Patch 1.5.3 preview

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  • datguygamer

    @smwforever45 @poptimus I had a “Epic needs to restart” message and after that, I have all classes now demanding 10,495 mastery to rank up to the next one. But I cannot purchase mastery from the dojo as it still says “Sold Out”. So either we have to manually play until we max every class out or the bug is still there in a different manner. Kinda skeptic about that.

    Honestly, I want some more power now that they botched my birds but I really don’t wanna grind. What was the absolute best source for mastery again?



    Cave 4-5 used to be a great spot for mastery even though it was just two birds at a time. But now the Caves are impossible to auto-play because the pigs are all level 60.

    I should think SRC or CPC would be the next bast for mastery, then, and those levels should be fairly easy right now. *smile*



    Assuming that every cave pig drops 7 or 14 mastery now (since they’re all level 60), any of the cave levels with brutes/brawlers/frost hogs/etc. should be equally ally good for mastery grinding. 11-5 was the best mastery/minute before the update, and 13-5 was the best mastery/run.



    If Kenny is unavailable I could get stats for you but since I’m a bit of a simpleton you’ll have to tell me exactly what “nodes” to play and what birds to use?


    @poptimus I can do that if you tell me what you mean by “node”.



    He means any level, like pumpkin plateau-1 or beard forest 1 or star reef castle etc.


    @sutekh137 Thanks for the info But I am datguygamer (as in “that guy”) not dataguygamer. :P

    @poptimus Hmm, they were but wonder if they are till now. I had 5 restart messages in a row and nothing changed. It seems that they are desperately trying to include hotfixes but nothing is changing. I really wanted to avoid grinding but seeing as how I have to play for EW Witch maybe I can get in some free mastery.


    @shapokomanbeast OK thanks. Perhaps we shouldn’t duplicate. Shall I do the snowy areas?



    You can go ahead if you want, I’m still uncertain if @poptimus just wants power output or if he needs to know what set items and what level of enchantment they’re at since not all of my set items are at max enchantment

    EDIT- I guess I’m assuming you have all your set items fully enchanted


    Actually, it’s not impossible to blast through 11-4; but it got a lot harder for auto-play because of the numerous wasted turns due to unnecessary buffing. It should still be possible, but you might want to use different birds.
    My birds on auto-play (M43 Thunderbird plus M46 Skulkers), plus a friend’s bird (M59 Elite Pirate), made it to Wave 6 of 7 on its own. Every defeated enemy counts, y’know! You should give it a try and see if it’s ok to do with your birds.


    Oh and also, I think you guys are slightly mislead right now @poptimus @shapokomanbeast @bubbley.
    It’s ONLY the caves that received the *glitched* L60 pigs. Island levels are still normal, and castle levels have L0 pigs! For instance, Moorlands-2 used to have L13 pigs, it still has them. So that is NOT the best source of mastery… unless, of course, you can’t play the cave levels.

    EDIT: I must correct myself…
    I just started up King Pig Castle and enemies are NOT level 0. Mine are level 14 (which is the level that the pigs have when you first play the level). Did something change with an Epic message?



    Thanks for the info I will hold off on any stat gathering for now


    @smwforever45 @shapokomanbeast @poptimus OK I will wait for clarification.


    Don’t worry, I too am waiting for some clarification still. Especially curious if the L60 pigs in the caves are going to be corrected or not. If not, this will be a nightmare for mid-game players that cleared all the island levels, but are unable to clear Cave 1-1.

    Thinking of it, I’m also curious whether the cave pigs on @datguygamer’s game are also L60 or just L51. Because in that case, this would mean that the cave levels now scale with the player’s level after the initial clear, just like event levels, dungeons and castles, and then there would be nothing to fix… except for the broken pig levels in the castles, of course.

    Oh, and to me you qualify as a data guy gamer, @datguygamer. :P


    Figures. So instead of avoiding playing Level 60 birds so they didn’t get nerfed (which is what I did), players should have played as many as possible so it wasn’t necessary to grind them up to level 61.

    Did anyone figure that out before they fixed it so the birds didn’t automatically level up from 60 to 61?

    Does this mean all of our set items are also a level below the maximum?

    Maybe it’s worth switching to Lords Mobile, that guy in the ad seems like he would be helpful to newbies.


    Wait wait wait. I think you’re confusing the Mastery rank and the player level here.
    Set items are always equally strong no matter how high your birds’ Mastery rank is.

    Oh and I don’t think M61 was supposed to be a real thing. It’s above the current max player level and it’s not even a round number.

