Self-Destroying and Unstable Levels

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  • MVNLA2

    Check @E-Star’s comments on ABS CB 1-12.
    I don’t think 1st page needs to be changed.


    ABS ACB 1-12: right tower starts swaying to the left right after restart (about 1 in 10 restarts on my Android). Most of the time it settles again and stops swaying, but seen it collapse once (taking about 30 secs), causing partial destruction with some 66k.


    @Ziggyziggyziggy — Thanks for the info. ABS ACB 1-12 is already on the list on p. 1. Not clear to me if you are reporting the same thing, or if what you are seeing is different?
    Always glad to have another person reporting self-destruction or instability. I’m sure there are lots of levels that haven’t been reported or just haven’t made it onto the list. Be sure to read the unstable levels list if you haven’t already. There are some really amusing levels in there.


    @MVNLA2 I did notice that, but this is a separate thing. So one level, two different self-destructs!


    @ziggyziggyziggy — Thanks! Will look into it.


    Had a self destruct on Bad Piggies 22-2 (Daily Challenge today). Happened only once throughout hundreds of attempts to just get over average..

    As per usual, it seems to happen the second you leave your iPhone (had to go to the bathroom in this instance). The entire right side had fallen for +23K. Has this happened for anyone else? I screwed up the 1st 2 shots and didn’t even get over average but thought it was unusual…


    @ZeBung — Thanks! Hasn’t been reported as far as I know, unless you made a typo, and it is too late to check the challenge. Will look into it.
    [Edit] — Actually it’s not too late: level is correct; was in twitter feed.


    DC doesn’t matter that much, just thought it should be reported. Happened only once after hundreds (thousands?) of resets… THX for the reply. See you on the boards!


    ABO Bad Piggies 22-2:
    2 />100 stones on top of right TNT rolled off very slowly, didn’t explode TNT. Initial movement barely perceptible; takes ~10 sec to roll off. Watch space between stones and wood ball. Also watch lighter-colored “arrows’ on tops of stone balls. They all start pointing to left of vertical. Bottom rocks normally stop before arrows vertical. Can be slightly to right of vertical and rocks still won’t fall.
    Slight roll ~1/5; may be very difficult to see on iPhone
    Upper part of tower sometime rocks noticeably to left.

    ABO BP 22-2: Partial; 23K; rocks on lower right roll off and explode TNT; initial motion barely perceptible; ~10 sec; 1/ several 100.

    ABS ACB 1-12; partial; 25K to 72K; 2 modes: 1) Pig/lion slides off to right; motion starts slowly right after restart; takes ~30 sec to fall; ~1/50; 2) right sways to left right after restart, may fall; ~30 sec, ~1/100??


    ABR BR-20: Partial; 100 pts to 198K pts; Highly platform and OS dependent; the big marmosets may slip off the platforms, fall & get stuck underneath; they hit the platform or others stuff underneath & get damaged, and finally die. 5 to 10 min; 4/5 on old iPad with IOS5 to 1/hundreds for single marmoset to never.


    @meanguy — Can you give any more details on ABO Big Setup 10-3, like how many points before you fling the first bird, how often it happens? I assume it happens pretty immediately after reset?

    ABO BIg Setup 10-3: Partial: no details known; right side blows up shortly after reset.

    ABS HH 1-1 Destruction only seen after bird flung, not sure it should be included

    ABO Golden egg #20: Partial: ~2000; hats on ground explode; ~1/200

    ABO RMF 24-13: Partial; ~35K; left part of main structure falls; shortly after reset; ~1/50


    Whew! I think I’m caught up!

    @ziggyziggyziggy @zebung @karen68 — Please let me know if any of my posts need editing.


    @mvnla2- I’m sorry,but I don’t have any more details about ABO Big Setup 10-3. As I posted when 10-3 was the Daily Challenge,upon reset on my Toshiba Thrive tablet,nearly the entire right side seemed to go to pieces,leaving the left side of the bridge & some wood on the far right side. I then used two big red birds to take out the remaining structures. That resulted in am impossibly high score,over 98,000,which I wrote about but did not post as a Challenge score.
    After a lot of searching on the internet,the only possible reason I can find for this and other ‘glitch-like’ occurences might be a recent update to the android operating system on my tablet. The ICS upgrade appears to be responsible for a variety of weird happenings.
    As for ABS HH 1-1, ABO Golden egg #20,& ABO RMF 24-13 (23-13 on PC),these all occurred on my PC. I have no idea why. Sorry I can’t be more helpful. I’ll keep reporting these things as I find them.


    @mvnla2 for BR-20. The actual points from the marmosets self-destructing varies but as I remember, it was anywhere from about 35-55k, depending on how many boxes, planks etc were destroyed in the process. You then have to fling a bird to get the final score which as you said went as high as 198k for me.


    @karen68 — Thanks, will change


    @Kathy got 369 pts in BI #2 level 38.
    Any more details?


    Sorry @mvnla2 unfortunately no more details .. it happened right away I’d say 2-3 seconds after starting level. I Thought it may have happened when the 3 boulders (kryptonite, lava, and plain)came in very close proximity but i can’t be sure on that. .I’ll keep an eye on it.. it was on my android tablet.. I’ll check it out on my phone;)
    But as far as visual destruction i saw none.


    @Kathy — Good observation! You get 360 pts if you let the rock asteroid impact the left corner of the planet. Not sure if this helps your score. Happens every time.


    @kelani — Re E-17 — Do you know how many points you got, even approximately? Did it help your final score?


    Thanks @mvnla2 ;) glad i could help:)


    @kelani — After 50 restarts didn’t see anything. I could believe that the sparks from the lower lavasteroid might hit the chain and break it, but then what?


    Hi @mvnla2, I don’t know if you have or want postings for ABF FB, but I just had a spontaneous collapse on this week’s Bird Cup Level 6. The top of the middle section just fell down, no birds, no PUs. Platform was PC; photo is on my Album Page herein. Achieved 36,480 points!


    @steinbird — I would keep a list if they were available to play for more than a week. Did you post on the walkthrough? For the FB tournament, I think that is the most useful thing to do.


    @kelani — How many points do you get? Does it help you get a high score? What platform were you playing on?
    See kelani’s comments at:


    @mvnla2 I’ll post details next time I get it to happen.

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