New Update – and War Season 5

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    War Season 6 already?!? (should be for Feb – Mar 2021)

    My game updated to today, and now I have 8 pages of TFs! 2 more added to Operations. The new TFs have a square silhouette (no clues).

    They also fixed the Novastorm bundle previously showing a green square for one of the bundle items:


    Got them as buddies. Sideswipe and Barricade. But their weapons appear to be identical to their regular versions so I don’t think they are fully developed.


    I think R/E released a new minor version to fix the Novastorm’s bundle item bug but at the same time introduced a new bug (or is it two) 🤷🏼‍♂️


    Well wow next year spoilers but seriously how is this android only


    Looks like I got the glitch as well it uses black squares as a substitute Til exient makes models for them and here’s what major sideswipe looks like can’t seem to get major barricade as a buddy though 


    Here is major barricade


    I only have 1 question how do you unlock old prime pass characters when there seasons are over?


    @john12345 You can’t. Not right now anyways. I would be absolutely shocked if they were never offered again but how they will be (real money, gems, tokens or some new way) we have no clue.


    I feel that after a 10th season it’s over and then the characters can be unlocked by gold crates or something but I still don’t know if the war is going to end when do you think it will be over


    A very small but very welcome fix I noticed is that they finally fixed Blaster’s voice.

    He actually uses Bubbles’ clips now instead of Chef Pig’s.

    Kind of wish that Matilda will get her own voice and Zeta and Eagle get better voice swaps but I guess that’s still a dream for now.


    I also noticed the big black blotch when jungle area is unlocked was fixed here’s a look 


    @sntrooper I found this on YouTube so I guess you can? 


    I don’t know if it’s a recent video on YouTube you’ve seen, but I can see the same shot in an old YT video (see 1:50) made in april 2020 (!) by someone who has bought the prime pass in season 1. So this looks like the normal thing unless you have some kind of evidence that these characters and accessories have been obtained very recently.


    @moifirst yeah that’s the one I guess it is just prime pass hackers “shrugs”


    If you get a steel crate ad there’s a chance a black square will appear where a character render is supposed to be this is most likely the renders for the new war pass characters but since they aren’t done yet it’s still a black square


    @moifirst this video just show “Instant upgrade”, when someone bought Prime pass after already completed 50 level, so all gifts came at once and grouped. 5 gold crates from video clearly shows this also.

    no, you can’t


    This is a big discovery but the new sideswipe and barricade where actually removed entirely probably because there playable in the event so rovio removed them so I guess this means a new update after the event ends which will have there artworks and models completed and a new character too 


    Does anyone else have trouble with the war pass? For many weeks now every time I click to gain my rewards my game just crashes. I’ve gotten no notification that a new season has started it just seems like a really big bug with the software.


    I’m already through the whole thing


    4 days till the new update


    @john12345 till new bugs ;)

    Actually in 4 days Season 5 ends. Then quiet “Peace” week begin. New update with new prime pass can be launched any time during “Peace” week.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Update – and War Season 5

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