    Lords Mobile is probably the last game I’ll play, even in the ads it looks badly made, and I never got around to controlling more than 50 soldiers at once even on the computer when playing Empire Earth or Age of Empires. Can’t imagine doing the same on my phone :P


    @smwforever45 You’re right, I am confusing rank with mastery level. Sorry about that. But whether it was *supposed* to be a real thing or not, it is now in fact a real thing and I have three hats with M61 that are 2% more powerful than the same birds with M60 hats. And if I want to get all hats to M61 it will take 10,495 mastery points per hat, with no dojo.

    So M61 is a thing, only it’s not, sorta. But in a few days the hackers will all have M61 hats so that will be all you see in the arena.

    Lords Mobile was a joke. Although how much worse can it be in terms of coding craftsmanship than ABE?


    @smwforever45 So I am forever cursed to be that guy who gives data. It does seem like that’s all I do anyways. If so, you are the Yashoo guy!! :P

    Also, in-game the Golden Chili actually looks golden now and all enemies in my caves are now L51.




    My guess if that if they fix this they will simply cap mastery at 60. So for folks who got to 61 via whatever bug, they’ll just be back to 60 and this time it will be maxxed out as it should be (though we still go from 150% to 120% increase off base, or lose 20% of the gains mastery used to provide).

    As far as the Caves, making all the pigs in all the caves be matched to level seems silly. The point of the Caves is to get progressively harder as you go to higher ones. Just making it be 17 Caves to slog through — blech. Glad I’m through with them, if that’s what they do.

    EDIT: On second thought, for someone just finishing the world stage, making the Caves match level kind of makes sense. Otherwise a team could grind away at SRC or CPC, level up to max, and trivially blow through the first 12-13 Caves. For folks who aren’t just starting the Caves, they will have already had them done, and would have done them in a consistent escalation of competitiveness. Of course, it does turn off grinding, which really sucks. But hey, that makes more frustrated folks pony up for LC, which is Rovio’s main goal.



    @shapokomanbeast @bubbley
    Sorry I’ve been MIA. Work getting in the way of fun. Anyway, I’m trying to figure out if pigs were nerfed as advertised. So, what are the health and attack values for the Corporal pig in Wave 1 of KPC? In v1.5.3, he’s currently a level 14 pig, his health is 738, his attack deals 90 damage, and his support ability heals for 443. What are the equivalent numbers in v1.5.2? Of course, as I’m typing this, I’m realizing that it’s a bad example, because he’s a level 60 pig pre-update. But this is the sort of data I’m looking for from “nodes” like Maelstrom or Western Bamboo forst. Nodes which always have the same enemy/enemies.



    Against my level 60 team, Maelstrom is level 36.

    CPC – Level 2 pigs
    SRC – Level 10 pigs
    Wiz Pig Castle – Level 15 pigs

    Still level 60 pigs in Caves, though the hardness meter says the battle should be easy. Not sure what it used to day — I have a few “needs to stay Epic” restarts…

    EDIT: While they are level 60, pigs in Cave 4-5 are a lot easier. Not sure what is up with that…




    is saying that all island pigs are the same it’s only cave pigs affected do you still want island level pig data or just cave pig data?

    P.S tagging @bubbley so we’re all on same page


    Previously, I did trivially blow through the caves after making it to Level 50, the old max level. :P I didn’t have a problem with that. I’d rather have fixed levels for the cave stages. That way, I can easily return immediately if I didn’t 3-star a certain stage on the first attempt. And if I was going to try and blow through too fast, it would be impossible due to the increased pig level in the next cave. That makes the caves last longer than just a few days.


    I guess I am. But I’m proud of it. :P Yashoooo!

    Really? Welp. So the cave pig level IS fixed? I hope this is reverted…


    @bubbley; @poptimus
    Here is a screenshot of Corporal Pig in KPC in v1.5.2. I will do more but Yoshi basically said all pigs were what they were before which in this case is lvl 60. Hope it gives you the data you need


    So how much health does your Maelstrom pig have? And how much damage does his attack do?


    I know the level of the map pigs is the same as pre-update, but Rovio is saying they should all be weaker in terms of their health and attack. That’s why I want the data. The pig in my v1.5.3 Maelstrom is level 36 just like he always was. But theoretically, he should still have lower health/attack than he used to. Also, to be clear, I never intended for anyone to give data for cave pigs or castle pigs, since those levels seem to be jacked up at the moment. I’m only talking about pigs elsewhere on the map.

    @smwforever45 @datguygamer

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Patch 1.5.3 preview

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