Shouldn't we have more free trials at bootcamp?

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Shouldn't we have more free trials at bootcamp?

  • I think it would be fair to have more free trials in the 24hrs period, like at clan battles, because scores increase the second/third time, and also because cheaters have an unlimited amount to spend, one of the reasons they get very high scores, don’t you agree?

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  • Yue

    You could check what the first score been made by those who occupied top of the leaderbboard. They are not that good in the beginning. They simply made hundreds of rounds to achieve a high score.


    I know, right? I always make a much better score at second/third try at clan battles, so it is unfair that they can keep trying, because they are not paying, and us, regular players, have to pay 300 gems! Also I think it would make it a lot more fun to try 2 or 3 times at least.

    RIP Piggies

    I agree it would make it a better event – say every 5 hours as per CVC. I’ll often have a choice for finishing a room off, but not sure what bird to keep for the next, so having a second and third go would definitely improve my scores. But I can also see why Rovio just wants to make it a gems suck.


    I quite agree with this proposition. It would be much more interesting to have several attempts!



    I wish Rovio would change that, so we can play more at bootcamp.


    Hey! Now we can try again for only 60 gems! Thanks Rovio!

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Shouldn't we have more free trials at bootcamp?

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