Set Items

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  • Suzy


    Loved your post, you really have a way with words and made me laugh. I think Rovio would like your idea.

    My new objectives appear at 11PM and I normally try to get the hardest ones out of the way before I turn in for the night. Unfortunately, I’m not always good explaining things in writing, this being a case in point. I think I used that phrase because I associate shutting them down with my bed time ?


    i’m hardly getting any set items, and i don’t even know why. the chances of winning the lottery is like 1/100000000. this game, set items are like 1/9926519280192833054, which is considerably impossible to achieve. triple chance, and “advanced” bonuses are literally worthless and make absolutely NO difference. this is why there are 5000% more hackers than ever before because of this dumb decision they made, which is completely their fault. I wish rovio fixed this incident THEY caused, so they also have to pay the sufferers back, like 5000 lucky coins to show them true spirit, and due to crashing VERY frequently, make that 7500 lucky coins for them to fix it, reasoning behind the crashes, THOUSANDS of programming errors. for proof, de-compile the dlls that have the source code to see what i mean. IL-Spy will help in this case.



    HOOK: [1346] L82 E10
    COMPASS: [3407] L82 E10
    PUNISHER; base damage triggers for [11134] with Bomb @ L80 M53

    LIVING LIGHTNING: [1219] L82 E10
    BOOK OF LIGHTNING: [2147] L82 E10

    ENDLESS JOY: [3284] L82 E10

    DRAGON SCALES: [4249] L82 E10
    DRAGON BREATH 45% of dealing 75% of damage to all enemies.

    BEEP!: [1257] L82 E8


    Apologies if this has been answered, I looked back through the thread a little, but there’s just so many posts …

    During a 5x RR, what is the “hit” rate of getting a set item? I recall that before the latest upgrade, if you did a 6x roll for the GPM, you might get one set item per six rolls. Now however, even during the 5x RR, I can do several 10x rolls in a row with no set items.

    For example, I saved up a couple months worth of LCs and did ten 10x rolls during the last 5x RR. I got in total about 7 set items, 2 or 3 of which came from guaranteed set items with the rainbow bar was filled. That seems like the 5x wasn’t working at all, because I typically get about 1 set item as the rainbow bar fills from daily free rolls.

    Is this typical behavior now for the GPM? Seems like it’s a total rip-off to me if it is. Makes set items way too costly to spend LCs on at all.


    Without any data to go on, I can’t say if GPM is nerfed. But I certain felt like it after spending 500 LC and got way less number of set items than before, and all the ones I got are duplicates. I actually got more unique L82 set items through the free spins than spending LC!


    not sure if it has actually been nerfed or not, but it’s more than a month, many Friends spins and all’ the Daily free Rolls at GPM and AGPM that I don’t catch anything more than the guaranteed ones. my strategy is : use GPM and AGPM for free, use the remaining LCs only for ancient weapons, fed by free special ones. It Will bè slow as It seems, but at least i Will not spend LCs both for 5xRIOTS and ancient forge.

    Hope It helps.


    My experience has been similar. Although I do actually get the occasional set item from free rolls and friends’ GPMs, spending LCs on the 5xRR has been disappointing for a few months now. What I’ve generally been doing is using LCs when the 5xRR and a Rainbow Bar Chaos mini-event coincide, so at least I’m filling the rainbow bar faster while also getting a poor rate-of-return on the 5xRR. In fact, I’m waiting to do so in a few days right this very minute! I haven’t claimed the 5xRR on the daily calendar yet, and will do so once the Chaos event starts, then will catch up the rest of the daily calendar by watching videos each day until the end of the month. I may not get the last item or two on the calendar, but I shouldn’t have any trouble getting the 30 LCs on June 28th.


    I should add that I’m only using the Ancient Relict for weapons and off-hand items; I find it to be too expensive (in terms of LCs) to use for Arena set items (especially since all I really care about from the AGPM right now is mythic emblems anyway, and the Relict doesn’t spit those out).


    I put in standby the upgrade from special to ancient for banner head/body because I’m at Gold level, yet and I want to optimize things only when I’ll bè Diamond, for stronger pieces.

    Thanks @poptimus for the hint of waiting to reclamo the 5xRR It Will coincide with the “Faster recharge” of the bar. very smart!

    I’m sure the actually rate for special weapons in free spins Will not exceeds 3%-5%. During RR It Will bè low even when multiplied by x5

    Have a nice day


    Thanks all. Rovio doesn’t have the game economy quite worked out yet. They think if they make things more expensive they will generate more people buying LCs. But my opinion is they made things so expensive there’s no incentive to spend money at all. Best just take the few free LCs they give you.



    HOOK: [1346] L82 E10
    COMPASS: [3407] L82 E10
    PUNISHER; base damage triggers for [11134] with Bomb @ L80 M53

    LIVING LIGHTNING: [1219] L82 E10
    BOOK OF LIGHTNING: [2147] L82 E10

    ENDLESS JOY: [3284] L82 E10

    DRAGON SCALES: [4249] L82 E10
    DRAGON BREATH 45% of dealing 75% of damage to all enemies.

    BEEP!: [1346] L82 E10


    My 4th (3rd unique, 1st L82) mythic emblem, Vengeful Crest, courtesy of a friend’s GAPM. And this is not from a full rainbow bar.



    What a lovely surprise for you, enjoy.


    I had now an ancient migthy head L82/E5 with 19227 life points
    and.. a special valiant head L82/E5 with a … 20453 score.

    Is it due to the typology of arena tournament I was playing in, when I crafted them?



    For the first ever since playing I didn’t get a single set item from either the nest or arena gold pigs until it was full up, and also nothing from the totem poles either.

    The 5X’s are also getting bad for me. I know Rovio is trying to get us to buy LC’s but it’s not going to work. There is no point using loads of LC’s if the chances of getting a set item have now been futher reduced.



    You must have better luck than me. I rarely get any set item unless the bars are full or through LCs, but I did get duplicates before the bar was full during the last cycle. And when the bars were full, I only got duplicates. But the chances do appear to have reduced as the last time I dumped nearly 500LCs and got only a few set items, all duplicates.

    Maybe newbies didn’t realize that and do spent money purchasing LCs, but most experienced players here are not going to do that. Those who did are probably not going to any more. In a way, you could say that after reducing the value of Snoutings, Rovio is now doing the same for LCs.



    Hopefully, newbies will soon catch on and save their money. I agree the LC’s do seem to have lost their value.

    I’ve also noticed when I delete stuff I get it all back again very quickly. Rovio for me anyway have even managed to take the pleasure out of even spinning the wheel
    now they have cut back on us getting set items.


    Has anyone gotten a Mythic emblem lately? I’ve been stuck with just Shroud and Retaliation for what seems like forever. I haven’t even spun a duplicate of either of those in weeks! Maybe months?


    no mythic emblems for months for me too. they seemed to bè all raped :-)


    Maybe a couple of weeks ago I got the mythic one that resists de-spelling. I forget exactly when I spun it, because it is so awesomely useful and I was *totally* thrilled to receive it. Naturally in my excitement I forgot to write down the details in my diary. But that is the only mythic item I’ve received since the level cap went from 70 to 80.


    Now after screwing up the arena with the new changing leaderboard glitch, they are offering set item chests and class upgrades for a nominal fee – why even bother anymore since long time players end up getting screwed…


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