Self-Destroying and Unstable Levels

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  • Kelani

    @mvnla2 That was a typo. I think I corrected it, but you must have seen the old copy. It was more like once every 20-25 attempts. I was rushing through the episode, so I only tried it about 60 times. Had two collapses.

    That was on iOS 7


    AB BD5 30-19
    12: 79170
    Hard Close
    13: 79170
    41: 69390
    51: 0 Waited longer
    May happen more frequently if you wait 10 to 20 sec.
    Center horizontal ice plank intersecting round disk falls. Starts when vertical ice plank to immediate lower left slowly, and imperceptibly tilts to left until not longer supporting center horizontal plank. Motion so slow I thought I was imagining it.


    See ABO FI-14

    ABS on Finn ice level 1-15. The piggy on the ice has gone and 19k before a single bird fired in anger. Had it happen once. Didn’t help my score because I didn’t clear all the piggies. D’oh!


    @Pauliboy — I assume it happened fairly quickly? What would your guess be on frequency of occurrence?


    @MVNLA2, @Pauliboy, I saw this happen in ABS on Finn Ice, #15, too. I walked away without shooting, came back much later, and saw the pig on the ice and possibly more gone. I hit retry thinking I must have a failed shot, then realized no. I waited a few seconds every time after, never saw it again.


    Game: Angry Birds Original
    Level: BirdDay 5 Level 30-14
    Partial destruction
    Range: 38k on first collapse, could be higher it it takes out the upper right pig
    Frequency: about 1 in 25
    Wait Time: Top starts to lean quickly – few seconds
    OS: Android Jellybean

    Screen cap of first collapse:

    I am actively playing this level, if stats change, I will post it.


    @silverbird @sparty83 — Thanks! Will take a look!


    @MVNLA2 @Silverbird
    Re ABS on Finn Ice 1-15.
    So far it’s been a one time event for me.
    I’d reset the level when I had to take a phone call. When I came back to the game I had 19000 points for zero birds.
    So, it happened within a couple of minutes, but I wasn’t paying close attention.


    Came back to check a level and was painfully reminded that p. 1 needs updating.


    Hello @MVNLA2, it’s been a long time since I’ve been here!

    Anyway, I got a nice little surprise while resetting Birdday 5 level 30-17! I had just started to set up my first bird, when I saw the elephant’s wooden trunk and the glass tusk break off. I would guess that it was on my 6th reset. Here is the screenshot I took:

    It happened within less than 5 seconds, as you can see I’m getting ready to fling OB. Of course, I flubbed it so the starting 9250 points were wasted :'( waaah!

    Edit: I wanted to find out how often this occurs, so I reset (no flinging) a few more times, and it happened again on the 8th try. This time, I got a bit more glass destruction for 10,910 points.


    Thanks @SweetP!
    This was reported on the walkthrough, although I doubtlessly didn’t get it on the 1st page.
    BTW — Its an elephants trunk an tusk. : D
    I’m pretty sure the first sequence is after a hard close of ABO, since I’ve been doing several hard closes of Epic and everything else due to problems with Epic.
    4 10390
    6 10500
    8 10500
    14 11400: blocks on tree trunk also fell
    24 10500
    30 12380
    35 8390
    51 9070
    52 11050 –Block still on tree
    75 –0
    closed level; opened 16, closed 16, reopened 17
    25 — 0
    Hard close all apps
    4 10390
    12 9270
    22 10860
    25 10640
    39 9700
    60 0


    Here’s an even better start, when the whole front section of the elephant fell:


    @SweetP — Wow — How long did you have to wait for that to happen? Hope you got a good score. Have not managed to improve my score. The first shot is pretty difficult, and even if I get OB to the TNT, have not destroyed all pigs.


    I probably had about 25-30 more resets before that happened, including the partial collapse (trunk/tusk) intermittently every 6-8 times.

    I wasn’t able to get a better score then, so it’s one I’ll be revisiting later.
    Good luck to you, hope the self-destruction happens for you soon!


