Self-Destroying and Unstable Levels

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  • MVNLA2

    @Vuelva — Oops! Sorry about that. Don’t know why I was convinced you were female! Maybe because I assumed Vuelva was your real name, and it sounded female. Will edit post above. Love that we can now edit forum posts!


    See Kathy’s comment on ABS AE-4. Oops! Should have read more carefully; not self-destruction.
    Need to catch up with levels reported 2 pages ago.


    Sorry about the delay, I’ve only just returned from my vacation.

    I remember overhearing a discussion about the early AB games in connection to this topic. As I’m not a programmer, I apologize for the shortcomings of the following explanation :)

    This is how I remember it, hopefully it answers something:

    The key word used in the debate was whether to make the physics “deterministic” or not. This could be achieved by altering the order the blocks were loaded in the LUA file. Keeping the loading order constant would produce the same result every time, whereas changing the order would cause more random results.

    I have no idea if the AB games currently use deterministic system or not, but from the designer’s perspective using it would surely be preferable.


    @maker — Hope you had a really good vacation and are enjoying the increase in daylight.
    Thanks for the reply. That’s the first time I’ve heard that explanation; very interesting.
    Any chance you could bug some of the AB programmers into providing a more in-depth answer?


    I’m finally getting around to trying to catch up, so I’ve copied all the input from the last 2 (or 3?, Ugh) pages.
    ABO SF 26-14:Partial; ??K, top structure rocks, may eventually break pink potion; may take several minutes Done
    ABS WtH 1-5: Partial; 15K; central tower leans right, may fall; ~1/30; starts slowly, takes up to 1 min
    ABO BDP 4-5: Partial; 10K?; middle tower may fall right; reported on Android
    ABP BDP 4-7: Partial to Total; 80K to ~100K?; central tower collapses; partial may prevent completing level; 1/20 to 1/100, device dependent; takes few seconds

    ABO SF 26 -7 See Pointdexter’s comment Duplicated below.


    ABO SF 26-7 — I suspect that occasionally the orange bottles start spinning on their own, but so far (maybe 10 restarts), I’m having trouble convincing myself that they even move a different amount from restart to restart.
    Another 30 (~40 total) and still nothing. Another possibility is that the stone blocks to the right of the orange bottles fall, but so far have only seen the slightest hint of settling, let alone anything interesting.
    All this is on iPad. @pointdexter5 — What platform were you playing on?
    ABS AE GE-46: need more info Not self-destruction
    ABS AE 1-17: Partial, 20K – 30K; right tower falls to left or right; may not help; starts slowly; takes a few sec; 1/50
    Had a 0-birder on ABO BDP 4-7. Large tower started swaying, then collapsed. All piggies killed, 133K score. Am playing on Android.ABS AE GE-46: need more info Revised
    Update description of ABO 26-6 — Right tower reported to collapse on own


    @Amslimfordy — Please delete this.


    I think I’m up-to-date except for the following:
    ABO SF 26-7 — I suspect that occasionally the orange bottles start spinning on their own, but so far (maybe 10 restarts), I’m having trouble convincing myself that they even move a different amount from restart to restart.
    Another 30 (~40 total) and still nothing. Another possibility is that the stone blocks to the right of the orange bottles fall, but so far have only seen the slightest hint of settling, let alone anything interesting.
    All this is on iPad. @pointdexter5 — What platform were you playing on?

    Update description of ABO 26-6 — Right tower reported to collapse on own


    Added ABO SF 26-12
    Another level with predicable (on some platforms / operating systems) is ABO SF 26-6. See comments on walkthrough. Modified 1st page.


    @all — I think I’m finally caught up. Please let me know if I missed anything or need to modify descriptions.


    See BPC’s comments on ABO BP 4-14
    restart 16 — significant shift to left
    45 — more sever lean
    59 — lean
    99 — lean


    ABO BP 4-14
    Hard close
    8 — sign. lean; pattern repeats after hard close
    16 — small lean
    35 — sign. lean
    50 — sig. lean
    62 — sig. lean
    ~100 — no more leans; count may be incorrect.

