Self-Destroying and Unstable Levels

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  • MVNLA2

    Rio HD level 3 — See Kathy’s comments

    Angry Birds Rio High Dive Walkthrough Level #3

    ABR High Dive – 3: Partial; 7.8K to ?; one or two dolphins on lower left are released soon after restart; may not help get high score


    Yes, @mvnla2 I’m still flinging on my Android. I did notice that the life raft on the right side was shaking from rubbing against the pontoon. I think that’s what triggered the explosion.


    Check comments on Rio HD – 4


    See comments on Rio HD bonus-3

    ABR High Dive Bonus – 3: partial, 1K – 15K, some dolphins freed or or seaweed below right-most dolphin disappears; happens on restart, ~1/15 on Android.


    @mvnla2, yes, still playing on android.
    ABr HD Star lv3

    Still happen with restart 10-15 times.
    500-700 pts, destruction just below of last dolphin.
    edit:It happen after restart, no waiting.


    Angry birds Rio High Dive Feather Bonus Walkthrough Level 1

    Partial destruction, got 18k as 3 dolphins escaped their cages.
    Frequency – Only has happened 1 time and to be honest, not sure how many times I have played the level. (at least 50 could be much higher, sorry)
    Wait time – It happened almost instantly after a reset.
    Platform – Android

    Not sure if its a part of the bug that is plaugeing this episode or a legit self destruction.


    @Sparty83 — Thanks for info. People have seen it on other levels, like level 3. I think it’s legitimate self-destruction. Just wish I could see it on an iPad.


    Rio HD level 3 — now have seen pop-up for sling scope several time with no extra points and no freed dolphins


    @mvnla2 – About your question (from topic

    I don’t remember my exact result from Rio bonus 50* level (I don’t have HD version), but it was ~ 67 k (enough only for 2*).

    There are 4 birds and I didn’t use any of them, so for birds is 40 k. There are also 4 dolphins, so for them is 20 k. For both birds and dolphins we have 60 k. And now we can count: 67 k – 60 k = 7 k. So for destructed elements it was ~ 7 k.

    What was wird in this level, that there was no very big destruction of debris (for destructed elements was only 7 k).

    In my first post I wrote about it, that points were enough only for 2*. Now I have 81 020 points what is 3* result (achieved without self destruction ;) ).


    Rio High Dive, on Android only, has several levels with dolphins that disappear on reset.
    Levels in which a small increase in points (less than 100) after the pop-up suggesting use of a power-up are not included.
    High Dive is buggy, with multiple reports of levels crashing, and items disappearing, with and without the score increasing. Scores benefiting from this bug are not allowed on the leaderboards (see Rio HD – 1).

    ABR High Dive – 3: Partial; 5 to 10K; one or two dolphins on lower left are released soon after restart; may not help get high score; ~1/100; Android only?

    AB Rio High Dive – 10: partial; 30K, pontoon blows up ~5 seconds after reset; ~1/50; Android only?

    Rio High Dive – 18 : partial; 77K; detonator vanishes and TNT released; happens quickly; ~1/30; may not help score since birds on right platform remain.

    Rio HD bonus -2: partial to total; 15 to 27 K (plus 4 birds); 3 to 4 dolphins freed, ~2 sec after restart; ~1/20; Android only?

    ABR High Dive Bonus – 3: partial, 1K – 15K, some dolphins freed or or seaweed below right-most dolphin disappears; happens on restart, ~1/50; Android only?

    ABR High Dive Feather Bonus – 1: partial; 18K; 3 dolphins freed immediately after reset;~1/100; Android only?


    Rio High Dive 10 – pontoons explode spontaneously on an iPad 2 also. Only happened once, maybe 75 tries?


    @silverbird — Thanks! Haven’t seen it myself, but first mention of it happening on an iPad! How many points did you get?


    Oh, none – I fired yellow at the same time, and it missed. That’s ok. I love this series!


    Rio High Dive #13, I already shot the first bird to the upper left platform as suddenly the boat on the left exploded: I don’t know if this this is the right location for reporting this.


    @bernersenn — Thanks! Yes, this is the right place. Haven’t heard of this one before. Any idea how many times you played the level before this happened? Your profile says you play on iPad. Is that correct? I would have guessed you played on Android, since almost all of the self-destruction in HD has been reported on Android, and not seen at all on iPad.


    @mvnla2, I really can’t say how often, the only thing I can say is ‘many, very often’. And I didn’t expect it here because it never happened. Also I can say that it’s happening during continue playing this level. Not as in other episodes that first has to start and quit another game. That’s all I can say. BTW, with many i mean > 100 (I think).


    And yes, Ipad is wtill the plaform


    So, unstable levels aren’t only Android problem….

    I saw such levels in ABO, Seasons and Rio. I haven’t played any other AB part yet.

    Are there similar problems in the other ABs? For example in Space or Star Wars?


    @atmosfear — Take a look at the first page of this forum. Having self destruction confined to a single device is unusual. Hope you have fun taking advantage of all the self-destroying levels. Some of the unstable levels are even more fun. Enjoy!


    @mvnla2 gggl 1-4 I just had the left tower partial. .leaned to the left..I guess after about a few hundred flings not sure exact.. angrybI’ll keep an eye onit while im there. Maybe something to check out


    @Kathy — Boy, would that be a good level to get some self-destruction on! Did you get points in addition to a tantalizing lean?


    It sure would @mvnla2 !! But ackkk i forget to look at points as usual; ( I’ll keep at it


    I had already through yb and he was headed wrong so i hit restart before i actually thought. .I had been flinging for a couple hours. .so could be a once in a hundred shot..I’ll keep at it though ad Im very curious how the higher scores were achieved.


    K @mvnla2 it happened again. .no points didn’t help but i got screenshot for what is worth.. not much lol..

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