Rovio Classics: Angry Birds has arrived!

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  • GubbyMan

    Anyone else stuck with only 2 stars on 1-7? I spent a lot of time on it without any success. Then I booted up the old game on my old iPhone and got 3 stars twice in a row. It’s sad that the physics changed because it makes some of levels unbalanced.

    I still think this needs its own leaderboard.


    @gubbyman, i was able to one-bird it for 48k and 3 stars. it took a long time but i finally was able to.

    if you think these are different, wait until you get to Ham’Em High. It’s the opposite. In less than a day, I was able to quickly get 3 stars on all levels, 7 overall top scores and topped my Original total by 80k (which i spent countless hours playing as each chapter came out). Since they don’t appear to be making a separate leaderboard, I entered those top 7 scores and jumped to #69 overall.

    In my opinion, it doesn’t seem right to be able to cherry pick scores between the 2 different versions, which I did do. Now that people are able to enter scores from the new version over their Original scores, I don’t think there is any going back. (also, they are posting new walkthrough vids on the original leaderboard)

    Desperate Dan

    Since, as has been described in some detail by @sparty83, Classic scores are significantly different from ABO scores, I have decided that, in the absence of new leaderboards,  not to add Classic scores to the existing leaderboards. Instead, for top scores and new methods, I will register these on the walkthrough pages. I will add scores temporarily for any Challenges though.

    I know a few of the top flingers have already decided not to add Classic scores., seeing them as akin to a new PU. Everyone to their own, but that’s my stance to avoid over corruption of the lists.


    @desperate-Dan,  As Sparty83, I have not entered any Classic scores. As my alter-ego, Sparty83_2, I have entered classic scores. If it’s a top score, I deleted it. (i did this primarily for the ability to compare Original to Classic scores)


    Since Classic has been out for over 2 weeks and the admins have not even made any sort of announcement, I believe there is zero chance they will make a separate leaderboard for classic. If they ever decide to, then I will delete those scores and move them to the new leaderboard.


    In my opinion the @admins silence on this is deafening. No official word on how to address the new classic scores. ( but since an admin changed the leaderboards to allow scores that do not end in zero, implies that there will not be a new leaderboard and they are ok with classic scores loaded into the Original leaderboard)


    My ABO went belly up with the latest Android update.  So I got the AB classic.  We do need a new leaderboard for this one, as it plays and scores differently.  It’s missing parts of ABO as well.  Could the powers that be set one up?


    Desperate Dan

    Think the horse may have bolted on this one. It’s not a huge issue as Classic scores are easily identified (9 times out of 10) and opportunities for improvement are patchy. Probably need to what Rovio do next although I see little appetite for re-entry of hundreds of scores. Don’t think a separate list will work, unfortunately.

Home Forums General Discussions Forum Rovio Classics: Angry Birds has arrived!

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