Season 8 known cheaters

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Season 8 known cheaters

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  • RedYoshi45

    I don’t get how cheaters are not losers.
    They’re obviously not good enough at the game to put up a legit score. If they were, they wouldn’t cheat.


    @smwforever45 They may be but I personally don’t have the mentality of “rubbing it in your face” thing. I just go by my way. There’s no need to be so aggressive about it, at least that’s what I believe.

    As I said, I will start arena again and if I find a cheater, I’ll just report him/her. That’s about it. I won’t go to such lengths to change my username for such a trivial thing. If I don’t advance, I’ll just try next week.


    @datguygamer have you read his name? I think our response is pretty mild in comparison. Children play this game for goodness sake.



    I really don’t think we are being aggressive, just stating facts. If anyone is “rubbing their face in it” it is the cheaters themselves doing it to us by blatantly cheating week after week and probably having a good laugh at the same time.

    Anyway, I can see that we will have to agree to differ on this point with no hard feelings.


    @suzyq an act of aggression is to blatantly state to every honest player in the league that honesty has no value!

    You are far too nice!


    @bubbley @suzyq Truth of the matter is, unless Rovio decide to do something about it, all you guys are doing is getting worked up over someone who is chilling in the background without any qualms. As suzy said, he probably laughs it off as well. If he wants to cheat, he will cheat no matter how much you insult him.



    At first I thought you were joking and though I will not insult you because you are part of this community your comments are laughable to the rest of us. Your bias has been shown in our previous debate about injustices betweeen ABT &ABE when you wouldn’t acknowledge the arena once but rather harped on the injustice in ABT events.

    For the record, out of respect for you I did take time to look at the ABT board but politely never commented back because I didn’t see the overwhelming cries for justice compared to ABE that you said I would find. It took me somewhere between 13 to 15 pages of threads to find a thread called holy cheaters which linked to a single event thread(silverbird or something like that I think). There was on the opening page of threads a thread about the recent update in which a member(riccone or something) told everyone to let Rovio know how they feel but even in that thread there was just a smattering of grumbles on par with what you see from players like us.

    We have been doing what you have said we should for over a year and Rovio while they have tried some things to combat it by their own admission haven’t tried to aggressively go after these ones(you tell me why, I think we both know the answer since they have already admitted to keeping cheater profiles as opponents in the arena because I quote “every player faces the same obstacles”. Everyone that is except the cheats themselves).

    If you have a problem with me insulting MyF–ksmile tag me directly next time. Don’t pour salt in the wounds of others who are sick and tired of the injustice in this game(an injustice you feel pales in comparison with other games). I would argue that MFS insults our intelligence and our morality in the way they play. Keep in mind this is essentially a children’s game and if you want to point out that a 38 yr.old such as myself being so emotionally invested in such a game is kind of sad, I wouldn’t argue that. However being that it is meant for younger audiences players should keep their foul language to themselves and not by their own design use custom font to skirt the established rules. I fully realize as well that this MFS could be a child himself(when I say child I am including later teens as well) but even if he is I have no problem telling him he is a loser when he has been cheating like this for months and a.) either knows that he is angering others by his actions and doesn’t care or b.)is oblivious to the plight of others and in that case I don’t mind if I shake him to his senses(although in reality he probably doesn’t care either way).

    In addition to that Rovio themselves have said that they would shame cheaters and for the most part have been unsuccessful in doing so. Since they are incapable of doing so and have admitted that they have no intention of going after individual cheats l cit is left up to us players in the arena to fend for ourselves and we are implementing vigilante justice(do you hate Batman as well??). I myself am tired of keyboard warriors hiding behind their anonymity and hurting others either intentionally or by ignorance so I will expose them for what they are even if it has very little impact on them. Unless you are telling me MFS is a winner for jumping into the arena 15 minutes a day to post 6000 points here and there while others grind for hours to accumulate their scores all the while having to check if the player with what they consider an offensive name posts 20000 points in under an hour of playing time. If so then that is another conversation.

