Seasons just got easier!

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  • JTB


    I think I would add the Pig Days 6-4 to the list as being more difficult now.


    Ohh noo @Jtb That’s not good news lol, i haven’t gotten that far on my Quest!
    Are you Flinging the Nest Sponsered challenge at all, this year there are HollyDog’s for adoption!


    @Kathy I did manage to get above average on that level but it took a LOT of tries and the top score seems pretty out of reach. I’ve tried the last few challenges and have improved my scores but still haven’t managed one of those top scores…someday! 😀


    That’s cool @Jtb Getting above average! nice job
    Ya the Advent challenges are tough levels, i never liked the winter levels anyway, but it’s fun to try 🐣


    @hunnybunny and @karen68 check out Trick or Treat 2-8. Just got 13k above average in about 10 minutes effort. And nothing fancy, just brute force, likely due to better blasting bombs. Used 3 birds.


    Thanks at @HunnyBunny did not know this list existed until @karen68 mentioned it in the BP. Will start to give it a shot, maybe it get me back into flinging again


    @ixan57 you will make an awful lot of points and smash a couple of top scores too

    good luck

Home Forums General Discussions Forum Seasons just got easier!

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