Season 8 known cheaters

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Season 8 known cheaters

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  • ShapokoManbeast


    Drats! Grindbeast is already taken, still love the name though?


    Don’t feel guilty at all, I don’t care about 1st or 300 snouts. My primary objective has always been for us to finish 1-2-3 no matter what the order. Understandably @bubbley was very busy but she still did an amazing job posting the points she did. If not for facing Jams it might have been doable but as I said you have to give them credit, there were a couple days they must have played for 6 hours?


    I think we would all like to hear Rovio’s response if you asked them if they felt you were a cheater. I suspect though that it’s as @datguygamer has said, the higher points you get in arena the better chance you have of being placed in a league full of super grinders and cheaters?



    Was helping my neighbor shingle his roof and somehow a shingle pebble wedged itself inside the charger area. I used to have a life proof case which shields it but it broke down in less than a year and didn’t want to spend 90$ to get a new one, might have to though?


    @shapokomanbeast Then how about “Beast Man”? Sounds cool.

    That problem is basically a double trouble. Grind less and you are stopped from advancing, grind more and you’ll be paired with heavy hitters (maybe with a cheater mixed in). So basically, pick your poison.

    Don’t worry, when I get back to the arena (which is very soon considering 1.5.3 is about to come), I’ll try to figure out if there is a workaround for that problem or not. :)




    I am just happy it wasn’t human bodily waste.Think earwax, Sorry I to go w my first thought.
    I shingled houses several times but that was in my youth before cell phones!


    Nuff said.


    @dallasreds Sorry, but I don’t get it. What do you mean by nuff said?


    What I meant was with your reply that I think everything is good w you and me and everyone else too. Thanks



    I’m not worried either as my objectives are the same as yours. Yes, @bubbley has worked so hard keeping up and has done so well. She is a real trooper. If she hadn’t been time limited she would definitely been with us and fingers crossed she still might be.

    I agree the other two worked really hard as well.

    Sorry for being nosy, but was really intrigued, thanks for answering. Next time if you’re doing that sort of thing put it in a plastic bag :)


    @dallasreds Oh, okay. Thanks for the clarification and the support.

    EDIT: And with that I just realized I still haven’t uploaded a profile pic even though I have tons of them to choose from in my album. BRB.


    @dallasreds Earwax? There’s plenty of that in my old in-ear headphones. Ever since I use on-ear headphones instead, the earwax problem is gone, but I now have a hair problem instead :P

    got himself a profile pic? Holy maccaroni. I got so used to him having no pic XD



    Yeah Beast Man is pretty cool too? Love the new profile pic as well. Will look forward to seeing you in the arena when the patch comes in and hopefully more of us ABN members will be on the same boards with the matchmaking system they have now. Regardless of the outcome it was fun to play in the same league with a couple fellow ABN members this past week?


    Sorry to be demented but if body waste got in but was so solid it couldn’t get out I should probably seek medical help immediately?


    Thanks for the good advice on the plastic bag? Haven’t started playing yet today so I will see what Jams has done and act accordingly?


    @shapokomanbeast Yeah, having a familiar face in the boards makes it a fun week to compete. Maybe we will be paired. It’s funny how I have never fought anyone or been paired anyone here from the ABN ever.

    Yes, I suddenly had a divine realization that I never bothered with a profile pic in all these months. So, I immediately rushed. :P


    One of the ABE players registred 4 cheaters on his board, WTF.
    All of them are already known cheaters.


    TG is a known cheat too. So that’s 5.
    Never heard of Arty, I’d say his score is clean though.

    I think Sky_Spy is uncreative with his scores; 203,675 has been his score on previous leaderboards I think :)


    That player didnt find TG as cheater but that doesnt mean that he was not cheating :)


    @kennymcc thanks for all your info a couple of new poeple to add.

    please could you let me have the names of all your cheats. I really hope you have a fair board this week.


    I have updated the list. There is more to come when @pointless is awake.



    It is of note that SARE23007-INSTAGRAM and Golden.Skyway appeared on 2 different boards.

    Only 2 players were reset.


    @suzyq Neokstead put up 6360 in 2 hours 20 min may be possible legitimately. No move from STAKIS.



    I haven’t been able to follow the scoring for most of the day due to having no electricity. That’s one of down sides to living in Turkey, you never know when it will happen and for how long.

    I noticed that Neokstead had jumped, will keep an eye on them. Sakis was 200 odd points first thing, but when I logged in again he was 5038. Probably just doing his objectives, but that’s the time they jump as well hoping no one will notice.

    Whilst I am just behind you I don’t intend to pass you, I just want to be a buffer, because you did an amazing job last week and want to help you stay in the top 3 :)


    if you got this it was a mistake


    Thanks for keeping us updated. I see several on a regular basis. I don’t understand why Rovio can’t search the database and yank them out.



    Hope you have a good board this week :)


    @suzyq SAKIS now has 6.5k. Don’t worry about passing me I don’t mind at all. Jams will grind his way up. If we are able to catch a cheat I will change my name. It had an effect last week because several of us did it and if that is the only way to shame them into stopping I have no qualms.


    @dallasreds Rovio have stated that they are not planning to ban individuals so they will remain a thorn in our sides. As I said earlier I think they need them to populate the Arena at a high level. I can’t think of any other reason they would want to keep them in the game.

    How are you doing this week?

    By the way you are still not in my friends list. Perhaps if I send you another request and you accept it will solve the problem.


    @bubbley the cheats present last week on my board are already on your list (Primer_Lugar and the Russian). I am not 100% willing to call the third a cheat, as I didn’t collect definitive evidence.

    And after looking at your new list, I also have Knuckle on my board this week :(


    I started late again and my board has just filled up completely.
    No name from the list is on my board. Just one for the nonexistent “Crazy names” list: One guy on my board calls himself “FxxUxxR.O.v.i.O”

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Season 8 known cheaters

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