    Alas once again this has taken me over an hour to post so if you feel the need to respond know that I won’t answer back. You have certainly earned the right to do so as you may feel as strongly about your opinion as I do mine and you have helped out way more people than I on this site. However if you really want to be helpful you can stop prodding the people who feel injustice in this game that you can’t relate to.

    EDIT- Just saw your above post and just so you know I’m actually not that worked up about MFS since he’s not in the top 3 but that is why I threw in LOL after my comment because his classlessness makes me laugh and I am all too happy to sink to his level after all I am a Manbeast ?


    @suzyq; @bubbley

    Yeah jams has earned everything he’s gotten but they didn’t play much on Sunday on the opening day of the week so there is hope they are grinding hard before the weekend because they don’t have time on the weekend?


    I agree with @bubbley resources are precious so don’t feel pressured to use it but if you do cite the injustices of the freezes there’s a good chance you will get reimbursed as I have in the past?



    Wow, I always wondered about that Sare Instagram guy because I often face his elite guardian as a lone participant in the arena and his single bird power is quite high


    I have been thinking about it and well @shapokomanbeast @smwforever45 @bubbley @suzyq @dallasreds, I am sorry for poking around where I shouldn’t have been. My apologies.

    If it helps you any better in this regard, I emailed Rovio (the only one related to cheating) in detail about the different methods there are to modify scores (both from within the game and outside). I know about 17 of these methods and I sent them all. (However, can’t say if they will do anything with these or not.) I figured reporting the cheaters won’t help if the methods themselves are not corrected. However, in doing so I don’t know how this will affect later on since I usually snoop around the files when updates come and they may patch it altogether. They also didn’t reply. Maybe they want to keep it a secret. Well, anyway.

    Once again, sorry to all who has been doubting me. I was basically thinking from an aesthetic standpoint as to how these may affect our behavior and such but I didn’t clearly think about both sides of the story. Maybe I should have thought a bit deeper than that. I’ll take my leave now. Thanks.


    @suzyq @shapokomanbeast I have just found time to do my objectives but before doing so I entered the event and changed my name back to Bubbley not realising it would change in the Arena. Before I played anything my event board populated. To my horror this is what appeared.


    Jams is in our Arena league.


    Mh, is that a bad thing? On the screenshots that you guys posted, Jams wasn’t cheating. Just grinding a LOT. Can happen when the grindbeast @shapokomanbeast strikes. :P


    @datguygamer we all know where your heart is, and I don’t think any malintent was construed. You help us all, and differences of opinion really is what these pages should be about. I see both sides, and while it irks me to have cheaters on my board, I also get the overall picture, in Rovio’s muddled way. There is nothing really any of us can do about the problem, Rovio included apparently, so we must deal with the issue as it stands, to each their own.



    Oh you have been busy so you must be late to the party(although you may know by now) this is a glitch and even @poptimus was labelled a cheater? Of course we know he’s not? I have kept a close eye on Jams and they are just grinding these points slowly but on certain days they played up to 6 hours a day. Have to give credit where credit is due Jams is just a grinding machine.

    As I expressed before there is hope that they have no time to grind on the weekend so we’ll see, they didn’t put much up today?


    Grind beast? Haha I love it, that will be my new alias? Usually my strategy deters grinders as I know all too well how frustrating it is to grind a lot of points yet someone grinds even more? It appears Jams is not easily deterred or smelled blood in the water with @bubbley ‘s heavy schedule this week and wanted to be in top 3. Any other week and bubbley would’ve dusted them. Either way you got to give them their props



    Thanks for doing that for us. As I said you’ve helped a lot of people on this site and even though I know you don’t think this puts you on a pedestal know that a lot of us highly respect your opinions and knowledge. I have thought about the insulting language and admit I still have conflicted feelings on the matter.

    I can’t speak for others but as I said earlier you have earned the right to voice your opinions in my mind and I wouldn’t have minded if you had done so earlier, I just know that I felt strongly on the matter and judging from their comments the others did as well.

