New Event – Motormaster

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Event – Motormaster

  • A new event has started! The top prize is Motormaster.

    This event uses one TF and an energonicon.

    Special feature(s) – Poison TNT blocks

    The event banner for Motormaster

    The bonus squad is Enslavers (14), consisting of Scorponok (110), Barricade (69) Motormaster (43) and Nemesis Hot Rod (18).

    All these TFs are in the token exchange with accessories.

    Have fun and good luck!

    PS. The numbers (in parentheses) after the squad and TF names are their Spark Run rankings.

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  • deindiaan

    Another one bot event, too many in a row now😩


    @deindiaan Just wait till the next event or one after the next and then we’ll have a two bot event. Too bad for most of the players because the bonus squad will be Ground Force 🤷🏼‍♂️


    4th in the row 1 TF event :/

    Day 1 – All pigs, also seems to be very often 400k points days. Atleast not a Baloons pigs, which was 2 days ago.

    why bad? I think most players got sgt. Greenlight or both because of R/E bug (very kind bug tbh).


    @papakarlo Totally forgot that R/E bug


    Day 2 – Land pigs. Not bad.

    Day 3 – TNT crates.

    Day 4 – Stone blocks.

    Day 5 – Glass blocks.

    Day 6 – Missile day.


    It will probably won’t come as a surprise, but I really do hate these poison TNT block events just like I do the good block, bad block events. Most of the time I realize only after shooting that I’ve aimed at the wrong type of target. Very frustrating!




    Play with healtpack and you’ll suffer no damage in a run.


    Thanks for this advice!


    @moifirst @deindiaan Actually, Enerbot is way more effective.

    PS. There are some TFs for which Healthpack is better but Nemesis Hot Rod isn’t one of them


    @deindiaan @grimlockdown
    I’ve tried Healthpack using Nemesis Hot Rod and it works great (all hearts present at the end of the run). I’ll try Enerbot later on.


    I don’t see any problem with healthpack, just use it a few times in a run and you’ll end with full health, also with hot rod. Enerbot I actually never use, this gives energy from the enemies right?


    @deindiaan Yep! Normally just a single use of Enerbot restores full health – and Enerbot doesn’t need to be fully charged (or grade 3). So the Enerbot is usually much quicker and needs less Energon to charge.


    Those Energonicons very helpfull exept you got Cave – today died twice there! Pig city also = death without atleast Healthpack.


    Today I’ve used Enerbot and I must say it beats Healthpack (at least in this event using Nemesis Hot Rod) although Heaithpack is also not bad.

    , @deindiaan


    @moifirst actually Enerbot worse then Healthpack, because restoring life only after some pigs was killed. Maybe thats why Healthpack is a top, Epic energonicon, while Enerbot is just Rare. In the Pig city, where alot stone towers with poison TNT crates and without pigs, using Enerbot is roulette, while Healthpack helps 100%


    @papakarlo Thanks for your remark. I didn’t have noticed this problem, probably because I haven’t visited Pig City lately in this event. So this is indeed something to keep in mind. However, in the other places where there are abundant pigs. Enerbot is better than Healthpack (faster recovery of health).
    So as you say, Enerbot is roulette, but with good odds. However if you want to play more on safe, then choose Healthpack.


    @papakarlo @moifirst I have Grade 3 Enerbot and I haven’t had any problem with Nemesis Hot Rod in any place – not even the Cave which usually has the fewest Energon structures.

    Yes, the Healthpack (and similarly the Goldslam) is 100% sure but the gains are on average much smaller than with the Enerbot (or the Goldbrick).


    @grimlockdown Probably a total misinterpretation by me, but are you implying that Goldbrick can also recover health?


    @moifirst No.

    Both Goldslam and Goldbrick generate coins but they have the same relationship with each other as Healthpack and Enerbot – 100% coins or health vs. amount of coins or health depending on what you hit.


    Why I hate Missile Day: 2 back-to- back Pig City runs with raw scores under 200. 😖


    tbh I using Goldbrick this event – SR and steel crates drains me hard! And ofc not at missile day, where I need missile disruptor.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Event – Motormaster

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