Skulkers, Chili, or save up for Thunderbird?

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Skulkers, Chili, or save up for Thunderbird?

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  • KillerKea

    @graugeist That isn’t correct. The bonus attack from gang up still works. Instead of getting 2 attacks per round the Sea Dog can only get 1.5/round. However Chuck can use Speed of Light so he can get up to 3/round.

    All birds have different strengths and weaknesses and many combos work well. The only time I’m in trouble when I use the Sea Dog in the arena is when I lose the toss and Chuck goes down in the first round despite having the Reborn set. When that doesn’t happen I win 95+% of the time so it has been a long time since I’ve gotten 3 losses in a day.


    With Sea Dog in Arena,

    3 birds up, Bomb gets 2 attacks, one tied to each partner.

    1 bird down, Bomb only gets 1 attack, the same as if he hadn’t bothered with Gang Up.

    Sea Dog is good, but he’s not as good in Arena.


    @graugeist You aren’t using the Sea Dog correctly. If one bird goes down, Gang Up still works. You only use gang up every other round until the bird revives. In round where you have to cast gang up the Sea Dog gets one attack. The next round he gets two attacks – one from gang up and one from attacking whatever he wants. The net result is 1.5 attacks/round. If you use Chuck’s Speed of light when one bird is down, then the Sea Dog gets 2 or 3 attacks that round.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Skulkers, Chili, or save up for Thunderbird?

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