Prize in this event has a problem

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Prize in this event has a problem

  • My point in this event is 6000 points now without spending diamonds. I will reach 10000 points in 24 hours to get an useless spear for me. At the momonet i will lose motivation to play this event because ranking items are also not interested in. Rivio needs to give us prize until 100,000 points, at least gold or diamonds.

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  • monsterpighunter

    useless spear? seriously?

    and how would you ever reach the 100000 that’s almost impossible I’m still at about 2200 even with magician boat hull just because I don’t have the time

    I honestly agree with the other items though, I also don’t need them at all

    Mighty Red

    @dylan-bob I agree that the bird item prizes are repetitive (this event offers another hat for Bomb), but 100K points? No one can reach that many points without spending a lot of gems or hacking which is obviously happening if you look at the leaderboard.

    Netto JM

    @dylan-bob Before you call the Spear a useless item, I’m sure that at the moment, only the Guitar is better, so for everyone who don’t have the best items for slot, this spear is not useless!, maybe the Rare Mecha Hand have bigger stats, but have some battle with the spear and see for yourself the best option here, and for the other items, I only need the hat for Bomb, I did not play in time they gave the other hat.

    Oh, and the bow, FINALLY a event’s bow with a golden skill, it’s my first one so it’s very useful for me too

    Dylan Bob

    I’ve wanted to know really the spear is not better than guitar. So Thx for knowing me. And i have two guitars haha. I just can’t believe that prizes in an event spending 13 days are not special and stronger than current items.


    Well technically you don’t need to play 13 days to get the event prizes. Just get to 10000pts and you’ll get all the prizes. The new ship is actually great, gold fever bow, gold bomb panels, gold life up. Best bow to date I think (first bow ever with a gold fever boost I’m pretty sure, + the fact that it has 2300atk which is one of the best too).

    Dylan Bob

    I guess getting 20000 points would be in 500 ranking seeing the current situation.


    From the last few events I’d say 30000, it used to be 20000

    Netto JM

    @dylan-bob, You have the guitar? good for you, be happy about it, what the point in have the best weapon for chuck in slots and, after that, a event give away a better one? You will lose your advantage in Chuck’s Master Cup that is coming soon, if events keep giving better items than slots, there is no point in spending gems anymore, so, let the slots at least have the best weapons, while sometimes events give better hats than the slots ones, I’m okay with that.

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