No more ship parts?

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum No more ship parts?

  • New monster event, no ship parts. I guess they finally ran out of ideas on ship parts.

    “Can only be sabotaged 1 time in a fight”…… HUH?? This is new.

    This effect I’d like to see —> “chance to reflect/deflect sabotage back to the other player”

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  • Veggie

    At the moment we have Monster Events every 2 weeks, so there’s just no sense in bringing new parts. Nearly every player should own a pretty good SS ship by now.
    The new Raid is interesting by the way. The 5 Star items and the new Sabotage blockers are great. I just don’t care about the piggies.


    I don’t think anyone cares about the Piggies, but I think that they’re doing this for a reason. I’m sure ship parts will be back soon enough. But, I almost guarantee they’re planning to give the piggies more purpose. Someone mentioned an island just for the pigs. That makes perfect sense. You could create a whole new set of islands for them. It has been a while since they had a new island, after all.

    I wonder… Do we have to pay to upgrade these to the 5 stars or are they already upgraded? The stats indicate differently on each accomplishment level.


    Hmmm……. an island where you can only use piggies to play…..

    and then every piggie needs to cool down and wait for 5 fights, nice.


    Even I have a full SS for sure,but I still need a ship hull to replace kurfrome now,as It is too low health and I missed last event..


    They did randomly throw in the Heart Goggle Ship Bow (S) in the event point prizes, so I guess you could say they didn’t totally abandon ship parts with this event.

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum No more ship parts?

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