No KP in the KPP?

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum No KP in the KPP?

  • Was it another test of different “gaming experience” provided by Rovio, or did you guys also have no boss room in the KPP?
    The last stage was a regular five-room-level (with all the rules of a boss room – no spells, no more than seven cards). It was quite tough and made me pay 60 gems, but I only paid it, because I got to the last room and didn’t see any king pig.

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  • Eagle Eye

    No king pig for me either but all five rooms were a nightmare!

    Angry Beaver

    3-room level 4 was so “cool”.


    Yeah, I was thrilled to see the 3-room Level 4 and had high hopes the fifth Level would be 4-room-boss-level, but nooo, five really bad rooms.


    Yeah I guess today its not the KPP challenge, it’s the RYFYG Challenge (Rape You For Your Gems).

    I noticed the screens are all over the place too- very, VERY difficult to “strike” any screen because pigs are sitting all over the place on balloons that don’t pop and are sitting behind structures.

    Epic Buttstomp

    King Pig seems to be missing for me as well but I was all frustrated by the time I got there in my 4th try. Given dashboarding is no longer possible I just give up when I ran out of birds in the last room…. I was no longer sure which level I was at …. Now you guys mentioned it, it was last room in level 5.

    Angry Beaver

    It was probably kind of glitch because today’s KPP was very normal.

    Epic Buttstomp

    Today KPP is more than normal, it is actually easy!!!

    Jon S

    @jo-ha. Yesterday’s KPP pulled out the same panels and structure arrangement from level 966. I agree, the rooms were difficult.

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum No KP in the KPP?

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