
  • There is a challenge going on where I can “pop” a number of sharktihogs but it is not giving me credit for them when I shoot them. What am I supposed to do?

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  • Optimus_Pig

    To be clear, when you say “challenge” are you referring to the in-game Achievements, and if so, are you talking about the “Annoy the Quintessons – Pop 200 Sharktihogs as a Deceptihog” achievement?

    If yes, are you making sure that you’re using a Deceptihog on those runs?


    If your talking about the Android Quest it’s working for me so not sure why they wouldn’t be counted for you. You just have to kill them. It doesn’t matter how. Maybe you didn’t hit the accept button to get it started?

    Darin Clark

    It is the pop 40 sharktihogs in 3 days quest and it does show that I have accepted but, when I shoot them it is not counting them. I have already blown up 7 or 8 of them and my total still shows 0.


    No I think the OP is talking about a quest that appears some time your have to except. The quest and the pop the number set by Rovio. Price is gem’s.
    The best part is yesterday I had 2 quests to run and both times i had to kill 10 sharks and today it went up to 20 sharks to kill.
    The problem with these quest is that none of the river play area is open to me at present thus these quest are a waste of time to me. Only Rovio can do something this silly.


    @darin-clark, were you online or offline when paying those events?


    @darin-clark Don’t worry about the count, just do the quest. You will get the gems for doing it. I have the same issue where Google doesn’t always show how my kills properly but once the count is hit, sometimes it takes a few minutes, you will get credit for it. I completed that one today. I checked twice to see how many I had killed but it didn’t show any. Then after I did run through that area the prize popped up… 5gems…


    Boy Oh Boy I’ve just read my post on here and I can state that I was not drunk when I typed it out and its a mess. Sorry

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