    I like this forum because everyone should have the rights to their opinions and have people respect them even if they don’t agree with them and I feel that no matter what at the end of the day we’re all friends. I’m glad that you feel the same way judging by your comments.

    And even though you didn’t request it from us we did change our names. I changed mine to MyFSisn’tverynice:( Suzy changed it to StopCheating and bubbley is back to being her bubbley self. I hope this post finds you well and thanks for reaching out to Rovio on all our behalfs?


    I may not respond to anybody over the next couple days as my phone can’t charge(something got stuck in the charger area and can’t get it out)and I’m down to 3% battery life. Will try to activate my iPad but make take forever cuz old??



    I agree with @shapokomanbeast latest comments in reply to your post. But I also want to say thank you for all the help and information you’ve given me and others on the forum, it’s always greatly appreciated.

    Hopefully, you will carry on the good work you have been doing, don’t ever feel that you are “poking your nose in” because your not :)

    A big shame on Rovio that they couldn’t take the time to say thank you as it’s very rude not to.


    Very sorry you are having problems with your phone, I just hope you can breathe new life into your iPad.

    When I saw Jams score this morning it made me smile, because my goal last night was also to get to 108k too before I turned in for the night. Unfortunately, when I got to nearly 104k the gremlins struck again and I got thrown out of the game, so I decided to stop.

    I don’t begrudge Jams their place because they worked hard for it. I’m concerned that I won’t be able to stay ahead of Fighter because she is living up to her name as she is also a grinder. Again, I won’t begrudge her place if she does as she earned it honestly.


    @shapokomanbeast yes very late to the party. Got home about 1 in the morning. @poptimus is certainly not a cheat. Can’t Rovio get anything right?

    I had no intention of doing much in the event don’t need anything it offers so I haven’t played a single battle. At this point I am the only one on my board not labelled “Cheater”.

    Glad Jams is not I didn’t think they were but haven’t been able to keep a close eye.

    So sorry about your phone. Old iPad might have trouble with this game. It wouldn’t run on mine. Apparently I didn’t have enough Ram, I don’t really know what that is. I can’t explain how to find out how much you have I had to look at the box for mine. Keeping everything crossed that it works.


    @datguygamer apologies for not responding earlier I was away until late yesterday. I think we are all grown up enough to know that we are all friends in this forum. You have been a great help to me and others and I know we are all grateful. Especially me, however, since the little I do understand about the workings of this game is because of your help.

    Everyone has a right to an opinion, a very precious right that must be cherished. I bear your no malice and I’m sure you intended none. It’s time to move on.


    A blast from my past. RAM – Random Accessible Memory. Old people like me start losing it. Bonus points. ROM – Read only Memory. Ha! Hope your board is good to everyone. I am on the most evenly curved board. My hold is on # 15. There is always next week.



    Managed to get the only pebble out of my charger so phone is back up, was pleasantly surprised to see you in first? You earned it! Will only put up massive points if Jams threatens our 1-2 ranking so congrats? Hopefully Jams and Fighter don’t attempt any foolishness on the last day, I can get up to 150000 if need be but would rather have a relaxing evening.



    Thx for the info on iPad, couldn’t get hooked up to internet anyways so it didn’t work. Got my phone up & running soI’m back in business but won’t place well in the event either?


    @pointless @bubbley @suzyq @shapokomanbeast

    Thanks for the support. Hopefully, the info I sent them has an effect on your efforts.

    Also, “grindbeast” is a name, I can really support.



    Oh goody you’re back. As you haven’t been around for ages I thought maybe I ought to get on with it so was grinding all afternoon to put some space between Jams and myself.

    I just tip toed past you and felt a bit guilty. But I knew if you did manage to get back on line you could take your rightful place again as you have no problems grinding. So I’m handing back the ABN banner back to you as it will be in safe hands knowing that Jams won’t get past you.

    Maybe I shouldn’t ask, and you don’t have to answer, but how did you manage to get a pebble in your charger????

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Season 8 known cheaters

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