Spark run refresh rate

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  • How often does spark run refresh without having to pay 100 crystals?

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  • Joel

    It looks like it is timed like events. Whenever you usually have your event end/start is the same time the spark run resets each day.


    Does the 100 gem purchase for an additional run make it any quicker or is it just the one extra run?


    @phillips I assume its just an extra run


    What I would like to see from Rovio is that a timer be put there like every other “recharge” item in the the game…. That would answer all these questions…


    100 gems is just 1 extra run. Then you have to wait til midnight (or whatever your local start time is) for your next as normal. Hardly much of an incentive to spend so many gems


    You get the timer if you pay for the extra run. I have a stack of spare gems so I thought I would buy the extra run today to see what happens. After doing it when you tap the building again to see the status the 100 gems is replaced with a padlock and there is a countdown timer that matches the event timer.


    @phillips Wait, so you mean the timer appears after you have paid 100 gems? Does the timer stay after that or does it go away again?


    Don’t know only did it today. Will see what happens tomorrow.


    I have never had the timer appear, I have done it each day and the bar just goes across as the day goes on and I take it resets at the usual time the dailies do. On difficulty four today so will be 5 tomorrow

    My son said that when you use the 100 gems it allows him to play there and then with no waiting.


    My only thought is there is no timer after the first run of the day as you can pay 100 gems to do another run but as you can only pay for another run once the timer is put on it so you know how long you have to wait before you can do it again.


    @ed209 have you paid the 100 gems for the extra run as the timer only appeared for me today after I paid the 100 gems.


    @phillips This sucks throughout when you have to see how long you have to wait only after wasting a premium currency. Rovio employees really like messing with their game.

    Drover’s Dog

    @datguygamer I think @phillips has done is pay his 100 gems and done the run. After the run has been completed and sparks collected when trying to enter the spark run again there is a padlock with a countdown timer… in other words you can only have one extra run per day at 100 gems


    You can only 2 spark runs a day 1 free and 1 for 100 Gems then you have to wait until it resets at midnight like the daily quest.
    One thing I’ve found is the spark run since the event came out is suffering from the end of the world bug. I lost the free run and the 100 Gem run to it and am not happy at all


    @paul13 Can’t you skip that reset time using gems? After I have done it once, I can do it again, right?



    I did the 1st Free Run but lost it to the end of the world bug. When I got back in the free run had gone and the next run was 100 Gems silly me paid the 100 Gems and that crashed also with the end of the world bug. The spark run is now locked out to me for 13hrs.


    @paul13 So you cannot enter the spark run three times in a row…huh. So they are limiting your runs.

    Also, sorry about your gem loss.


    Just did spark run today. The timer I had is now gone. You must only get the timer if you pay the gems for a second run. Don’t need the timer I know what time it refreshes and can always use the event timer.


    Today, at day 7 I am at Difficulty level 7 and 160 spark points bonus. I played with Grimlock and shoot almost any target at about 96-97%. Points that I collected were a little less then 30k. All bonus sparks points were at 44 700 points, and only my bonus 185% help me to reach enough points for a full day bonus sparks. As I see probably after two weeks I wouldn’t be ablle to get the full day bonus sparks points with my current squad!

    What is your bonus from a squad and how are you doing with the Daily Sparks Run? I didn’t have any problem with Grimlock and he was ok with blood at the end of the level, but I also read in other theme, that at level 11 will be hard to finish level and first bird is not enough for the whole run? I am not spending any gems for this run till now.


    I’ got to level 5 and I noticed that my bot got too much damage from enemies. When I noticed I was with only one heart, and I was able to finish the run because it was energon grimlock, and I could recover my energy with energon cubes.

    I think that the more you level up, more damage will be dealt to your bot, forcing you to use the other bots to finish the run.

    About the goal to obtai all sparks in the runs, after the difficulty level 3, I couldn’t reach the goal without the bonus.


    This sucks man. The score is increasing at such a rate that you definitely need a 315% bonus for anything. Since level 5, I haven;t been able to get all the points. Would have liked if there was an ad bonus as well.


    Today, at difficulty level 8 is the first day that my Grimlock was killed in the middle of the run. My second bird was killed too, and I finished run with 3-rd on half blood. So I am expecting tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow to have problem finishing the run. If we don’t finish the run, we are not receiving upgrede of the Difficulty level, right? So if we couldn’t finish any level, we will stuck in that level till we didn’t pass it, no metter how many points and sparks we will get current run, right? If we didn’t reach end of the run, and didn’t get Difficulty level upgrade, did we lose our levels? Did we will be back one level, or we shoudl start from the beginning at level 1, or we will just continue on current level, till we succeed to pass the whole run?


    Day 8 here too and no issues with the run, gimlock got low but got him back up with cubes.

    level 9 tomorrow, difficulty only goes up if you finish the run, what level is your grimlock? mines 15


    @ed209 Every of my birds are at level 15, and I didn’t use them if I dont get them to level 15. ONly I can do a run at lower level, just to try how the birds is going. Also my Grimlock is at 105% upgrade with sparks.


    my grimlock is the same, level 15 and 105%, got two others at 25% so I get a total of 155%.

    I do have a accessory that gives him 5% more damage (the headphones)

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