Still need help

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Still need help

  • Red giant valley level 4
    I don’t have paladin
    Any combo suggestions?
    I only have 2 birds plus mccool

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  • ShapokoManbeast


    What about mighty eagle potion or other potions? You could also set up fake Facebook account just for this game and request on Friends Request thread.


    I could use might eagle but I know there is a way to beat this boss
    The only thing I can think of is use in the range of 40 or so cakes that replenish the chili and stun with blues with rage l?


    Yup that is a good one, what bird classes do you have?


    I’m new to the game but have been playing it religiously for about a month
    My bird class is what I started with
    Experience level is 39
    Red samurai is level 18
    Blues spies level 18


    Yeah the method you proposed is probably the way to go. You just have to “farm” the ingredients for potions I guess.

    I know I fought the Facebook thing for 2 years but it does make things a lot easier because then you could use powerful friend’s birds to eliminate the enemy quickly


    Yea I don’t really know why I an so anti facebook…..I just want to complete the levels with what I have, but maybe I need to start a random facebook account to get some help


    @ckd1 Listen to @shapokomanbeast. I fought the fb/ABE thing for a couple of years as well. They *want* you to use fb. They *reward* you to use fb. And the great thing is that if you connect with some of the people here, their birds absolutely rock in terms of helping you clear caves and dungeons and friendship areas. Plus, having a steady supply of FE makes a lot of difference.

    The only down side to fb is that I have a lot more posts on my timeline in languages and alphabets other than english than I did before. I guess that’s not really a down side.



    Yeah I understand the FB thing and if you can make it on your own the more power to you. Like I said I did w/out for 2 years and there’s a member here @suzyq who still doesn’t use it so don’t feel pressured to sign up but as @jamairoqui says it does make it easier

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Still need help

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