Show Your Flock

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Show Your Flock

  • Hello everyone.

    As the title suggests, this topic is meant to share screenshots of our current flock.

    As in Angry Birds 2 the birds can be upgraded with feathers, everyone has a different flock with birds in different levels, different number of feathers and different stats, which makes the comparison interesting.

    And as our flock is constantly evolving, it makes sense to indicate the date of the screenshot and also come back from time to time to show it again.

    Note: If you have your Facebook account linked to AB2 and don’t want to reveal it in the screenshot, you can enter the game with the internet connection turned off just to take the screenshot. That way your Facebook name and picture will not appear.

    Let’s get started.

    Here’s my flock:

    October 24, 2015

    Currently I have all my birds in the Azure League. Terence is the one with more feathers and Silver is the opposite.

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Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Show Your Flock

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