Submarine Hat Set

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Submarine Hat Set


    I expected rovio going to released NASA hats but they did submarine? lol, plus we have to face ff button in TOF, just to get those hats.. really? ok  ;/

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  • Chicken’little

    Once again i’m stuck at level 4! I spend oodles of gems (ahem hide the credit card statement time) got the entire hat set and STILL i end up using most of my flock trying to get thru the first room! i stink at this game! but anyone working their way thru it, please send some advice on how to get thru room 1. thanks

    Falcon Falcon

    Chicken Little.  Usually people post walk throughs for the events.  Keep practicing and look for those walk throughs and you’ll probably do OK.  I haven’t had a chance to try it yet myself.


    Submarine hat set was a surprise, as I was expecting tha NASA set. Is there space related anniversaries of other important days in near future? Perhaps NASA set is waiting for such occasion?


    New hat set in ToF sure restored my bad luck and magical ability to find and choose the pig cards…



    thanks Falcon. I’m trying… dang I’m trying! but those first 2 rooms are a monster for me…..

    Falcon Falcon

    Chicken Little I finally played TOF and was able to scrounge up the first 3 hats.  I’m also on level 4 and it’s pretty tricky with just 3.


    @rawdatasystems im somewhat wary to use gems in ToF, its kinda not worth. so i probably not going to play those adventure either.


    @exora, pig at level 2 is insta stop for me, as is second pig before level 5. Otherwise I may pay once to reach free level, if I’ve already gotten any jewels. Paying after that… well, it has to be very nice start, like second pig around level 20 or later.

    I you don’t have strict rules for yourself with ToF, you may end up easily paying amount you regret. Specially because of video option bug. Maybe everybody who has missing it should write angry polite e-mail demanding asking Rovio to fix it and do the same with other bugs?



    Like every single day for the past 2-3 weeks, hit a pig on floor 2 or floor 3. Not going to pay gems because without a doubt I will hit a pig on the next floor.

    So unless something changes, looks like I won’t even get one hat for this.


    Level 4 was challenging. I only have three birds so it took many tries. I had a much easier time with levels 5 and 6. I think I finally passed it when I randomly received a mighty eagle spell. I don’t think I can pass level 7 with 3 birds, but I hope to get another one or two before the event ends.

    Can you post a picture of the first room? I don’t honestly remember how I birdied it.


    Saphira, i finally made it to level 7 where i’m at a dead stop. I know if i launch Terrence just right i can clean out the whole room and get two spells. the next 5 rooms are hit and miss with me. but i always run out of birds by the time i hit room 7.
    Anyone have a special formula for getting thru room 2? like the pyramid of rocks and tiny little piggies!


    I managed to get a birdy on room 2 of level 7 with a pig inflator spell and Bomb.

    With only Red, Blues, and Bomb, the farthest I have gotten in level 7 was clearing room 4. Of course I got pigs in levels 2 and 3 of the TOF. I really want to get the submarine hat I missed on floor 20, but it’s not happening with the bad luck I’ve had the last couple of days . . .


    I just realized, did you say you have SEVEN rooms in level 7? I have 6. Maybe because I only have three birds?


    no i misspoke. 6 rooms in level 7. terrence blows thru room 1 with 2 spells returns. then i get stuck in room 2. how far have you gone in level 7?


    do you use bomb to eliminate the stack on the top (middle)? i’ve been trying that but can never get the lone guy to the far right. inflator works great on the double pyramids (far left)


    I used pig inflator first, then bomb took out the pyramid. That was my best run, and I cleared room 4 but my destructometer didn’t quite fill up to give me a bird for room 5.


    well i give you tons of credit. i have all the birds and i’m struggling big time. so you’re doing great if you only have 3 birds!!!! and i keep getting the inflator as my 5th or 6th bird. so i have to run thru so many others before i can clear room 2. blech..


    I got two more hats today, but not Terence, so we’ll see what happens today!

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