    Help! @admins? Sorry to bother you. On the previous page, I said: “New SW II p-10, fairly frequent 50 to 70k”. Do any of you have any idea what I was talking about? Usually this means there are comments on the walkthrough. Assuming it really should have said p5-10, I can’t see any.


    @mvnla2 I’m not sure what help you are looking for…


    @AMSlimfordy — I’m hoping that someone will remember which level had self-destruction, and thereby save me from myself.


    @sparty83 Re: Game: Angry Birds Original
    Level: BirdDay 5 Level 30-14
    Any more data?
    Have you seen this only once?
    During ~100 resets on iPad, I only saw it lean far enough right that it looked like it really should fall, but no.


    @mvnla2, while I have no actual insight on that SW level you’re asking Admins if they remember, some of those Pork levels had small bits of molten lava popping up from below starting the wood on the left to burn, the way using Chopper would destroy the wood, but I can’t envision 50k-70k points on P5-10.


    I just played that level again (Original, BirdDay 5 Level 30-14) and reset it about 30 times and it never really wobbled agian. Never came close to collapse. My current version is now 5.0.1 and the screen cap I posted was from 5.0.0. I wonder if they fixed that one in the update?


    @justpast40 — Thank you! I must have meant P5-10. First time I opened it, I got 55K!

    — Will post, thanks for the additional info.


    I think these are all the levels I haven’t included:
    ABO BD5 30-14: Partial; 38K, top of tower collapses to right; few sec; ~1/25 on Android; might be Android only.
    AB BD5 30-17: Partial, 8 to 12K; elephants trunk collapses; 4th reset after hard close of all apps; few seconds; 1/10 to 1/30 depending on luck; 29K if head collapses, but very rare
    AB BD5 30-19: Partial;
70 – 80K; Center horizontal ice plank intersecting round disk falls. Started by vertical ice plank to immediate lower left imperceptibly tilts to left until no longer supporting center horizontal plank. Motion so slow I thought I was imagining it.
    ABS Pig Days All Hallows Eve: Partial; ~30K; right tower collapses right, may not be helpful; few sec after restart, ~1/100
    ABS SH 1-4: Partial, ~21470; 5-15 sec; ~1/100; might not help
    ABS EE 1-4: Partial, ~4 to 10K;
Structure moves to left, top block next to first hollow square tilts to left & drops; ~15 sec, ~1/100; not always helpful
    ABS FI 1-6: partial; 5K – 8K; left ice tower starts moving ~1 sec after restart, starts very slowly, eventually falls left; initial move may be to right, may stop and restart; ~1/10.
    ABS FI 1-1: Partial, 1K to 40K; Chimney on right structure falls left, knocking over tower & pig; ~1/40, rarely 2 horizontal wood planks collapse inward destroying structure; ~10 sec
    ABS FI-14 – One report of rope falling; no data.
    ABS FI 1-15: Partial,19K, pigs on ice fall into water; could be minutes; rare
    ABR BV 5-11: Partial, 22 to 33K; right structure collapses in 1 to 3 min; caused by bouncing marmosets; discontinuous; 100%
    SW II BE-12: >3M points; If the laser cannon ends up striking the red glow stick on the end, 1,000 points each shot; may have been fixed in 1.7.5?
    SW II, P5-10: Partial, 50 to 70K; rope between top right tower and center tower wiggles and pulls center tower down, may be discontinuous: ~30 sec; ~50%

    looking at the mail i received i noticed a typo wrt abo: the sequence for 26-12 should be for 27-12 (and uses 27-10 not 26-10). anyway, checking it for the latest (birdday 5) update just now i think it doesn’t work anymore; even stronger, the right structure seems to have been stabilised: it never moved in the 20 resets i did, whereas before it moved a bit almost every reset (but fully collapsed only infrequently).


    @vuelva — Thanks! I edited main post, now if I can just add the recent updates without this forum disappearing again, all will be good.

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