Season 8 known cheaters

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  • Suzy

    @shapokomanbeast @bubbley

    Today MFS started at 51540

    17.05 – 57250
    17.07 – 57510
    17.10 – 57735
    17.15 – 61995



    Yup I saw that, took screenshots. Changed my name ?



    I saw that made me laugh.


    @bubbley; @suzyq

    Way to go ladies, saw your new names lol?


    @shapokomanbeast @bubbley

    Hehehe,do you think he will notice and if so respond?

    I’ve download all the screenshots onto my album, it’s getting rather cluttered. I didn’t write to Rovio last night as I wanted absolute proff Rovio can’t argue with, tonight I got it. I knew I wouldn’t have wait to long as he was falling behind.


    Don’t leave us in the dark. We need screenshots!



    There you go in the above pic?



    I’ve only had one cheat respond to me so who knows but it still made a Manbeast chuckle to see more than just me go after him, well done??


    @bubbley @shapokomanbeast

    I have just sent off a rather long letter to Rovio. I reopened the ticket where I got the brush off letter and added to that. I do actually feel very sorry for customer services as they must be overwhelmed with complaints not of their making in most cases.

    Last week 3 of us did the same thing on the last day.


    It’s like you people are on a crusade to purge cheaters. Look at those names… O.O


    Are you againist purging cheaters?


    @shapokomanbeast @bubbley @suzyq too funny! (although I hope you haven’t poked the bear…)

    My board is an unfortunate mess again, I think I’ll have to fight just to keep from being relegated, what with the cheaters and hard-core grinders:


    The first two are obvious, but #5 posted a big score on day one and little since, so it will only be a matter of time until they once again alter their score. I feel sorry for the others who have invested so much time.



    That sucks man? I don’t know why you’ve been getting crapped on lately but it ain’t right. @roviobeni show yourself and answer for the injustice Rovio has wrought upon us?


    @datguygamer I do want to purge the game of cheats. Why in heavens not? Rovio’s signal lack of success in doing just that will result in the game being purged of honest players who have just had enough. Remember @burbman.


    @kennymcc I don’t have access to those links.


    @pointless. That’s just beyond words. No zeros again this week.

    What is the matter with Rovio?


    @shapokomanbeast @bubbley thanks for the commiserations…I haven’t had such boards ever in all my time in Arena, which has been from day one. I can only conclude that Rovio’s new Arena matching and anti-cheating measures are, once again, a spectacular failure.
    But maybe I should follow bubbley’s karmic reincarnation theme and pretend that maybe I was Stalin or somebody in a past life :)


    @bubbley; @suzyq

    MFS update: Put up 6000 in 20 minutes or under(presumably objectives) hasn’t responded.


    @suzyq @dallasreds I am not against but these names are openly insulting someone (yes, I know he is a cheater). That I don’t like to personally do myself. Since Rovio is in charge, all I want to do if I am in these shoes is to get their ID and send them to Rovio. Openly admitting “you are a loser lol” is a bit harsh, in my opinion. But that’s just me.



    I agree it may seem a bit harsh. In the past I have been having the odd cheat and just reported it. However, in the last 3 weeks I have had multiple cheaters on my board at the same time and again reported it to Rovio. Now I’m totally ticked off by the whole thing.

    Rovio, despite their “best efforts” are unable to get rid of these cheaters. They won’t even manually label them cheaters or reset their scores. I know other people are lucky and their cheaters are dealt with automatically by the computer and feel happy about it for them, but I could scream with frustration when cheaters, even when reported are still showing up on people boards week after week, they are just able to carry on with impunity. Honest players however are losing bonus points, stars and even relegated because of the cheaters, how would you feel if it happened to you every week?

    Last week other people resorted to doing the same thing and before that I have noticed other people doing the same on several boards. People are getting totally FED UP.


    Sorry you are having another bad week:(( The Russian at #2 was on my board last week and reported by me and one other member. I posted the reply, which was disappointing, and had to wait over a week for it, on this thread yesterday, it maybe on the previous page and you didn’t see it.


    My week isn’t going well :( On Monday night I was playing in the Arena and got thrown out of the game, twice, mid game, it took me straight back to the Epic app and had to log in again. Tuesday and Wednesday it happened again. Yesterday, it happened twice early evening and lost 2 lives. Later on about an hour after the new objectives started it happened again, and then again another hour after that so I’m running out of lives :( I’ve never used the 20LC’s facility before, if I did would Rovio give them back to me? I have just reported it to Rovio.

    Jams, who is a grinder managed 24k overnight and just over taken me by a couple of hundred points. So unless I start using LC’s, and I haven’t got that many, I won’t be able to play much if this carries on and will fall down the board from 3rd place.

    Bubbley you are doing really well :):)


    @suzyq I am so sorry you are having such problems with your game. LC are precious. I have only used them in past seasons when my game kept freezing when Chuck or Bomb raged. Rovio did replace them for me but then they asked me to stop using them until they had solved my problem. I missed the whole of Season 5.

    I am doing OK. But my playing time is a very tiny window for the remainder of this week. I won’t even collect the freebies from the event. So who knows where I will end up. Hopefully objectives will be enough to avoid demotion. Although I have concerns about the player in 15th place.

    you no longer play the Arena and perhaps at Level 51 you didn’t deal with cheats week after week. I have had cheats on my board for at least 6 out of 12 weeks in every previous season and it’s worse in this. I grind the Arena because if I didn’t secure 1st or 2nd place I would never advance because cheats would knock me down week after week. Don’t you think that’s insulting especially when they use such names as the player @suzyq @shapokomanbeast and I have to deal with this week?

    @everyone I have sent Rovio a copy of the Cheats list. I await a response.


    @bubbley I played the arena for collecting items and I will start again since there are new set items coming soon. So inadvertently, I may stumble upon some cheater. Not to mention, I may have had cheaters in my board in the past when I played but I have no way to prove that. But it is still a possibility that I have encountered them (in arena and event) but just didn’t realise. However, I still think it’s a bit harsh to call them losers.

    Again, that’s just my opinion. You are free to express your own.

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