Season 8 known cheaters

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    @bubbley Thank you. I will just say that there is no way to complete the daily objectives and top it up by 2k in 5 minutes, period. Draco’s a cheaterling-ding alright.


    Here is the updated list. Now in alphabetical order for ease of use. No players were reset ( permanently) last week.

    Good luck this week.




    @bubbley Are you referring to 犯我中华,虽远必诛 on page 18?


    @bubbley Great job! Thank you so much for your diligence + hard work maintaining that list. It’s much appreciated.


    @toolow yes that’s the one. I can copy that now. Many thanks.

    I also for got to put STAKIS on the list. He was in my own league.

    you are welcome.



    I have an Alex on my board but don’t know if it’s the one on your list?


    @suzyq I will check to see if I have an avatar. I think not. You might have to watch. I think I have at least two cheats one definitely I just caught gaining 1100 point in ten minutes. All objectives long ago completed.

    I am tired of this.



    Don’t worry about looking for an avatar, I’ll just keep an eye on him. Sorry to hear you have at least 2 cheaters :( I have got AVS and Primer_Lugar maybe more.

    I wonder if things will get any better regarding cheaters when we get the update? I really hope so.


    @suzyq OK. I don’t know what the update will bring but we can’t find out until next season. I probably won’t play. I have neither the time nor the inclination to grind several hours a day. From what I’ve seen in the last 7 weeks the only legitimate players are those who have hours of spare time or an army of family to help them.


    @bubbley @suzyq the “Alex” I had as a cheater a few weeks ago did not have an avatar, if this helps at all.

    And I am in the same boat, if nothing is done about these “players” and the leagues we have been assigned to as of late, I am also done with Arena after this season. It is nowhere even close to fun anymore.


    I told you guys that all you likely need to do to avoid most cheaters is to simply stop grinding like crazy so you’re not sent into a league with these guys. Me and @angryde follow that and we barely have any trouble. It may take a bit longer, but you’ll still make it to Diamond, and with a lot less effort and time spent at that. But none of you read the post where I said that :(


    @smwforever45 Your suggestion makes sense as most cheaters and grinders would probably be ahead of everybody else and fight among themselves in the higher leagues early. Staying behind of this wave should make it a lot easier to progress.

    I got to Diamond league without grinding and met very few cheaters on the way, only to find myself in a cheaters league last week. Relegation was a certainty without any grinding. Perhaps some of us just find the prospect of dropping down a league, especially late in a season, unpalatable.


    @smwforever45 it is as @toolow has said. It is not an issue of reaching Diamond per se, rather what is happening upon reaching this level. If waiting to work up in the leagues is something that is effective for you, all the power to you, yet why should we, those that invest the time in Arena, be punished? It simply is not working as it stands, and will result in a mass exodus, which cannot be good for Rovio at all.


    @bubbley On my board, Moa has just jumped from ~8k to ~40k, trailing Draco by 4k. And 豪爽呀 had jumped from ~7800 to ~20k earlier.


    @toolow so sorry to read this. MOA @shapokomanbeast warned about and I did mention them with the first list. At the time he wasn’t sure if they still played. We have our answer. Is this a new Chinese cheat? Do they have an avatar?


    @smwforever45 I read your post. Yes I might reach Diamond later but then what? This started in week 5 if three poeple in my league had not been reset to zero I would not have reached Diamond that week. So the next – I would still have to invest time I don’t have without neglecting other things. I play the Arena for shards it lost its charm long ago. For me there is no point in playing when there is no prospect of achieving my goal.

    Rovio never look before they leap.


    @bubbley @pointless

    Thank you for that info. My “Alex” does have an avatar.

    I too have been thinking about what to do when the new season starts for several weeks now. I will wait and see who is on my board next week before deciding.


    Yes, I did read your post and understood what you said. I didn’t grind so much last week and not grinding much this week either. But to me there is something very wrong about having to do that. If I get on a board next week with no cheaters and have to grind to get in the top 3 to advance I could be back with them the following week:( The point of playing in the Arena is to get to Diamond, if I can’t even advance there seems no point in playing. I can’t bear the thought of being stuck in Wood forever.

    Some cheaters have already adapted the way they play by not posting huge scores in 1 hit. So now it makes me wonder how long it will be before they start appearing on all of the boards?

    A couple of weeks ago there were about 30 Cheaters on the list, today there are 49!!!

    posted saying he had identified at least 17 different ways to cheat so I can only see that our list of cheaters getting longer!!

    It’s a real shame as Epic was a really good game until all these cheaters came along :( :(


    @smwforever45 another piece of information that @datguygamer mentioned was that once you reach a certain score Rovio will find ways to stop you. Or words to that effect. It would appear that I among others here have already reached that score.

    Perhaps I will wish to play again if I miss a season but honestly if Rovio does not solve the cheat problem I am not sure I could bear it. I didn’t start by having a huge score but I had cheats in my league week 2 of season 1. It has continued ever since. I used to believe that 6 out of 12 weeks were free of cheats. Now I know that was not the case. Many of the players I battled against I did not watch closely now that we are meeting them again and we are all watching closely, I realise that they have always cheated. I doubt if I have had more than half a dozen weeks free of cheats in all the time I have played. The game is supposed to be fun.


    @suzyq Increase that number to 25 now. When I said that statement earlier, I overlooked some of the other files which I thought were useless. Turns out they are actually more useful than I gave them credit for.

    Not EXACTLY “stop you” per se but “hinder you” would be a great way to describe it. Thankfully they at least removed the flawed system where grinders would be zero-ed. At least that’s not happening anymore.


    @suzyq @shapokomanbeast @pointless @toolow @datguygamer @smwforever45 @kennymcc @angryde @everyone. I have received a reply from Rovio and it’s just stunning!



    @bubbley Jesus wept! Suddenly, so much is making – a terribly perverse – kind of sense! Honestly, Bubs, someone at Rovio needs to be taken out the back and shot for this… :-/ I’m so, so sorry. At least, on one supremely disturbing level, you’ve an answer… :-/



    At least they’re acknowledging that they know you’re an honest player? Obviously not much of a silver lining, but it’s better than being labeled a cheater intentionally, right?


    @bubbley I am shocked by that fact, and even moreso by the admission from Rovio. So we are being punished (even if inadvertent) by being players who took the time to be successful in Arena?


    @pointless @smwforever45 @shapokomanbeast @suzyq @kennymcc @bubbley @poptimus @angryde

    Here’s a thought and my two cents and I am sure others will agree with me:

    Have you noticed how every time they say “cheater leaderboards”? Why even have a leaderboard for cheaters? Will they compete with each other to win exclusive cheater frames and cheater badges/trophies along with a brand new Golden Arena Cheater Machine with all new cheater items and such? Will they be able to spin the exclusive cheater wheel of misfortune? Why would you even consider making such a thing when in reality it shouldn’t even exist?

    You know why they exist? You want to know the reason? Because peer count. Anyone who is connected to the game is a peer and the server leeches off data from those peers. The more the peers = more data = more money from advertisers and sponsors and marketing campaigns and more payload on systems = being able to show “1 MILLION PLAYERS WORLDWIDE!!” = more popularity on social media and platforms via more advertising = more walkthroughs and views on those videos which is based off their game thus generating curious people garnering more popularity thus meaning more downloads = repeat the whole cycle from start = profit. I told ya’ll that they very well know about it.

    In the end, it all comes down to those papers, cold hard cash.

    EDIT: My game force updated and guess what? Much like most people, my birds are now randomly strong and/or weak. Balancing Joel, balancing. Sooooo much for balancing.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Season 8 known cheaters

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