Self-Destroying and Unstable Levels

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  • MVNLA2

    See @meanguy’s comments on ABO SF 26-2.
    Thanks meanguy — How long does it take, and how frequently does it happen?


    @mvnla2- This happened 4 times in about 2 hours. Each time, it occurred only upon a reset,several minutes apart. The left side just blew itself to pieces before any birds were launched, as seen in the screenshot I posted. Hope this helps.


    @meanguy — Thanks again. So if I assume you were playing this level for 2 hrs straight, that could easily be 1 or 2 hundred resets between self-destruction, right? It also sounds like it happened within a few sec of reset? Let me know if these assumptions are incorrect.


    @meanguy — Do you really mean “blew itself to pieces” as in it appeared to explode? There doesn’t seem to be anything on the left side that would cause an explosion, but it wouldn’t be the first time explosions have happened with no apparent cause. Normally, I would expect the tower to sway and fall, sometimes quickly, sometimes not.


    @mvnla2- There was no swaying. Just after a reset,& while the bird was settling into the slingshot, the left side would go to pieces like tnt had been used. I could see no reason for it. The pieces would just go flying. There was no even spacing between events. The first time, I had been playing for only a few minutes & just reset. About 40 minutes later,it happened twice within 5 minutes. The pic I submitted was the third time it happened & the one that gave the most points. The final time was about 90 minutes later. Each time, I launched the BB towards the right tower,but never got more points than the amount in my pic. I can’t explain it,so I report it.


    @meanguy — Thanks for the report. I would assume this happens only on PC. These kind of things seem to be platform specific.


    @mvnla2- Yes, I was on my PC when it happened. When I played the Short Fuse levels on my tablet I don’t remember anything like that happening.


    @mvnla2 I found three more for you.

    AB Space Beak2 S-23 Bonus Level, partial destruction, 30-5600, 1:100 attempts, Instant

    Within 1 second of level start, the upper left hexagonal “flying saucer” will briefly spin or jerk counter-clockwise, throwing the pig pilot through his ice and stone block canopy, popping him and displacing half of the canopy blocks. No further movement occurs, and any collateral damage is unlikely.

    AB Space Beak2 S-23 Bonus Level, partial or total destruction, 0-160k+, 1:200+ attempts, Instant

    Within 1-2 seconds of level start, the small craft at bottom center with an air canister, pig and TNT begins spinning violently counter-clockwise, spiraling from its location. In my encounter, I had fired my first shot before I noticed the motion. This shot destroyed the craft which was still rapidly spiralling. From the motion I observed, this could easily cause massive destruction and possibly a level-clearing 0-egger.

    AB Space Beak2 #34, partial or total destruction, 0-170k+, 1:400+ attempts, Instant

    Within 1-2 seconds of level start, the craft next to the lava asteroid began spinning counter-clockwise violently. Once again, I had already fired my first shot, which quickly ended the show. Had debris from my shot not hit the craft, its claw arm would have detonated the lava asteroid beside it. Due to this, I think massive destruction and a rare 0-birder could be possible here.


    @kelani — Thanks! Sounds like you did get the 0-birder on #34. Which platform did you see these on?


    @mvnla2 All on PC Space v2.0.0. #1 also occurs on iPad-iOS7, so I see no reason the other two are also multi-platform.

    btw, there is a common thread in all of these. The motion is just like an air canister spraying for a quick burst. The craft clearly pivots around a point, but the spin direction would need an air blast from the opposite side of where the canister actually is. #1 is the only rebel. The blast originates near the lower right canister. Also, that craft doesn’t fly around. It’s a pretty huge craft, so I guess inertia prevents that.


    @mvnla2 Add another one to Beak2 #34

    AB Space Beak2 #34, no destruction, 0-0k+, 1:400+ attempts, Instant

    Similar to the small ship on #34, The large top rocket with the antimatter/flux capacitor spun 90 degrees clockwise immediately after a reset. Unlike the small ship, this one didn’t move enough to hit anything…this time.

    I’m starting to wonder if any canister-containing ship is susceptible to this.


    @kelani — Very interesting. I don’t think I got a notification??? Was this on a PC?


    @mvnla2 yep, PC. same as the other three


    @mvnla2 can’t see if it is reported yet, just got 10k on ABSp #39:
    Not that it helped me, because the xlew of rocks in the south-west blocked the way I wanted to shoot my first bird.
    Although that I think it belongs here mentioned.


    @bernersenn — Thanks. Can you give any more details? Such as how it happened, how long after restart, and how long it took? What platform are you playing on? From the number of times you and the other BI fanatics have played this level, I would assume it’s pretty unusual??


    @mvnla2, sure some of you questions I can answer.
    Platform: Ipad. How often: once. I played the game (guess) about 20 times. It happens direct after resetting the game. I only saw it once, was confused because I didn’t expect it. As i said, took a picture, then looked what I can do with it – actually nothing, because I couldn’t perform the first shot as I would. That’s all I can say about it. After it happens, I resetted this game ofter, without this outcome


    Thanks @Bernersenn — Interesting that no one else has reported it.


    @mvnla2 can’t blame myself, saw it only just once. The picture is obvious, isn’t it? But, also true, as I mentioned – it’s of no use or advantage.


    @mvnla2 Add another one to Beak1 #8

    AB Space Beak1 #8, partial/total destruction, 30k-??k, 1:300+ attempts, Instant

    The air canisters strike again! Immediately after reset, the rightmost canister (the one attached to the chain) spontaneously triggered. This pushes the right ship and several boulders to the upper planetoid for 30-50k dmg. I got 43k when it happened to me. I think a 0-birder could be possible, but it’d be rare enough that nobody will ever see it. Not sure yet if this could make for a higher-scoring 1-birder, as it takes a difficult shot to make the remaining ship do anything other than spin in circles. Even then, I don’t think it can push enough boulders to the upper planetoid to get the same destruction as the normal 1b shot.


    Thanks @kelani! Looks like I have quite a lot of catching up to do, and so little time that I can steal from flinging!


    See @Pjng’s comments on ABS Hamerica 1-23.


    Angry Birds Space BI 8-17
    On restart air canister fired off.
    Only seen once in many restarts


    Thanks @Ollygod — I’ve got even more catching up to do since I lost 6 months of progress on most AB games.


    See comments by @carpentrix on walkthrough for ABS Hamerica 1-16.

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