New Merging Capability

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum New Merging Capability

  • Has anyone tried this yet? Does it matter if you upgrade the item fully first to 3 stars with coins before merging?

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  • Mighty Red

    I would also like to see how this works since I don’t have any identical items.

    Dylan Bob

    merged item will have one more upgrade star. I have two SS guitars for Chuck. One is fully ungraded and another one is not at all. I merged them and i got 4 slots guitar with 3 star upgraded.


    @dylan-bob, I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what happened when you merged the 2 Guitars. Could you please clarify what ” …. i got 4 slots guitar with 3 star upgraded” means? Is it now possible to get more than 3 stars?

    Between iPad & iPhone I have 4 duplicate SS & 5 duplicate S (1 a triplicate). All of my first SS are fully enhanced to 3 stars & the duplicates are all at 0*.

    One of the duplicate SS is my iPad’s Kurofune Ship/Hull which I desperatley need to improve as I’ve not been able to get into Top 500 in any of these Monster Events to earn an upgraded Ship/Hull.

    Dylan Bob

    We can enhance items 3 times. And merged items can be enhanced 4 times because it adds one more enhance slot to enhance.


    Thank you @dylan-bob. How much stronger did your Guitar become after enhancing it for 4th time?

    Dylan Bob

    374 – > 406 with 30000 golds. I think it’s pretty good.


    If I had known of this capability introduced in this update, I wouldnt have sold all of the duplicate items that I received from the slot. gg Rovio.


    How many times can you merge an item? For example, can you merge the same item 3 times to get 5 enhance slots? Or does it currently only let you merge an item once?


    @dooziexx same, I had 2 banana ice creams for matilda and I sold the duplicate, same with worn-out helmet and diver’s goggles

    also I think this option is rather useless because the 4th enhance is probably super expensive and not worth it


    Oh com’on, there is merging now?? I sold all my duplicate items!!!


    How can I merge items? Can’t find anywhere this feature.


    How do I merge items? I cannot find any merge button.

    I have a few binoculars for tests. )))


    @lenar-rahmatullin & @tantan according to the pop-up I see when clicking on Merge, it’s only for items ranked A or better. Binoculars wouldn’t be eligible & because I see merge on all of my eligible duplicate itmes I suspect if you’re not seeing the option it’s because the item doesn’t qualify.


    @justpast40 thanks for answer, I thought I can merge two items with same rank, but now I see, two items must be identical :)


    Any screen?


    Check is out got 2 ship

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