New Web App To Help With CvC

Hi All, My web application "AB Ranker" is now finished with beta testing.  It is an online tool that can help your clan with CvC, and make it more fun.  It is a tool that offers various reports that assign a simple rating (0-100) to every player in your clan based on their CvC score relative to their flock power. This tells you who may not be putting much effort into CvC, and it also tells you who is putting more effort, or who just is a high performer.  It normalizes the ratings, so a rating of 90 always means the same thing (excellent), not matter how high-scoring of a level it was. There is also reports that give you a clue on why your clan won or lost a battle.  Go to and log-in with facebook, and send me a PM with your clan Id and clan Name to get started!
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