Special powers don’t work

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Special powers don’t work

  • Hi, sometimes when I press the screen to use the special powers nothing happens and I end up losing because of this, mostly when I use Matilda or Blues and when I’m about to finish the match, yesterday that happened three times in a row in the same match.
    At first I thought it was my phone but it’s almost new and I don’t have this problen with other games or with the normal use of the phone.
    Does anybody else have this problem or is just me?

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  • jo-ha

    Yeah, I know this issue.

    I realized this upon two different issues: my old sony tablet is just too slow to recognize the tap on the screen within the last second before impact – it lags and my bird smashes against the rock… this won’t be the cause of your problem.

    I also realized this on my iPhone (not the newest model, but still 6S, so “quite” new) as well. I cannot really prove it, but I think, the screen has some sort of hit box for the special powers of your birds. I feels like, if you tap the screen near the edge, the powers won’t activate. I tend to play with both thumbs, if the left thumb is too close to the edge, sometimes the power doesn’t activate. Try to hit the center of the screen and see if the problem reoccurs.


    @leobadwolf It happened since you started the game or it appeared recently?If you have these problems often,report them at Rovio Support.They may respond you:https://support.rovio.com/hc/en-us/categories/200410357-Angry-Birds-2?mobile_site=false


    I think this has been happening since I startded playing the game (six months ago) but at first I didn’t put it much attention, then realized that it was a recurring issue.

    I’ve notice that about the edge of the screen too, I tend to tap the screen in the right side and it’s when the issue occurs most of the times.

    I’ll try to contact the support to find out if it can be fix, thanks for the help.


    @leobadwolf You’re welcome!

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Special powers don’t work

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