Rovio please fix Goldbite Grimlock!

In general my level 15 Goldbite Grimlock is struggling to kill certain pigs, can no longer destroy stone and must hit a gold blocks more than once (you have to find them as they fly all over the landscape, like stone) in order to destroy them. Specifically, Goldbite Grimlock seriously struggles in Colbalt Valley (river nodes). He looses hearts when he passes falling monoliths even though he's transformed. He looses hearts when he destroys a walking mortar tower and the mortar ball it produces (even though it was destroyed before it fired). He looses hearts from falling balloon pigs that he's already hit. He looses hearts from shark pigs that he can NO LONGER KILL. I've have spent a month waiting time, hundreds of thousands of coins and hundreds of gems upgrading Goldbite Grimlock. He is a variant character, for "expert users". I don't think it makes sense that he should struggle to do anything maxed-out at level 15 that he was previously proficient at, especially when I have expended all of the required resources and there's nothing left to be done. I feel like you have taken power that I have paid to have. Again. Please return Goldbite Grimlock to full power! Thank you. @gradientturtle7 @arceemega
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