    Hard close
    Open and close 4-13
    1 — Small lean
    2 — sm
    10 — right part of roof separates from central blocks
    16 — sm
    40 — nothing

    Hard close
    Open & close 4-12
    8 — sm


    ABO Birdday Party 4-14: partial; pts unknown; left column of central structure leans left; very rare; some lean every ~20 restarts; destruction may be immediate and fast, but lean starts slowly, may take ~1 min; see walkthrough.


    @mvnla2 Just to be clear, the level is in ABO Birdday Party, not Bad Piggies. Also, should mention here that when I did get the collapse, it happened within seconds after resetting, and once it started, it went very quickly. Player’s should read comments posted on the walkthrough page.


    Surprisingly ABSp 7-28 is not up there. A piece was removed in the last bug fixes update, which makes the pile of stones on the top right fall EVERY time, give a score of 3k, and then make it impossible to 3-star.


    @spacemaster — What platform are you on?
    I’m on iPad 2, IOS 7
    Restarts (probably 1st after hard close, although I did look at some cartoons first):
    1 — 26570
    2 — 25K
    3 — 26870
    ? — 27420
    Immediately get ~8500 pts; wait ~10 sec for TNT to explode; gives 25 to 27K.
    Makes it very difficult to get 3*; need to use new strat. May make it impossible to get above average?

    AB Sp 7-28: partial; ~26K; introduced in v1.6.8; stones to left of upper right tower fall immediately, TNT explodes ~10 sec later; happens 100%; makes it very difficult to get 3*, and may be impossible to get above average.


    @bonneypattycat — Thanks for comments. I edited draft post above. Will post that and ABS’ level in a day or 2.


    @mvlna2 I am iPhone 5s iOS 7, and the glitch was fixed with 1.6.9. It’s worth noting in the list though, as someone may stumble upon it somehow.


    Need to include AB SW MoE unstable levels.
    ABSW Moon of Endor: several levels are unstable, and high points can be obtained. Mechanism of instability is usually interaction of laser shots from AT-ST with wood log. See walkthroughs for discussion (read all posts, or you are likely to miss something). It’s not clear if all these levels should be classified as unstable, since in many levels getting the AT-ST to fall in a position where it can do maximum damage is key to getting a high score.
    Levels that definitely are unstable or have a glitch:
    5-20: >81K possible; maybe >1M
    5-29: >500K possible
    Levels that maybe should be classified as unstable:
    5-5: >140K possible
    5-23: high 80’s possible
    5-30: >190K possible


    ABSW Moon of Endor: Several levels are unstable, resulting in high scores. Mechanism is usually interaction of laser shots from AT-ST with wood log. Read all posts on walkthroughs for details. Levels are classified as unstable if there is a glitch that must be used to get a score noticeably higher than those without.
    Unstable levels:
    5-5: >140K
    5-20: ~1M; AT-ST destroyed, log lands on leg
    5-23: high 80′s
    5-29: >500K
    Levels to watch for future classification as unstable:
    5-30: >190K possible


    We only have one level in AB SW II reported as self-destroying. Surely there must be more?


    @mvnla2, Boy did I get a surprise!
    AB Rio, High Dive level 10. About 5 seconds after reset, the pontoon blew up! This was before flinging the first bird. I probably reset about 30 times before it happened.

    30750 points headstart, but of course I messed up trying to trigger the tnt fuse! Arrrgghhh!


    @SweetP — Tried 50 restarts so far on iPad; very little happens. Sometimes there is slight motion of the raft or the inner-tubes. I assume you’re still playing on Android?


    Rio High Dive 18 — TNT can be released without flinging a bird, not sure of score, don’t know if it helps. Maybe ~1/30???
    20th restart detonator vanished, not sure exploded, and TNT released; 77680. Happened very quickly. Did not increase my score, but could be my fault. Birds on right platform remained.


    @mvnla2, as I was launching Level 10 ABR High Dive, the raft on pontoons (just in front) exploded all on its own…of course the 1st shot had left the sling, but I was able to note that the score was 28k before YB reached near its target (which it missed due to debris from explosion). I see @cbrookew mentioned it in the comments on the Walkthrough page. I estimate I’d shot less than a dozen times this time. I’m trying to help narrow down 3* minimums, so I’ve shot on & off today.

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