So, you want to quit this game?

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum So, you want to quit this game?

  • You know, Rovio is f***ing up this game. With all the new and wonderful “updates”, Rovio is really really f***ing up this game, and this game is royally boned (f***ed).

    But are you really going to quit this game? Rovio knows that we won’t actually quit this game, so they just keep on f***ing up this game.

    Ok, even if we successfully quit this game, Rovio is not going to care, because there will be new comers, and to these new players, they won’t care about these new “updates”, because they don’t know how wondeful ABF once was before the new “updates”. These new players will continue to enjoy the current settings of ABF. Until Rovio makes further changes to piss off these new players. But there will be more new players after that.

    It’s an endless cycle.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is, no offense to anybody, but if you want to quit this game, then quit, because threatening to quit isn’t going to work, neither is actually quitting.

    I hate the new changes as much as any of you, but what can we do? Nothing!

    But I am really ready to give up. I have been looking at other games. I have good battle records. I have really good items, but I have been playing less and less, maybe just 2 or 3 hours a day. I used to play this game like crazy, like clockwork, constantly checking my bird and ship energy, constantly. But now, nah, I just try to complete the daily challenge, then I go on playing other games.

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  • Replies
  • TomT


    oh and I really hate Voland, too.

    But then again, what can I do? I can bi7ch about it, but nothing is going to be done.


    I personally do not care about few new features, they are nearly always welcome.
    What bothers me is the game instability (constant crashes) notably after the ads, frequent disconnections, enormous data usage and unstable rovio servers …
    I’m not investing a single penny into something that unstable.


    @tomt same as you.I now play more battle bay.1000000000000000000%better
    I only spent like 15minutes on that crap game
    If rovio do not change the minus boots,I will QUIT
    Rovio did a Fuc*ing job.Good Shi* Rovio
    All the games now are fuc*ing(except battle bay,epic and transformers)


    @vmicho For me personally, I don’t care about this new changes about losing boots. I hate it the fact that Rovio keeps adding crap items into the slot.

    Another thing, if it turns out to be true that you need piggies to play the new island, then,….


    Yes,Rovio is a truly fuc*.It is really unfair to me as I have only The sh*t a piggies..Fuc* you Rovio.

    you were right.The fuc*ing slot gives me crap a piggies and shi* lab items ALWAYS.I once played a 20 gem slot and the prizes are truly fuc*s.
    Golden spoon(wtf?)
    The ss dr pig lab fuc*ing gun
    The sh*t minion piggy and the noob pirate piggy


    @harharhar STOP!!!!!! Just STOP!!!!! Man, are you crazy? You’re actually swearing to a company which game you play! And you hurt Rovio so much!!! They might ban you for that!! Atleast be happy with the stuff you have!


    @donewithpigs I think you got a point. The reason people, including me, complain is because it used to be easier to get SS items in the slot. Not the slot has changed, and we don’t like it, so we, including me, complain.

    For new players who start playing this game with the current slot setting, I’m sure they are happy about it, because they don’t know it was easier to get SS items in the past.

    Do you still remember when we could get items right after each fight? The items weren’t great, but at least you could sell them for coins, and you need a lot of coins to enhance SS items and to unlock higher levels.

    So my point is, I think @donewithpigs is right, and MAYBE we, the elder players, are spoiled.


    Honestly, the elder players should be so stacked that the slot items don’t even matter anymore. :P


    @donewithpigs maybe I am too bad tempered at the days before,because something made me felt angry(NOT ABOUT ROVIO)before.


    @partshade That was one big part of my mistake. I should have blown all my gems on the premium slot instead of hoarding the gems. Now I have over 300 gems, but the slot has gone to hell in a handbasket…….


    @tomt Why are you saving them up anyway? In case of emergency?

    @all In my opinion, this change was good. Why? Because back then, SS items were just too easy to get. They NEED to be hard to get. They’re the most powerful items in the game. They should be rare.

    Now that they are, there isn’t such a high standard for OP players out there. S items can now be average rather than SS items themselves.

    Imagine if things did go back to normal, do you know how many if these we would see???


    And that’s for just one bird, let’s not forget about:

    Rockstar Glasses
    Artists Mustache
    Poker Cards
    Perfume Bottle


    @partshade and @tomt Not really. Don’t forget about the Golden Items from Monster Raids. They are much obtainable than the slot items. In this way the players overpower their birds with the golden Equipment. At Arena is different, it depends of your competitive spirit to get the SS from it. So, in these ways, there is still too easy to collect SS.


    @donewithpigs I guess you are right, a lot of players are running around with hour glass, but now they don’t put panel- appearance items in monster events, arena events are pig labs items, the slot is full of junk, the game is gonna be more difficult for new-er players.

    With rockstar glasses and Chuck mustache, my average winning streak is 20+. These items are awesome.


    @tomt Soooo lucky for you.Gold increase panels skill?I hope to have one too!
    I can tell that this is my largest hope because I am SURE that I will NEVER get gold increase panel skill.Even playing a lot of slots,never getting a gold increase panel skill.
    The only lucky things I get from slot is:Barella ornaments,Oni Mage,Pink punk,bamboo stick,pirate pistol…….NO MORE!Most of my SS items are from monster pig’s and one areana
    For me it is impossible to get gold increase panel items??(crying)


    I am still trying to get those poker cards. The only thing you can do is play the 20 gem slot so at least you are guaranteed at least one SS item.

    I got lucky today and got 3 SS items in 1 roll of the 20 gem slot. I got the new weapon for Stella, and 2 other SS items I already had so I merged them for extra stars.

    1 day I will complete my set of golden appearance items.


    Looks like it’s going to be even harder to get the gold panel increasers now. The slot now has a whole new set of items for each bird. New effect on them too. When using the item, you will get more points from the panels as you get winning streaks. So basically once you get a high streak, you’ll be pretty much invincible.


    Well. Just FYI, I’ve got now the stella’s gold panel increase (parfume bottle) in 3 slot tries during arena event, so it costed me 15 gems. But yes, it can be done in 100 tries or 1000 tries (that’s how probability works). When just you didn’t get your dream item doesn’t mean we all should rage-quit the game. Even if there were 2 items in the slot, you can miss 100 times and the math will have a justification for that.


    @harharhar I got from Slot Rockstar Glasses and Poker Cards. All you need is just pure luck. Getting weapons and helmets is easier than getting SS Panel Increasers because when people get SS Panel Appereance, they would be too Op, so Rovio reduced the chance of getting gold panel appereance items due to this. So it needs pretty much slot tries. But, wish you luck in the next 4xslot roll and hope you get gold panel increaser :)

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum So, you want to quit this game?

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