case just choose your weakest bots & let them all get sploded, shouldn’t take more than a minute, & the challenge is only to start a spark run not complete one

    It’s even easier than that. You can just quit back to the map before Astrotrain even lands and still complete that quest.


    The reason why I don’t like doing the Spark Run everyday is because it is a big pain for me to keep my strongest (and most highly promoted) bots at full armor strength each day, especially if I have just used them on a Challenge Run that has killed (or nearly killed) them only a few minutes before. I don’t always have the option of watching a video to instantly recharge them, and many times it costs me more gold coins to call in buddy versions of those bots than it does to do a slow recharge on them (which can take a few hours to complete). And the reason why I don’t just use any bot on the Spark Run and just quit to the map is because I want to earn the maximum number of sparks that I can successfully get (which is very difficult to do if I have to contend with Flying Pigs, especially the Elite Flying Pigs. That’s why I don’t like the Elite Flying Pigs and the Elite Sharktihog Pigs being in the Challenge Runs), since it takes forever to earn sparks for free, and so that’s why I need to use my strongest (and most highly promoted) bots on the Spark Run. And I can’t afford to always buy more sparks like many of you guys can because I don’t always have enough real money and/or gems available in order to buy more sparks. If we had the option of being able to play the Spark Run multiple times in a 24 hour period without it costing us gems, I might change my attitude regarding the “Spark Run” task and playing the Spark Run everyday.


    @jimmy-necessary When your main bots show up on the map, keep them parked there so you can recharge them. I keep Blaster, Ratchet, and Dead End permanently parked on the map. Unless they are dead and I recharge with coins or video, I’ll just start a map run with Healthpack. After the bot is healed, I exit back to the map.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Event – Grapple

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