Spark Run!

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  • MillForce2k

    407: 2,164,700 points (+9,100)
    408: 2,173,800 points (+9,100)

    Going to be a looooooooooong week is right!!

    @ 630%, both runs took a full 15 stages. Needed the gold in the mines to get over the line. On my old, slow phone, each run took about 35 min.

    First run was with Energon Nautica. Finished with full health, but one meadow stage was touch-and-go with falling monoliths and WMTs followed by a couple flying swarms. Got down to one heart at the end of that stage.

    Second run was with Mirage. Was a pretty relaxing run, though she finished with two hearts left.


    409: 2,182,900 points (+9,100) – 17 runs @ 630%
    410: 2,192,100 points (+9,200) – 15 runs @ 630%


    For the time being I have the following formula: 9,2997*level²+1523,3*level+3449

    Using that formula gives 3,091,000 for level 500.


    @grimlockdown Back to the drawing board.

    411: 2,392,700 points (+200,600) – 15 runs @ 630%
    412: 2,402,700 points (+10,000) – 15 16 runs @ 630%


    @millforce2k How does 8.0–8.5 8.5–9.0 million for level 500 sounds like? That’s where we are going if R/E keeps giving extra N times 100,300 points every 10th level.

    There are bots that with decent promotion survive at least 3 million points and one needs three of those. Combiners and some energon bots will probably survive at 630% promotion but will player survive…


    @grimlockdown Ouch, that’s going to suck if it’s that high. That’s like 50+ stages with only 630%. Even with promoted bonus squad bots, it will take a while.


    50 stages😩. I’m also playing (again) with 630% promo and I’m close to level 400, these runs last forever😣. Hope they can add some more goldblocks in de future.


    If I don’t hurry up to much I can finish a run with blaster leaving one heart. If I speed it up with more vehicle mode than I have to use one more heart of another bot.


    My previous formula was quite short lived, so I hope this will live a bit longer: 451.17*level²-340200*level+65,290,000, for levels > 400.

    The fit isn’t perfect but should be good enough. Using the formula gives 8,612,500 for level 500.


    I think next step in Spark run evolution will be 4th slot for 5k gems.


    413: 2,412,700 points (+10,000) – 16 runs @ 630%
    414: 2,422,700 points (+10,000) – 17 runs @ 630%

    I’m afraid you may be right. Time to stockpile gems.


    In trying to finish faster I am using two bots with good speed in vehicle mode, the third one is a combiner, for a total promotion of 630%. But, I cannot break a million with any of first two bots. Which leaves me with only the combiner to complete 40-50% of the task. I am literally falling asleep playing it.

    For the time being, I am down to one spark run per day. At least til the next event.


    @pako If coins or pigs aren’t the limiting factor – but time/boredom is – may I suggest a better strategy than one run per day…

    You spend the same amount of time, though spend more coins or pigs but get more sparks when doing two runs at a lower level. The lower level has as it’s point goal the half of the point goal of your maximum (current) level.

    Some examples:

    current level lower level
        300           230
        325           250
        350           270
        375           290
        400           300
        425           325

    You get about 1.5 times more sparks by using the two run strategy.


    Just one Spark run? Even if 2nd is free? I’ll play both even if it will take hours, because for now it’s only one source of sparks.


    415: 2,432,800 points (+10,100) – 16 runs @ 630%
    416: 2,442,800 points (+10,000) – 15 runs @ 630%

    I’ve tried doing speed runs, but I think they took longer since it seemed I got less flying pigs.

    I agree. Also with gems harder to come by, the Eggspark is less of an option than it was before. These two runs took over an hour and a half.


    @grimlockdown, I was just wondering about that and you’ve just gave me the answer. It’s a good idea, as I don’t have much free time. As it is, it takes me 35 min to complete one spark run.

    , I think the number of flying pigs I get is more than I wanted. I have to be careful while in vehicle mode or else I risk running the rest of task with the combiner. Exiting vehicle mode at the right time is crucial to avoid kamikaze pigs.

    I am doing about 15-16 nodes at level 38x with a 630% promotion. Which are one too many. It cuts down my time to recoup pigs/coins. Time to adapt.


    417: 2,452,900 points (+10,100) – 18 runs @ 630%
    418: 2,463,000 points (+10,100) – 18 runs @ 630%


    419: 2,473,200 points (+10,200) – 17 runs @ 630%
    420: 2,483,300 points (+10,100)


    Level 421: 2,784,200 points (+301,900)

    Edit: If I got level 421 right then level 422 is probably 2,795,200 points (+11,000)


    421: 2,593,300 points (+110,000) – 9 runs @ 1470%
    422: 2,603,900 points (+10,600) – 8 runs @ 1680%

    They’re messing with your model


    @millforce2k Indeed!

    Supposing the level 411 was a fluke, I have a new “model” and according to it the point limit for level 500 will be about 4.4 million. But I’m sure R/E will change things after they see this message 😉


    @girmlockdown Well, 4.4M is better than 8-9M, but yea, I thing they’re tweaking things based on your model.


    My newest model for levels greater than 420: Random(level)*7,500,000+2,500,000 😉

    The prediction for you @millforce2k for level 423 is 5,951,600 and for level 424 is 5,444,100 🤷‍♂️

    Lets see if R/E can beat that 😎


    423: 2,614,500 points (+10,600) – 8 runs @ 1680%
    424: 2,625,100 points (+10,600) – 7 runs @ 1680%

    “Random” is about right. though, I’m sure there’s a method to their madness. I wonder if 431 will be +220,000.


    @millforce2k I haven’t checked (yet) but there may be two models, one for levels 4×1 and one for other levels. For the latter I should have enough data.

    At this point this revised “Random” model is ‘accurate’ for the level 500: Random()*7,000,000+3,000,000


    425: 2,635,800 points (+10,700) – 7 runs @ 1680%
    426: 2,646,500 points (+10,700) – 7 runs @ 1680%

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