Self-Destroying and Unstable Levels

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  • MVNLA2

    @Pauliboy @SweetP — Thanks for the info. It looks like SweetP really took advantage of this, will have to check her score.
    BTW Pauliboy — If you see any self-destruction in the future, the kind of detail on points, what happens, time after restart and frequency is really useful. It all gets put on the first page (eventually).


    @mvnla2, thanks for the screenshot. I get repeated collapse after a hard restart on the 8th new game. That is, shut down Seasons, reopen On Finn Ice, play or restart the game 7 times and the tower on the right will collapse on the next try. However, The level of destruction is much less than what you observed. The debris just piles up complicating the 1st shot. I’ll keep looking because maybe we are observing two different instabilities. Yours is more beneficial.


    @jwgardenwiz — The screenshot is courtesy of @SweetP. I haven’t been anywhere near so lucky. What I’ve seen is more like some collapse in ~1/20, but scores range from ~1000 to ~20K. Most of the time the vertical poles (smokestack) leans slowly to left and eventually collapses. Once the motion and collapse was fairly fast, but still only 1500. The glass tower seems to sway to the left or right, but so far it has only collapsed when hit by the smokestack.
    Interesting observation about the 8th restart. I got a collapse (my first) for 1550 on the 8th restart. Somewhere in this forum or in the old forum, there is a lot of discussion about predictability of collapse. At various times it has been totally predictable, but in general, Rovio “fixed” that.

    — Do you remember whether the glass tower was leaning right or left when you got the 40K?


    @jwgardenwiz @sweetP — I’ve now gotten 1550 on the 8th restart 3 times in a row. The first time was after a restart of Seasons, but not a hard close. Following a hard close, I’ve gotten the same self-destruction on the 8th and 32nd restart, but not afterwards:
    8 — 1550
    32 — 10130


    @mvnla2, I did not see the glass tower leaning either way before the smokestack smashed into it. I have seen in rocking back and forth several times but it has never collapsed on its own.


    @mvnla2, @sweetp and @jwfisherman — I forget which Nester first observed that self-destructs and partial collapses were repeatable, but I just finished 100 trials after a hard restart with the following results for On Finn Ice 1-1:

    Game # Score
    8 1550
    32 10130
    35 6990
    45 1260
    69 34530
    88 8810

    None of these partial collapses looked like they would help. if I can carve out some free time, I’ll try to find which game yields Mvnla2’s partial-collapse screenshot.


    @jwgardenwiz — Did you say somewhere that you play on iPad? What model? I play on an iPad 2, still with IOS 7. After a hard close of all apps, I only got the same result on restart 8 and 32; after that they were different. Will try again.
    BTW, I think it was restart 32 that gave me my high score (see comment in walkthrough). First bird same as 1 birder without self destruction.
    Good Luck!


    @jwgardenwiz — I should also have asked if you are playing the level each time it self-destructs, or not playing. Just realized that by 100 trials, you might have meant 100 restarts, not 100 x 80 or more restarts???


    @jwgardenwiz, that was my screenshot you saw, 40K before flinging the first bird. Unfortunately, when I launched BB into the left structure, it did not yield as many points as I wanted to beat my current score after adding the 2 bonus birds. So frustrating!


    @mvnla2 — yes, I do play on an iPad2 with ios v 8.1.1. In my 100-trial run I didn’t launch any birds; I just clicked on the circular arrow to advance to the next iteration except once on iteration #69 to see if the collapse made any difference in my score. It didn’t. I would be interested to learn if platform or OS affect the pattern of collapse.


    @sweetp — sorry for not properly crediting your post. You probably didn’t lose any sleep over the error but I should have been more attentive. Wow, if I can pinpoint the iteration where your collapse occured, there will be a good opportunity to increase scoring. The Bomb Bird can easily destroy nearly all of the left structure. Can you estimate how many times [order of magnitude] that you played before the collapse of the right happened?

    Also, I understand and sympathize with your frustration. I don’t think that there’s a single Nester who hasn’t flubbed a second shot or who hasn’t unnecessarily launched another bird just as debris started to fall for a high score. I guess that’s what keeps us coming back.


    @jwgardenwiz — It sounds like you “only” did one run of 100 restarts, not 100 runs of 80+ restarts. : D I was ready to be really impressed if you had. You got the same numbers as me for restarts 8 and 32. Bet you won’t get the same for 35.


    New SW II p-10, fairly frequent 50 to 70 K.


    Finn Ice level 6. Ice column on left will sometimes topple over to the left. So far this happens only after the first shot has been played. No obvious trigger (eg blue birds after being split do not hit the column). Just topples on its own. Happens quite often (maybe every 10-15 resets), but sometimes twice in a row.


    @peejaydee27 — Thanks! Will investigate. What platform are you playing on?


    Hi. I’m using iPad with iOS 7.1.2


    ABS Finn Ice-6: partial; 5.5K – 8.3K; left ice tower starts moving 1 – 1 sec after restart, starts very slowly, eventually falls left; initial move may be to right, may stop and restart; ~1/10.


    ABR Beach Volley 11 (5-11)

    Two times in a row…
    Just wait a minute of so and the right side may collapse, yielding 23K-33K (my 1st and respective 2nd time scores)…
    Using a MAC


    Make that 5 times in a row, 33K, 23K, 23K, 23K, 26K…


    @Zebung — Thanks! Interesting that there aren’t any of the earlier Rio levels listed for self-destruction. If you’re playing through them now, please let me know if you find any more, or if there are comments on the walkthroughs.


    Rio 5-11: Partial; 22 to 33K depending on platform; right side collapses; seems to be created by the bouncing of the marmosets getting in sync, so is totally non-continuous; on iPad takes 3 min and always? gives 22380; 100%


    Will do! Now that all updates for MAC have stopped, I’ll have plenty of time to keep revisitting older levels :-)


    AB BirdDay Party 5; 30-17 elephant’s trunk collapses for 9350 pts; less than 1/30?


    See AB BD5 30-19


    ABO BDP5 30-17
    15: 10180
    99: 8640
    So I’ve seen it collapse twice in 100 restarts, and counting the first time
    3 times in ~130 restarts
    Score from 8.6K to 10.2K
    Hard close all apps
    4: 10390
    25: 27010 — Was able to improve my score a couple 100 pts with 1 birder.
    50: 0

    — Just checking, but I assume that by every 10 to 15 times, you mean you have seen it collapse at least twice within 30 restarts, and preferably at least 3 times in 30 to 50 restarts???
    Hard close:
    4: 10390
    30: 0
    Hard close
    4: 10390

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