Patch 1.5.3 preview

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  • GrimmJow

    So, if I understand : my mastery rank 15 will be automatically 60 ?
    No need to grind mastery again yet ?


    Like it or not, maybe each mastery will give you 3% boost if its an odd number and probably 2% for each even number. Just a speculation.




    That’s exactly what I believe, though. This whole facade is unnecessary because there will be no change for M15 players. All that will change is that rank-ups will happen faster and in shorter steps, for all those that did not make it to all-M15 yet.


    @poptimus @smwforever45 @datguygamer @kennymcc thanks I think I know what’s going to happen. They will raise the level cap again.


    @smwforever45 We don’t know if M15 users who are not Level 60 will still benefit from this or not. If you are M15 and L60, then it might be okay but guys like me who have max mastery with low levels, you really can’t say “Yes” with such assurance.

    Also new set concepts. The designs are okay, I guess.
    New arena sets


    This change in mastery levels shows that Rovio understands psychology. Games do better when they offer constant rewards so there is visible sign of progress. Before, when it took three weeks or so to go from M13 to M14, there was less feeling of reward because the progress wasn’t “visible” in the sense that the tangible reward (increase in mastery level) didn’t happen very often. With the increase in number of mastery levels, you will gain mastery at the same overall rate, but your level will increase several times over the same three week period.

    It was kind of a letdown after an event when I got 10,000 mastery points for a particular bird class and no hats increased their mastery level. The birds got closer to leveling up, but there was no tangible reward, and our brains are wired to expect a reward. This solves that problem by making sure the leveling up happens more often, without changing the final level in terms of bird strength.


    @jamairoqui nice explanation.

    Soaring Protection looks like a school ma’am give in you a good telling off!



    is Level 60.

    Also, you know my opinion on this. :P

    And the previews aren’t actually that new; they’ve been on FB for a week or so I think.
    I would favour the a, b, c designs. But we all know what Rovio is going to choose; the worst of each. :D


    @smwforever45 I know he is Level 60 but I was talking about guys like myself in this context and as always, this update will give me the short end of the stick.

    I don’t know what your opinion on this is per se. You really haven’t said whether you think this change is good or bad or not. I think this was uncalled for. There are people who will benefit from this (max XP level and not max mastery guys) but middle grounds like me will fall.


    I said in my first reply here that this change is unnecessary. So yeah, there’s my opinion :P

    You also can’t say that you WILL fall… as I said before also, we’ll see when the update arrives. It’ll probably be something we never expected, anyway.


    @smwforever45 Given how Rovio works, I am certain that will be the case. I will wait but I have a feeling that it is happening.


    That does not help if you did not unlock all of the classes as you will have to grind to 60 if you get a new class.


    Nobody will “lose” anything. Say you have a L59 M8 hat that is within 4,000 points of leveling up to M9 under the old system. That hat has a certain total number of mastery points, assuming M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, and M7 all have specific number of points you needed to accumulate to reach that mastery level. Add up those values. Then add in the amount of mastery you already acquired at M8. That is your total mastery level for that hat.

    Now add up all the mastery points you need under the new 60-level mastery rank system to get to each of the 60 levels. Find the point in that system where the total mastery point value matches what you had under the old system and that is your new mastery level. It will be identical in terms of fractional achievement to the maximum mastery level, and assuming that Rovio/Chimera scaled the strength appropriately, the hat should have the same properties.

    The only difference, as I see it, will be that it will take you less time to get to the new mastery level. But the new mastery level will have less effect.

    This seems to be not very important in the grand scheme, and it doesn’t appear anyone will lose anything. People who were level 15 will be level 60, people who were 3/4 of the way through level 14, needing 10,000 or so mastery points to get to level 15, will still need 10,000 or so mastery points to get to level 60. It’s just that they will go through several mastery levels before they get to 60.

    The people who “lost” were the people who ground their birds to level 15 back when it took 50,000 points to go from 14 to 15, or 13 to 14, or 12 to 13. But that was an update or two ago.


    Also, mastery and level were always decoupled. Worrying that if your birds are level 45 and mastery 15 now that they will become mastery level 45 and mastery 45 under the new system is silly. It isn’t what the update will do. The guy said mastery rank remains unchanged, at least in terms of fractional progress towards the maximum.

    Think of it this way, Rovio decided to measure mastery temperature in degrees Rankin instead of degrees Kelvin because they already use Rankin for level temperature. The heat content of a body doesn’t change if you go from one temperature scale to another, even though the numerical value of temperature does. So the heat content of the mastery level you are already at will be the same, but the number representing its temperature will be different.

    Angry Johnny

    Rovio just posted about a new Snoutlings reward system that will be in version 1.5.3:

    Birds, it’s gonna rain Snoutlings! In our third #SneakBeak on patch 1.5.3 we want to throw a spotlight on the new reward system, that all you arena players, Daily Dungeon discoverers and event highflyers deserve so well.

    The higher your level, the better your rank on the event leaderboards the more epic piles of Snoutlings you can win! Also the top ranks on your arena leaderboard and the Daily Dungeons will reward you more than ever before.

    Need evidence? Being level 50 or higher and number 1 of the arena flock in your league will give you 2.000 Snoutlings in 1.5.3 vs 1.400 now. Coming soon to your Angry Birds Epic app, stay tuned and keep leveling!



    So 1.5.3 will be a rather big update…

    I don’t need more Snouts though. I want a new island!!! XD
    Or, what would also be neat is the ability to exchange Snouts for LC’s and not just the other way round…


    @smwforever45 I agree! About everything! XD AND a more efficient means of accruing mastery!


    Its funny that they are trying to give us more Snouts when they took away grinding SRC a couple of months ago.

    I wish they would give us a way to level up old set items to our current level (with shards maybe 1 shard per 1 or 2 levels) or a way to merge old set items and new to carry over enchantment levels. With all these new additions, I could see them increase the level cap again.

    They should stop wasting our time with useless updates and give us new levels or caves.


    Or at least, don’t break the current means of accruing mastery and snouts.


    @raizir Star Reef Castle = SRC


    @gabe-nestor Noobs are where the $ is at, man. Rovio knows that, eh. XD


    @datguygamer Great news! The Elite Illusionist upgrade is now AVAILABLE in The Shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    @aufar-ramadhan Yes & what’s more good to know is that it looks permanent just like Elite Stone Guard!


    @datguygamer Are you happy with your Elite SamuraiÂż I think so.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Patch 1.5.3 preview

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