Piggy Island Offensive Driving Course: Angry Birds GO! Gameguide!

Dear Sirs and Mesdames, As requested I am enclosing my link to my controversial, pig-written game guide to Piggy Island motorsports technique. Most of the material covered so far encompasses merely the Seedway and Rocky Road levels but I am sure a little 'track smarts' will go a long way to your success in later levels! At a later date I will cover managing expectations of the game and how to use a bit of real life team leadership to manage limited energy levels and personal goal setting. For now, lets DRIVE! 1. Introduction 2. Offensive Driving - the Road is your Battleground 3. Oversteer Control (Drift Techniques) (updated 19/12/13) 4. Wheel to Wheel Racing Techniques 5. Economical Tuning Strategy (updated 19/12/13) 6. Energy Management and Conclusion Disclaimer: If @Birdleader and @AMslimfordy do not mind, this discussion is made separate from the ABGO Help Thread to allow more focused discussion on this attempt to write a guide for ABGO from a motorsports enthusiast's perspective. It contains more strategic and tactical advise - a self-learning aid - rather than merely aiming to beat the game on its own terms.
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