Self-Destroying and Unstable Levels

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  • swellD

    You can add AB-Rio-RR-4 to the list. Right tower fell on its own while blocks from left tower still in the air.


    Thanks @atmosfear and @swellD — Will take a look. Any more details on number of points before flinging another bird, frequency, length of time to happen?


    @Atmosfear — I think you are talking about the ABS Mooncake Festival, Big Mooncake, right? There is a listing under ABS Mooncake Festival. Not sure why it says 3*, but anyway, is there anything you would change?


    @swellD — Are you talking about the upper-right tower? What were you aiming for, and how many birds had you flung? This could be unstable as opposed to self-destroying.


    @mvnla2 you can see my post on the walkthrough page for the level. I tagged you there.



    Yes. I was talking about ABS Mooncake Festival, Big Mooncake :)

    I simply didn’t notice that “ABS MF 3* moon-cake” in the listing of ABS is for Big Mooncake. I use the numbers of GE or their “Big-names” in ABS.

    Something I would change in listing is ~1/50 into ~1/100 or higher.

    I’ll repeat: I saw it only one time and there were ~100 attempts or more in my case.


    @SwellD — Thanks for the info. Where on the tower did you aim the first bird? There seem to be 2 different aim spots suggested.
    Also, do you think the right tower would have fallen even if you didn’t fling the first bird?


    Still need to figure out what to do with SwellD’s comments on ABR RR-4
    Done: Check out @kelani‘s comments on ABSp PD 6-11 for an unstable level.
    Still waiting for reply from @Dr-Mojo — Assume not enough points to add


    @Bernersenn — Sorry for the late reply, I think you are talking about ABR – High Dive – 10, not -13, correct? If so, High Dive -10 is already on the list.


    @AMSlimfordy — How to I play Angry Birds Facebook Golden Egg #5? The Facebook links just seem to go to the Easter Tournament.


    What link are you referring to?

    There’s a link on our Leaderboards, which seems to work properly. But it will only work on PC/Mac — since mobile devices only have access to the Friends Tournament.


    OK, I think these get the list up-to-date, except for levels mentioned above.
    ABS WW 1-20; partial, ~6K; 2nd tower from left shakes and leans right, may fall right; >10 sec, starts slowly; <1/20

    ABO SF 26-2: partial; ??K; right tower falls; ~1/100

    ABS EE 1-3: partial, 6 to 22K; left side of right tower shifts left, pig in upper left pops, debris falls to left for minor damage or upper tower falls left for ~22K; subtle movement of block to right of egg within secs; takes several sec to fall; ~1/20 on iPhone, much less on iPad.

    ABSp PD 6-11: Left tower becomes unstable when something presses against the top 2/3 of the bottom right wireframe support, usually ball and plank from second structure; left platform starts to bounce after ~30 sec, continues at ~10 sec intervals until pig falls, pig and top section falls or glass plank breaks and tower falls; up to 115K depending on 1st shot


    Here’s an small info update for ABO 17-7 if you want the details:

    ABO 17-7: partial: 8.5K, Plank and a few blocks over top right pig falls 3-5 seconds after reset; <1/50


    Thanks @Kelani! — No change made


    See comment by @Gramlord on AB Rio Blossom River – 20. Marmosets miss platforms and hit boxes.
    1: 7? min 2050 pts @ ~5 min
    2: 5 min, 0; 10 min, 0
    3: 0
    4: 360 in less than 30 sec
    5: 0
    6: 0
    7: 0
    8: 0, 7 min
    9: 0, 25 min
    10: 0, 10 min
    11: 0, 7 min
    Hard Reset
    12 9 min 550 pts in a few sec. Both marmosets landed on same platform
    13: 37 min 590
    14: 18 min, 0
    15: 14 min, 0
    16: 10 min; 8160 within 30? Sec. one marmoset hit boxes on right; jumping fast (4X faster than other)
    17: 7 min, 0
    18: 90 min, 0
    19: 10 m, 0
    20: 14 m, 0
    21: 10 m, 0
    Exited game, open some other levels
    22: 7 m, 0
    23: 10 m, 0
    24: 10 m, 0
    25: 10 m, 0


    @Gramlord — Please let me know if you agree, or if I should change anything. Will add to p.1 after I hear from you.
    ABR, BR-20; partial, ~48K; probably does not happen on newer platforms / operating systems; jumping marmosets crash into boxes and eventually destroy themselves; starts within 30 sec, takes 2 to more than 10 min; near 100% to near 0% depending on platform.


    Are exploding dolphins still there in Rio High Dive on Android? Need input from Android users.


    See comments on ABO Big Setup 10-3


    Check ABS HH 1-1, @Meanguy’s comments on ABO Big Setup 10-3


    See @meanguy’s comments on ABO Golden egg #20.


    At least 4 times so far today,5/3/14, while playing the Daily Challenge, Golden Egg # 20, I have seen the center area of this level erupt, sending many hats flying. This happened each time just as the level reset. The destruction was not that impressive,yielding only a few thousand points before any birds were used.


    See @meanguy’s comment on ABO RMF 24-13


    @mvna2 here’s what I posted on the BR-20 walkthrough regarding the self destruction.

    I’ve been able to duplicate this self-destruction, also on a 1st gen ipad running ios5.
    The big marmosets randomly slip off the platforms after landing on them, they end up falling right down to the ground & get stuck underneath, so every time they jump they hit the platform or even some of the crates & planks underneath & get damaged. There’s no debris on the platforms to make them lose their balance, they just slide off.

    Tried to grab a pic of one falling, you can sort of see it –

    The 1st marmoset self-destructing, caught under the right platform –

    Followed by the 2nd marmoset the same way –

    Final score was 198k, you can clearly see the 4 remaining birds –

    Out of 15 attempts only 1 failed, meaning after 15 min nothing had happened so I reset. Other 14 tries gave me scores ranging from 186k-198k.
    The timing really varies. For the 1st marmoset to go, I’ve seen it happen in 40 sec, or take up to 4 minutes.
    Total time for both marmosets to go has varied from 3-9 minutes.
    Most of the time they were caught under the right platform.


    See comments on ABS Summer Picnic 1-28.
    Listing is OK, at least no comments requesting changes.

Home Forums General Discussions Forum Self-Destroying and Unstable Levels

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