Spin wheel…

Home Forums Angry Birds Friends Forum Spin wheel…

  • By wheel spin I got all power-ups exept increasing coins. Who got my coins! Really angry now!

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  • AMslimfordy

    Are you saying that if the wheel lands on Bird Coins, you don’t think you’re being credited?

    We have not had any reports of this to my knowledge. Everything seems to work fine on my end, as I landed on the “small stack” today and it credited correctly.


    I have had it land on coins several times and have always gotten the correct credit .


    Me too, never problems with THE coins ( only perhaps rising to 25 / 50 / 75, this about rising coin prices ?? )


    I get coins 1 in every three spins, but it is always 10 coins for below. I’ve only had the max 4times.


    Hmmm…. if wheel lands on coins is there X sign what means multiple so, if I have 100 coins, is it multiplied 100X10=1000 not 110 what I really earn :(

    Rovios guys must learn a little math not only Python or other languages

    Mitä vittua!

Home Forums Angry Birds Friends Forum Spin wheel…

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