Stuck on Chronicle Cave 4 (Endless Winter)

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Stuck on Chronicle Cave 4 (Endless Winter)

  • All right, so I’ve just reached Chronicle Cave 4 and I’m having a devil of a time with the first level of it – the first wave consists of one Ice Shaman, one Snow Pigmies, and three Tiny Snowpigs, and they’re slaughtering me every time. I have level 24 birds with most classes upgraded to Veteran and a few (Druid, Samurai, Cap’n) at Elite level. There is only one person on my friend list and his birds are level 11, so they are not helpful. Barring use of the Eagle mercenary, as I’m saving my lucky coins for the Bard class at the moment (and after that, the Skulkers, Sea Dog, and Thunderbird), I’m pretty much stuck relying on my pig allies.

    With the Snowpigs basically negating all my buffs and the Ice Shaman preventing me from healing unless I have a bird that can Cleanse bad effects, my trouble lies in tanking all the damage that comes in – especially since it’s taking me too long to knock down the Pigmies, which I’m seeing as a pretty major threat in their ability to summon even more damage at me.

    Do I have a prayer of winning this, or should I grind more and wait until I have more/better classes before I even bother trying?

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  • Replies
  • Squeaky McGee

    The biggest thing that will help you both here and later in the Chronicle Caves is having some high-level friends to borrow birds from. The pig allies just aren’t that helpful beyond the 3rd cave or so. (And even then, mainly just Prince Porky for dealing with the undead in Cave 3, or Pigiana for being able to dispel on enemies, but you can get that yourself with certain birds.) Hit me up on FB (see my profile), and you can add me to your list. (It’s an alt-account I created just for Epic, so I don’t mind that I don’t actually know any of my “friends” on it for real. You might consider doing the same if you don’t want people seeing your real FB page for whatever reason.)


    Good idea. Thanks.

    I have found that Pigiana is absurdly useful with a team of Paladin/Princess in the other two slots, especially against large numbers of enemies (smack an enemy with Princess, put Devotion on whatever the enemies target, and throw Pigiana’s Counter buff on Paladin – took out the bosses of caves 2 and 3 this way; the team becomes practically unkillable) but the strategy doesn’t work when buffs keep getting dispelled.

    Squeaky McGee

    Yeah, and Pigiana becomes increasingly irrelevant in Cave 5 because you’re fighting mostly Ninjas and other enemies with the Dodge ability, and many of them have Dispel attacks as well. Couple that with his health being considerably lower than an average Veteran/Elite bird and he usually ends up dead in the first few rounds. Worse is when there’s also an Ironclad in the mix. I just bring in Samurai and make sure I’ve got plenty of Veggie Cakes so I can use his Rage attack to take out the Ironclad while not making him useless against all the other enemies.

    Minion Pig

    What is your level? I am level twenty and stuck on the second level of cave four. I wonder if I must use a barrage of potions to pass these levels. I rarely use potions. My two friends are at level four and I don’t think they play the game anymore.

    Squeaky McGee

    I’m level 25, and have all my classes upgraded to Elite. (That’s all of the normal classes plus Paladin. I don’t have the other 4 Lucky-Coin classes yet, working my way up to Bard.) I have been using more potions in the CC levels. I got the Cauldron upgrade early when it was on sale, so I can make potions more quickly. I sort of regret the purchase as if I hadn’t done it, I’d have the Bard already by now. But it has given me a glut of potions to use, and made that process slightly less tedious than it would have been otherwise.

    Second level of cave four – is that the one where the second wave has three healers at once? I think I slammed a bunch of Burning Veggie Cakes on that one just to get several Rage attacks in a row before they could all heal each other back up again. Was one of the more expensive ones if I recall. Just concentrate on one of them at a time. It’s much easier once you take the first one out.


    I’m not on Facebook so I have to use the pig allies or fight with 2 birds. Piggy Mc’Cool is my favorite pig to use in the caves because of his Restock skill. I have him cast restock on 2 birds so I can fill the rage chili up to 100% every round if I need to. He can also act as the healer when needed, but I usually use healing potions since you get them back 65% of the time. I never upgraded my chili to the 75% version because gathering the ingredients to make the that version is too much trouble and I often like to use 2 Veggie cakes to instantly get to 100%. Anything beyond 100% is wasted.

    Squeaky McGee

    @killerkea – True, but if you build up a big stock before upgrading, all your existing potions will be upgraded, saving you the trouble. And having them at 75% can be really helpful since you can only use 1 potion per bird each round. There are times I’ve used 2 Fruit Cakes and 1 75% Veggie Cake in the same round to both heal up and do some damage all at once, or in really desperate situations, to use Veggie first to activate Matilda’s Rage when they’ve got that annoying curse that steals all your healing, then Fruit Cakes or Juices to finish healing, or maybe even more Veggies to get 2 Rage attacks in one round. Not always possible with the 50% Veggie. It always did annoy me that upgrading your potion recipes makes you “forget” how to make the older recipes. It’d be really useful to be able to have both options…


    Rainbird is WAY more useful than Matilda in this cave as Rainbird removes the anti-heal and the healing is balanced. A good combo is Samurai/Paladin, Rainbird and Capt’n.


    It is really helpful to have Princess, Rainbird or Tricksters when fighting the shaman, but I was able to 3 star many levels in CC4 without any of those characters. One good combo is Princess, Paladin, and Pigiana Jones. The Princess is usually healing the Paladin, but it is OK to let the boss type pigs attack Pigiana or Princess. You just need to remember to cast devotion on Pigiana or Princess when the target changes and you will still cast counter on your Paladin. When you are fighting pigs that charge always cast devotion and counter after their first charge, that way if either of those characters gets stunned you can still cast it after the second charge.

    Using this combo will work very well, but it will take longer and might not get you 3 stars.

    Minion Pig

    use rage chili to take out big healer like shaman and chieftan, the rest should be easy


    Thanks guys. It got easier once I passed the first fight – I have been using Paladin/Prinvess/Adventurer Pig as well, and it’s worked fantastically except in taht one fight because the combination of enemies present stop me from countering (Tiny Snowpigs dispel EVERYTHING), which drops my healing ability to unsustainable levels. I’m doing better now.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Stuck on Chronicle Cave 4 (Endless Winter)

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