Upcoming Event- Return of the Stone Guard (Elite StoneGuard)

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Upcoming Event- Return of the Stone Guard (Elite StoneGuard)

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  • Pointless

    Lol…yes I am competitive. Not sure why else I’d still be playing this game if it wasn’t for the desire to be first in these Events and Arena. I enjoy the tactical approach to accomplishing these goals, and always examine the best way to get there. Call me nuts, sure, but the game still has allure :)


    @pointless Have you ever come in any place other than 1st in any of these events? Do you play any other game where you’re this competitive?

    Lol no, I won’t call or think of you as nuts because I am also a nutjob (a different kind that is). XD


    I am actually not overly concerned with first, as Snouts matter little, but if it’s there for the taking, darn right I will gun for it.
    I will admit being on the losing Team in Tinker Titan stung, as there was nothing I could do about it, being assigned to a generally disinterested group…

    Often first in Arena, barring the all too common cheaters, but once again it’s the top three I am most concerned about, simply for advancement and the Shards.

    Wheird about the FE…I will borrow your Bird again right now. Let me know if you receive any FE


    This game has gotten really irritating. In 30 min, some guy went from 100K to 150K overtaking first place. I don’t see how that’s possible.


    @pointless Nope, didn’t get one. It’s okay though. I have lots of them, so I don’t have to worry.

    Since the first day after logging in to Facebook (well over after a year), the only FE I got was when @smwforever45 borrowed my Red and that’s it. After that, I haven’t got any FE from anyone (even though they are sending/ borrowing my birds) nor I have seen any requests in my inbox. Not to mention, the daily Piggy rolls and free Piggy FEs have also stopped arriving. My inbox is completely empty whenever I check it.


    In 2 1/2 hours I do my 4th and final run. I’m currently in 4th position at the moment which I’m happy with. My aim was to get ESG which I did do, anything else was a bonus.


    The guy that used to be behind me started a massive grind yesterday (probably using lots of stamina drinks and FE’s… and probably to make it to 3rd place) and I’m 18k behind #5 now. I’ll be happy if I can preserve 2 stars (6th or 7th place), which seems likely. In ~6 hours I’ll get my final GPC run in.


    U should join us on FB earlier to have more FE now ;) But never mind, u will have tons of FE next time ;)

    I am not sure that anyone confirmed it here already: There are only 10 LCs in GCC that drop only from “Golden Mother Pig”. The Golden Pig with lower health in the first wave now have more health (same health as the second Golden Pig there).


    I always wanted to avoid FB, in the legacy of @graugeist who also always avoided using FB and played well :P

    Yeah, they changed it somewhere between my 1st and 2nd run of GPC. On the first run I still got 11 LC’s; on the second run I only got 10 LC’s, but in return, the Golden Pig would still appear on the island each day.


    I avoided FB until this week, after spending 90 LC’s on FE’s to be competitive at the beginning of the Stone Guard event, the influx of free FE’s and ability to use a friends bird much stronger than Piggy McCool have made it worthwhile. The only downside is receiving lower level GP rolls from my new friends who are weaker than my 58 level Piggy McCool.

    I am currently at 134K in first place with enough backup stamina and FE’s to hold off a late rally from the player in second place at 125K. After the Tinker Titan debacle I really hope I get my chance at 6K mastery for all.


    I think the lower level GPM rolls don’t matter as you’ll still get items at your level. Also, if one of your friends has an Advanced GPM you can roll on these too, possibly giving you a higher chance for set items!


    I have been getting items at my level but they are usually zero or one star.


    That’s independent of which friend you get the items from; I get 0- and 1-star items on my own GPM too. All the time. The Arena GPM is a lot more generous.


    Some players are sitting with well over 120K or 105K points and here I am with just 7890 points. XD


    I’m going to hit 100k points in the next battle. :P

    You were only playing for the headgear upgrade anyway. No sweat. :P


    @smwforever45 Yeah, mastery is something I don’t need right now and I have well over 902k Snoutlings so don’t need that either. :P


    OK, my game appears to have been reset to over 48 hours ago. The elite stone guard I achieved 2 days ago has disappeared from my inventory, and the 20 Idols i had are back to 8. I have also lost 2 days worth of dungeon LCs. Strangely enough though, mu point total is accurate. Has anyone else seen this?


    It seems that your game loaded some old progress of yours. If it is true, write it to Rovio and ask them to load your game progress to some date (time) when u have Elite Stone Guard.


    How does one do that?


    Thanks. Done. According to posters on another thread, Rovio is backed up about a month in responding. I need another 12 idols to get the upgrade again, and there’s not enough time left in the event to do that, so I’ll have to hope they give it to me in the future.



    They might but my experiences with Rovio support have been less than glorious before. I’ve rarely seen a less helpful bunch in general. Although, to be fair, one time the person did fix the issue I was having eventually but it was due to the recent bad update, so it was really their fault.

    More recently (2 weeks ago), I immediately reported a very obvious cheater in my Arena group and they didn’t do anything. Guy went from 0 to about 135K points in less than 20 minutes at the start of day 1… Doesn’t get much more obvious than that. He nearly cost me my first Diamond trophy. They clearly don’t don’t give a damn about their users and I did give them some money over time.


    @jim151 That happens when your current save file is rolled back to your old one that was synced last to Rovio’s servers. I’m guessing it’s a mistake from their part.


    I have good experience about Rovio with reloading profile back to most advanced point when I lost my progress.


    @jim151 That happens when your current save file is rolled back to your old one that was synced last to Rovio’s servers. I’m guessing it’s a mistake from their part.

    The weird thing is, my point total is correct.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Upcoming Event- Return of the Stone Guard (Elite StoneGuard)

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