Self-Destroying and Unstable Levels

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  • MVNLA2

    @Smonard88 — Thanks for the info; I don’t think it’s been mentioned, although I am shamefully behind in updating main post. Do you have a guess as to frequency? Also, how long after restart did it happen?


    @mvnla2 I was stuck on this level for awhile and I only saw it happen twice literally right after I started the level. I actually think it was a pebble on the TNT that moved and that took out the right tower.


    See @Meanguy’s comments on ABS ACB 1-6


    @kelani — Sorry to dredge up ancient history, but I am trying to catch up. What level were you (or I) referring to as E-17?

    Self-Destroying and Unstable Levels


    @mvnla2 The only 17 I mentioned was this post on page 7:

    Here’s an small info update for ABO 17-7 if you want the details:
    ABO 17-7: partial: 8.5K, Plank and a few blocks over top right pig falls 3-5 seconds after reset; <1/50

    You replied a few posts later saying ‘thanks, no changes made’. So, probably nothing to it.


    @kelani — I’m thinking you mentioned it somewhere else. I looked at ABS EE, and golden eggs. Hmm, what about eggsteroids? Will have to check.


    @mvnla2 Then it has to be Eggsteroids E-17 (Orion), which is the bottom left one on Page 3. That matches the description. I said

    It’s either the 2 rocks joined by a chain, or the two bubbles at far right joined by a hose. The chain/hose broke 5-10 seconds after a restart.

    My vote is the hose. Anything air-related in Beak seems prone to spontaneous movement. Whatever it was here was rare. I’ve only seen it once.


    @all — I’ve started trying to catch up, and am going through by game and episode.
    I think I have text for all ABO, ABS, and ABR levels reported since the last update. Please let me know if I need to make changes (p. 1 not updated yet). Working next on ABSp.

    ABO SF 26-2: Partial, ~18K; left or right tower “blows up” immediately after restart; maybe only on PC; ~1/200
    ABO FF- 2: Partial; 50k – 65K; Central tower and piggy rocked right, may set off TNT; may not help score; starts rocking slowly at reset, takes <20s; may be rare.

    ABS EE 1-8; Partial; 5K – 8K; partial collapse of upper right right after reset; may not improve score; ~1/00
    ABS ACB 1-6; Partial; ~30K; top left dumbbell on second tower falls to left, takes out 1st tower; debris falls into blue portal, but does not do much additional damage; may not help score; ~1/150; right after reset.
    ABS SH 1-10; Partial; ~23K; 1st tower wobbles and may partially collapse; may not be useful; infrequent, few seconds?
    ABS SH 1-13; Partial; 18K – 34K; TNT may fall off central tower, or right TNT may explode right tower; may not help, <1s to >30s depending on destruction; ~1/20?
    ABS SH 1-16; Partial: 6K– 73K; right tower may rock to left, and large stone and pig may fall left, or rock to right and fall right; >10 sec, ~1/20
    ABS SH 1-21; Partial; ??K; tower in right fell over at reset.
    ABS SH 1-23; Partial; ~5K; top right pig falls off right, 10 s???; ~1/10; may be Android only.

    ABR BR star-1; Partial; 4.7K; life-preserver gate on right opened and ball came out; may only be Android; very rare; ~1 s
    ABR HH-5; Partial; ~6K; marmoset and TNT dangling from helicopter explode: ~30s to several min; 1/5; may not help score


    @kelani — ABSp S-23 — Is the 160K your guess at a score with total destruction, or did you actually see it before you destroyed craft?


    @mvnla2 I never saw it. It’s a guess, but could easily happen. The craft spins exactly the same way it does when you hit it with debris, and that shot can give frequent 1-birders. I think the highest 1b score at the time was 150k, so I added 10k to the estimate.


    @Kelani — ABSp BI 8-13 — I left myself a note to look at comments on walkthrough. It seems I was considering adding the “walking” to unstable levels, but you didn’t think so. I think I will leave it out unless you have a different opinion now.


    @ollygod — re ABSp BI 8-17, any chance you remember how many points you got? Could be quite a lot. Should have asked when you first posted.


    @kelani — So what’s your guess at points without total destruction? What did you actually see?


    @mvnla2 For me, it spun in a circle and didn’t hit anything, so points=0. If it had hit something, points would vary from 5k-160k, depending on what it bonked into.


    @bernesenn — You said you got 10K on ABSp 39. I assume you meant BI – 39??? More data, like what happened, how frequently, how long it took is really needed. Sorry for asking so late.


    @Kelani –ABSp E-17 — Do you have any more data, like points, frequency, time to start (I think you may have said immediate)?


    I think I now have drafts of every level reported since the last update, except for Stella. Need more info on some.
    ABSp Utopia 4-14; Partial: ~44K; block left side of rocket crumbles, rocket slowly falls to left, exploding TNT and left column; starts <1s, 30 s? total; ~1/50
    ABSP PD S-15 — As of ver. 2.0.0, it is still possible to get the glitch, but much, much harder, and it wasn’t easy to begin with.
    ABSp BI S-23: Partial: 0- 5K, 0 – 160K; 2 mechanisms; upper left SC jerks, throws pig through canopy, popping him; 1 s; ~1/100; bottom-center SC with air canister, pig and TNT spins violently and moves around level; ~2 s; ~1/200
    ABSp BI 8-8: Partial; ~30K – 50K; rightmost air-canister triggers, pushing right ship into upper planetoid; <1sec; <1/300; total destruction might be possible
    ABSp BI 8-12: Partial; 11K; drill vibration causes upper right SC to rotate clockwise slowly and eventually fall to planet; 3 – 5 min; 100%; may not help score
    ABSp BI 8-13 — Don’t add, would be unstable due to walking effect
    ABSp BI 8-34: No data about actual destruction
    ABSp BI 8-39Ăź: Partial; 10K; 1 s; 1/50?
    ABSp E-17: Partial; ??K; hose or chain between bubbles or rocks on lower right broke; 1 s; < <1/500

    Wall of Pigs #3 episode 1; Still need to do this.


    @mvnla2 E-17 is immediate. Points were 0-3k. Frequency, who knows? I saw it once in all the times I played the level, so I’d put 1/1000


    Re ABSp BI 8-17
    The canister fired of immediately after a restart, as I remember it there was no significant score attributable to the event. Since then I have seen no repetition
    But I do recollect at least one occasion where the air hose to the canister was broken at the restart. I have played this many many times and would say it is a very rare phenomenon.


    @mvnla2 you are right.
    ABP BI#39 self-destruction (partly)
    Sorry for mixing up the abbreviations of the games.


    Hi. Been trying to up my scores on Seasons Golden Eggs and ended up with a 40k no birder on ToT egg 3. It had been posted about imploding pigs previously but I didn’t fire red and a boulder magically appeared over pigs, desroyed them (damaged but did not break glass) giving 30740 plus red equalling 40k+
    Has happened three times now – each time after just opening the level.

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