Smashing Pumpkins – New Event!

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  • Cynical Bird

    I haven’t been able to make the 100 prize level in a few competitions :(. Rovio/Exient is giving only a good bonus in the first 2 hours.

    How many recharges have you done? Do you start right at the start or wait an hour or how long before starting?


    I see they have done it again with the current challenge as they now only score 1 as before it was always 5 or more. No wonder the scores are low and we can’t get anywhere near the daily 550 tokens.
    All in all does anybody know what else they can do to us to maintain the enjoyment of the game as I’d really love to know. SMFH in disgust


    As in the first two days in the competition unicron doesn’t show up. Yesterday he showed during the pig witches event, but seems he doesn’t during the added targets like ghosts, pumpkins, and now scarecrows.


    @sickcyn I started ~40 minutes in during the 110% block and did 3 recharges. I also got a couple a Unicrons for score boosts.



    I guess some people get him while others don’t. When I mentioned it on the first day someone reported getting him. I did over 30 runs that day without a seeing him, so today will probably be the same since I have already done around 20 runs. And without having the chance to kill him, I either have to spend more gems or forget about maxing out. Totally unfair to those of us who don’t have the opportunity to score more than the 300-400 average before bonuses.


    I just did a run and got 1 point for each scarecrow when complete the game did an auto-start and just did another run and now I got 5 points per scarecrow. Very strange indeed.


    @beauregard I have only come across him 3 times since the event started. first two days I didn’t get him at all which is annoying as you can get a lot of points from him when others get him and you don’t its hard to catch up on the score board


    @beauregard @ed209 Same case with me. I didn’t meet Unicron on the first day but on the following two days I met Unicron once per day but have yet met him today even after using three recharges at the first two hours (110% bonus). The other days I have only used up to two recharges so it could conclude that the number of recharges might not affect the chance

    This seems unfair – we all deserve more chances at scoring more points against Unicron.


    I think I got Unicron once each the first two days. Didn’t have the right TF, so I didn’t defeat him. Yesterday, I got him three times. Twice during blocks with Grimlocks where I got 3800 point each and once at the end where Epic Optimus only knocked him down to 50% health and got 1500.


    During other competitions unicron would show up between the 8th and 12th run. I have already done three recharges plus some regular hourly recharges without seeing him. And with the targets set so high, there will be no way I can reach it, right now I have 9600 not even half way there


    Didn’t get Unicron the first day. Got him the second on the short beach run so may as well not have got him. Once yesterday in the desert (50% bonus) and was able to defeat him and yet to meet him today. Except for the You’ve Got the Touch event where he showed up just about every second run it has been really unfair the irregularity of his appearances but this event has been worse. Worse still you need to meet him and beat him to help reach the 100 token level.

    On a side note yesterday was also the first day I ran into Boss Pig in this event.


    Boss pig hasn’t shown at all for me.

    Cynical Bird

    @jasebree Do you always come in first place? Do you get competition or your lead is insurmountable? Do you wake up every 4 hours to keep clearing the regular charges? Do you have to use charges at the end?


    Had similar experiences (and results – 1 win, 2 standoffs) as noted above with Unicron this event. Boss Pig made 1 appearance.

    None yet on scarecrow Day


    As I shared pic of win against bbg, today in scarecrow challenge unicorn not there for me (nd for all on my leader board) only 7hr left for event day and #1 at 8k nd me #2 6k and below 3 4 r in 5k. I don’t think there is any chance to reach at 100 mark for #1 or me. Its should be random it’s fine.! but in first it has to be there. With those high target u r not going to make it with 25% bonus for 12 hrs in a day.


    Not to mention the random boot from the game taking away chances to earn points. Just got booted before the game even started.


    @beauregard had this earlier as well, before it even started it crashed to ios home screen and lost the chance to do the event


    Not seen the BG or the BBG today at all but I surely wish I had as it is taking an age to collect the daily tokens. I took 7 runs to get to 4700 for 40 tokens and this was in the game where most of my Bots are L15. I’not scored over 400 today flipping crazy


    It doesn’t help that the scarecrows are only worth five points and the max bonus has been 25% for most of the day. I’m glad I did two recharges last night at the 110% level. As it is, I’ll be lucky if I just need one more recharge to get to the 100 token level. I’m 4700 short with five regular runs to go.


    So, after using two runs of a recharge in this last block, I got my 550 tokens for today. With today’s win, I have enough for Nemesis Prime and Matrix. Now, do I go for Shywarp or Halloween accessories? Hmm, decisions decisions.

    The Dark Knight

    my nephew come with my sister and his husband for weekend and i did play a bit with his transformers level 8 most of them but man… the game was awful for him. I don’t know if it’s his device but the game was seems more difficult! I couldn’t play at all. How is suppose new fresh people playing the game with so much difficulty…


    Ummm… So I start the challenge and have to take a break after 2 runs. Get back to the game and I am in 10th. Finish the next 2 runs and find myself in 4th, about 200 behind the leader.

    And that leader is…


    Not MillForce2k.

    Yeah I did a double take.


    That’s me. There are no numbers, so I just left it at that. I later realized that I could have used a Z for the 2.

    The Dark Knight

    Oh… i haven’t ever meet in competition that is in this forum.

    But in the epic i met 1-2 people from the epic’s forum.


    Today’s Challenge benchmarks are ridiculously high again.

    Also, does it seem like the tombstones are only scoring one point each?

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Smashing Pumpkins – New Event!

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