So what should Rovio do now (after disappearing Boulder Pigs)

Clearly their having 2 colossal failures with Monster Pig Events in a row means they should temporarily suspend these Events. The Arena Tournament between said Events went well, so unless they're ready to launch the next round of Lab levels, they need to stop these Monster Events & stick with Arena Tournaments until they can clearly identify & fix the multiple Monster Event issues. For all these months, while these Events had an occasional hiccup, things ran smoothly, so I really don't understand why things have literally crashed in a few weeks. I would love to hear from a computer programmer, because I would like to learn more. I'm 57 & from the BC (before computer generation) & I would think since these small & large Monster Pigs become more difficult to beat in a very predictable order that changing from 1 Monster Pig to another shouldn't be that difficult. My programming ignorance leads me to believe they would substitute the new B Pig for the old A Pig leaving everything other than the prizes alone. Clearly in the last Event the switching of SP Ship Hull to Defense Up & Mast to Life up was just 1 example of their declining attention to detail. Now for an equally important question .... How to compensate players? Some spent real $$$ for Gems, what to do? Reimburse Gems spent so no one is out their Gems, but what about the incredible amount of wasted time? After over 3 weeks of failed Monster Events Rovio needs to bite the bullet, going above & beyond to show they're not out to intentionally rip off consumers because it's beginning to look that way. What would you want? I suggest 1 free SS Bird item of players' choice & 1 free SS Ship item of players' choice. I think this would say we REALLY are sorry, mea cupla, however the biggest problem with this solution is it requires a special programming which from recent experience we know is apparently way beyond their programmers' expertise. So what do you think?
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