New Event – Target 2016

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Event – Target 2016

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  • sheepybach

    energon structures yes as they are the only things that score for me.


    @millforce2k I only have the dragon mask because of its defence apart from that, nothing much.Same for the other two versions of e.grimlock


    @paul13 what a strange phenomenon that you’re experiencing.. it’s kinda neat. I’m on Android too, and I haven’t see the movie tix or matchstick guys either.


    Gee3eeszzzzzzz it’s not making any sense and I can’t workout why only me.
    How about this then I just checked and run comp nodes x 4 on my grandson’s Tab and there are no tickets or matchstick models. Something weird going on has to be.


    Same here…. Have not seen any of these….. Tried reloading.. Rebooting…. Nothing….. Is there something that we nned to do for these to appear????


    I had Shockwave and got the 2200 tokens needed for all the accessories so I’m just playing for fun now. Didn’t start round 3 till there was only about 6-7 hours left. Played one level (+25%), came back a couple hours later played another (+25%) and lost a charge to an ad lockup, came back an hour later played three levels (+150%) and lost one to an ad lockup and ended up in second place behind by only about 80 points. If I had been trying I could have easily gotten first place.


    I just realized something – given that the event goes until Friday, I am guessing that players who unlock Shockwave might now have opportunity to buy his accessories once he is unlocked – i forgot that’s how I got his accessories in the first place.

    Which begs an interesting question: if someone had unlocked shockwave without the accessories in the previous competition, are his accessories available for purchase during this competition? Should they be? (I think they should.)

    May be a moot point, we’ll see.

    Always nice for someone to post if accessories also available for purchase so that fellow players can plan to win enough tokens accordingly…

    If anyone does have shockwave but not his all of his accessories, were the accessories available to you for purchase during this competition? If not, hopefully they will be over the next couple of days (maybe it’s on a delayed unlock and will be available as long as your shockwave says OWNED under it). Might want to play just in case?


    Ok I got one of everything in this event, So now what.


    When does the competition end?




    @sam-spargo @harharhar The in-game news feed says 5/14 0:00 GMT. That would be 5/13 8 PM EST.


    Wow, nothing but problems on this comp! Now I got a 50% bonus icon but none of the transformers in the bonus squad have the same icon. There are 31 members in my squad.
    I guess I won’t even hope for Shockwave. Sad.


    @bartiedog That bonus squad round was tough on a lot of people. It was the Iconic Transformers Squad that included a TF that was only available using real money and the other is Epic Optimus achievable through a recent competition.


    Yay, just got enough tokens to get Shockwave and it is on upgrade to L4. Now to just hang around to get some accessories – accessories that don’t disappear at the end of the event, that is.

    Yeah, I’m looking at you Lockdown and ELockdown.

    Or maybe I should be concerned that SHOCKWAVE will disappear at the end of the event…


    @geli if Shockwave’s accessories are available, I’d get those. Lockdown’s accessories aren’t available in my comp. Are you thinking of Galvatron? You should have plenty of time to get all of them by 13th, but all are available for purchase with gems. Congratulations!


    I have not got shockwave.This is why I created (no shockwave) and (shockwave returns).


    Does any one know if you can save the tokens for the next event? I just unlocked all the items now.


    @david12291. No. Use them or lose them.

    See also threads Do tokens roll over on page 2 of this forum. Also check page 3 for related thread on this topic.


    @pampeans – thanks for the shoutout!


    No accessories are being offered for Shockwave in this event.
    Accessories are available for Shockwave via gem purchase as they are for other TFs. But… They are costly. Least “expensive” is the acid round accessory for 300 gems.

    Just signed in and found Iconic Transformers are offering 50% bonus points. Sux for me. Both of them were offered before I began playing the game and I do not “own”them. I can only hope the Bonus Buddies change before today’s challenge ends or I will earn only 100-ish tokens.

    C’est la vie, or, as we say in ‘Murica, ch!t happens.


    How long does it take for the bonus squad to change?


    @sam-spargo I’ve noticed 2-4 hours. First two hours and last two are the only ones that I’ve seen at 150%.



    “No accessories are being offered for Shockwave in this event.
    Accessories are available for Shockwave via gem purchase as they are for other TFs. But… They are costly. Least “expensive” is the acid round accessory for 300 gems.”

    Bummer… but at least they are available for purchase with gems now; they were exclusive before. The acid rounds is the cheapest cuz it’s the worst. If you do end up ever purchasing an accessory for shockwave I’d recommend the wings for +20% faster reload – it’s probably the most expensive one I am guessing as it’s the best…the + 10% explosive force is OK with Sentinel but definitely the faster reload / larger clip / quicker cooldown accessories are almost always the best accessory to get for whatever transformer characters have them (not all do).

    Although I got the galvatron faster cooldown this event and haven’t noticed a significant difference.

    And if it’s any consolation you’re not missing anything special with Epic Optimus – he’s horrible even fully accessorized. I intentionally send him on missions cuz I dislike playing him.

    Best and only accessory I’ve spent significant gems on is Ultra Magnus helmet (which a few weeks later was purchaseable as an event prize :) ) with continuous fire – makes him usable. Plus added increased +21 % fire rate matrix accessory this event so should go well together…


    @cbya I already have all the accessories for shockwave as i got him before when he was first available. now my question is do you feel that E.Grimlock has been nerfed at level 14 soon to be level 15. Back to this event, I already have everything so I’ve stopped playing.

    Francis Crawford


    E. Grimlock is my go-to TF for competitions now. Grimlocks have the best anti-missile defense by far (I guess Shockwave is close), because they can fire instantly at range. They’re also reasonably good at hitting anything else.

    The Energon part can make for a lot of self-healing, if a run gets difficult or unlucky.

    There are times I wish I were using Goldbite Grimlock for his slowness (e.g., on certain runs today, namely those with a lot bad line-of-sight to the targets, his slowness is more valuable than Energon’s self-healing). But E. Grimlock is my clear favorite.


    I’ve noticed the tfs are weaker in the competition nodes

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Event – Target 2016

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