Nodes only giving 75 coins?

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Nodes only giving 75 coins?

  • Greetings,

    I am new around here, but have been playing the game since launch.

    With the Thanksgiving update, I have started to notice some nodes that should give 600 coins, only giving 75. Has anyone else seen this? I can’t tell if the number just displays 75, and it still gives 600 coins, or if it is just giving 75 coins. It seems to happen the most around the lower left side of the map.

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  • Replies
  • SnTrooper

    I had one node (the one next to the Toons link) do that when I first updated to the Thanksgiving update but it has worked properly since.

    Jason Young

    I had the same thing happen too. It usually has little silver looking things built up around it under the coin icon instead of palm trees like it usually has.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Nodes only giving 75 coins?

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