Season 8 known cheaters

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  • Bubbley

    @angryjohnny no I copied it wrongly. I have rechecked it is now word for word. I can’t post it here. I suppose a screen shot might work but it will be far too small to read.


    @kennymcc not really but cheaters has another e.


    @kennymcc I know how you feel…

    Another “player” joined my league (now up to 11), and…(of course):


    another one for the list.

    What really scares me is there are still four spots not populated. I believe these cheaters are joining a week late, as there is obviously no need to worry about completing the dailies. I am getting really sick of these “players”.



    I had both Say and Ss on my board last week. They both posted a score on the first day and didn’t bother again until the weekend when they posted huge scores taking #1 and #2 places :(


    @suzyq I thought I remembered Say being mentioned before, but didn’t see the name on @bubbley ‘s list, so I thought I’d mention the “player” again. Not even attempting to pretend they are anything but a cheating scoundrel, are they?


    I guess all that matters to them is a quick and dirty win, and imagining the others on the board rage like the Angry German Kid and/or start to cry. :(

    EDIT: But it seems that what @datguygamer said about the 1.5.2 update bringing high-scoring people together with other high-scoring people would probably explain why I rarely ever meet cheaters, and so far haven’t met a single one since the update. I reached Diamond later than all of you, and I don’t usually collect as many points as some of you guys do.

    Honestly, if Rovio can manage to bring high-scoring people together to play with each other, they could also create a “Cheater”-type league where the cheaters battle for… IDK? Definitely not 1,400 snouts and 10 shards :P I’d say that everyone that is in this league and actually cheats, would instantly have all game progress taken away. :P
    If someone was to play normally inside the Cheater league, however, they could maybe be sent back to a normal league. But as soon as they’re caught again – BAM – back to the cheaters.



    Doesn’t do any harm to mention names again :) I agree they are being totally blatant about it now.

    After reading @bubbley post with the reply from Rovio on the previous page, it seems that these cheaters could be around until Rovio can work out how they are still managing to cheat even though they say their ‘fix’ works.


    I must be very lucky because I’ve only had one blatant cheater so far (guy named “VinCon”). This week, I started slow and ended up6th after the first day. I’m now first and I didn’t grind that much. A couple others do but I can see they stop after their 3 strikes as 1 stopped very close to me this morning.

    Really hope Rovio smacks down harder on the cheaters though…


    @pointless what can I say. I had 8 cheats I guess you are going for the record. Kinda suits your style. But seriously Say / is on the list. I know I’m new to this business of posting interesting bits but really! Martinis? He will remain with us as do the others. Rovio have admitted they have no interest in punishing the cheats. The cheats know it so why should they not be blatant.

    It’s really stupid. Do Rovio want to end with only cheats playing? They certainly won’t spend any money.


    @bubbley that is the inexplicable part of this whole thing. What does Rovio gain from this? I know we have posed this question before, but we really don’t have an answer.

    And maybe I will get this dubious “record”, as I am beginning to think my whole board are cheaters (save the Roman Ukraine player, we have actually been having an interesting back and forth battle that has been completely overshadowed by the multitude of cheaters).

    2016-10-07-15-21-55 (1).jpg

    The Asian (Japanese?) player has now thrown their hat in the ring, going from ~8K to this in the last minute. Still with only 11 players, this could get gruesome…I will try and laugh about it, but I had better not finish bottom three and be relegated.



    “we are not currently not focusing our efforts towards removing or banning individual cheaters…”

    I think Rovio is talking in code hoping to confuse the cheaters since Rovio can’t do anything to them permanently.

    I think this is Barvarian grammar that they are using or it may be interplanetary grammar.

    It burns me up for any of you to have MULTIPLE CHEATERS or even one.


    In a few weeks time a new season will start, and my biggest fear is will I be stuck in Wood forever due to the amounts of cheaters I am getting taking up the top 3 positions?


    @pointless the only thing I can think is that Rovio need them to populate the Arena at a high level. I certainly regularly play these cheats. There must be hundreds of cheats otherwise why are so many appearing on our boards?

    I still fail to understand why they are not demoted when honest players are. Ok Rovio have no intention to punish them but why favour them? It’s senseless.

    I hope you can stay out of the bottom three. That was my fear last week.


    @suzyq yes that’s the delightful proposition we have to look forward to next season. I will play because I am curious to know whether cheats who are reset advance. We know demotion is out of the question. If Rovio let them advance I may well bin this game.



    I’ve decided until the new season starts that I’m just going to do my daily objectives and do just enough grinding to keep me out of the bottom 3.

    Don’t know if I do that whether it will help to shake off the cheaters because I’m won’t be posting such high scores, but I’m going to give it a try.


    A fifth “player” has altered their score (a new one, I believe, @bubbley ):


    So that makes five confirmed cheats, with at least two more known offenders, on a board still with only 11 members.



    So very sorry that this happening to you as it’s totally unfair. If the cheaters are proving to Rovio that they can beat their system, I can only say they have won hands down as it seems there are too many of them dominating the boards now.


    @pointless a new one. I have a feeling that your board is populated but they have yet to complete the first battle. It sucks. On the other hand they might not because they have not been punished. Is there any particular reason you only have 54k?

    I have 90k a little more than usual for Diamond league but I have cheats in waiting and I would like to try to achieve the top three. I am playing the Arena for shards which is why I go for those positions. Yes I know that from what @datguygamer has said I will be targeted by Rovio but that fact annoys me. This is a game I play for pleasure – fast vanishing.

    Good luck my friend.


    @bubbley to be honest, my will to grind has evaporated this week. Yes, I could have ground way more, yet what is the point if the players can just recheat to get ahead again? I am first amongst the non-cheaters, and that’s enough for me right now.


    @bubbley Don’t worry, by target, you won’t be reset anymore. You can grind. That thing about targeting even honest players is gone now.


    @pointless yes I know how you feel. I would probably try to push the cheats to something more outrageous in the hope they will be caught. However since Rovio seem to think that they are cheating in a different way since the update they most likely would avoid detection.

    thanks for the info. When did that happen? Does that mean I won’t constantly get put in a league with several cheats?


    @bubbley No, you might get put in a league with a cheater. It is possible BUT remember when I said if you grind too much, you have a chance of getting reset because you having a giant leap over others will make the system think that you are a cheater. THAT won’t happen anymore. Even if you grind, you may get paired in tough leagues BUT you yourself won’t be reset anymore even if you have 170K points while the 2nd is with 20K points.
    If you are playing honestly, that part won’t play a part anymore. That’s what I meant.


    @datguygamer thank you. It’s good to know.



    That is very good news, many thanks :)

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