Season 8 known cheaters

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    And of course with less than an hour left, Ss and HoHo (they changed their name to Huy_Vam or something, don’t know why, as there is obviously no retribution coming from Rovio) have altered their scores. Somewhat amusing, in that bitter, wry, way, to watch the top three “fight” over first.


    So clearly evident is that Rovio doesn’t care, and that any anti-cheating system is either gone again, or easily bypassed. Next week will be very telling, as I won’t be continuing with Arena (and maybe Epic itself) if this is Rovio’s attitude to us committed, honest players.


    Ouch, seems that you got all the jerks right now :(
    I don’t get how THIS could be missed by Rovio. Any score above 200,000 should be auto-banned because NOBODY plays THIS much.

    But it can’t get much worse from now right…? I think your next week will be better, especially since you ranked worse this week you’ll probably be more likely to get into an “easier” league.


    @smwforever45 here’s hoping…I’d say it couldn’t get any worse, but then I would be jinxing myself. The crazy part about last week was that my board only had 12 players to the end, with 7 of them being cheating &$%&ers.


    So the board wasn’t fully populated even? I wish Rovio was at least honest and would show ALL the players in the league from the start like they did before. Your board probably had 15 players but zero-scorers are not shown.

    Seven cheaters are seven too many. :(


    What are you doing to attract cheaters? … thanks for taking a big one for the team.


    @smwforever45 I know… I kept expecting new cheats to appear to fill the board. Even the bottom three held my attention, as they sat at a few thousand all week. I was waiting for the cheating, to be honest, which probably wasn’t fair to them, as they suffered along with me. Nobody was demoted with only 12 on the board, so there’s that at least.

    thanks…more than happy to be cannon fodder for you all :/


    Well at least you’re not the only one mad about cheaters…
    This week’s new league of mine contains a person with the name “CheatingSlags”.



    That is so sad it’s funny. Rovio looks completely idiotic to say they are clamping down on cheaters and then let a board like this exist. I haven’t experienced this yet but am sympathetic to this abomination of a board?



    Glad this week is over for you. I really hope this week will be much better for you. I managed to come 3rd in the end. TG who got 500k in the final seconds of the week before didn’t go any higher than 63k in the end, which I found strange as I sure they would take one of the top 3 places.

    I hope you will send Rovio the screenshot.


    The irritating thing is that I consistently meet these “players” in Arena…rubs salt in the wound, so to speak.

    But I did just meet HoHo (or Huy_Vam as they like to be known as now), and took overt pleasure is absolutely destroying their Team, and spinning max 260 to boot :)


    @pointless I really hope you continue. I constantly think about when I will give up because this is not fun any more. The thing is I can’t at the moment anyway let the cheats win. Why? I have no clue because Rovio are happy for them to win. Yes it’s fun slaughtering a cheat!

    @suzyq I see you both! Great at least we can between us try to put them down. We have one. My personal most hated player – it’s his name; drives me insane.


    @everyone I will post a new list. The sad thing is that not a single cheat was reset in week 9. Rovio are not winning this battle. The question is: are they really trying?


    Maybe the Rovio employees received death threats from the cheaters so now they decided to take all anti-cheat measurements back? I dunno, if I worked at Rovio I would maybe know more…



    He who shall not be named is indeed a bane to the ABN community. At least let’s make him cheat so that all 3 of us can report him and complain not only about the cheating but that the name is even allowed for so many months.

    I can basically put up to 200000 points this week if need be but am always willing to step aside so you ladies can take top 3 this week considering the rough week you and suzyq had earlier.


    @shapokomanbeast the one thing that bothers me is the name is not quite the same and the avatar. Are there two? Or does just the one think we are idiots? We shall see.
    I can’t put up that much simply because I don’t have the time. Go for it my friend I have no problem being behind an honest man as I’m sure does Suzy.


    @smwforever45 well you seemed not to be sure where you were going so here is your chance. A job for a few weeks. The diligent could learn a vast amount. Goodness you could probably put the whole thing to rights but beware the Board they will definitely put a spanner in the works.

    Good luck this week.


    I have faced many of the cheaters y’all have noted in the last two weeks over and over. It makes my skin crawl just to see their names. Rovio is not interested in removing them from the pool or they would have done it by now w all the info you have provided to them.


    While working there would surely have some advantages, I also see some things hindering me:
    1. I’m not quite done with studying yet. I’d like to finish off Political Sciences first before I move on and look for a job (or attach a degree in Mathematics or IT or something).
    2. Unless I was to move to Finland (which is unlikely since I do not know the language at all, I’d have to travel 1,800 km every day. 26 hours to Espoo near Helsinki, 26 hours back. Not quite convenient :P
    2a. On the other hand, I’m not even sure if Rovio would be the right company to head to. In fact, it’s Chimera in Munich that made the game. That’s a LOT closer to my residence.
    3. I’d rather work at a company I trust. Nintendo for example. They have good games and a good DLC policy and I’ve been a die-hard fan of them since my childhood. Rovio, on the other hand, is just another by now. And I don’t know Chimera enough to judge them.
    4. I may not be the Yoshi anymore that you all know and love. I would likely replace my English with Rovio/Chimera language, and lose all of my critical spirit.
    5. Even if all the above weren’t an issue – what am I supposed to change in just a few weeks? I’d be a trainee at best, or have an internship at worst. I’d probably spend more time making coffee for the other employees than actually working on the game.


    And this is new…cheating and mocking me at the same time? My blood boils..




    It is time for you to call in the X-wing fighters or something….


    @dallasreds I’ve always been partial to those speedy little A-Wings…


    Hm. “Hueco” is Spanish for “empty” or “hole” according to Google Translate. Or maybe his way of mocking is to copy others’ names…

    I know this guy’s picture from somewhere, though…



    Please go for it and have fun. I am busy with visitors this week so won’t have so much time :(

    When I went to bed last night we were 1,2,3 but saw everyone had been playing and putting up some good scores when I looked this morning.


    I guess it’s possible there are 2 of them or maybe same person with 2 accounts? The one showing on the board is the one I’ve been facing. But one thing is certain they are both cheaters, but as you said we will see what transpires.


    I’ve seen boxers before a fight taunt their opponent, so maybe they have seen you in action before and trying to put you off?

    If you have the will maybe you can give them a sound thrashing.

    Good luck my friend :)


    @bubbley; @suzyq

    Thanks for the encouragement? I really don’t want to put in that much time but will probably have most of the week off so we’ll see

    The sad part would be that if the original MFS inspired a disciple, talk about setting a low bar for your heroes?


    @suzyq could you post a shot of your board. I am curious about this player. I faced the usual one in the Arena this morning but the one on my board looks different. Thanks.

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