"The Medic!" Challenge Event (get Ratchet)

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum "The Medic!" Challenge Event (get Ratchet)

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  • Francis Crawford


    If you have Explosive Rounds for Optimus Prime, I think he’s really good for most kinds of targets. Most of us have that accessory, which was awarded in an earlier competition.

    Heatwave is good against WMTs and little else.


    According to one of the guys on ABT Daily Players on Facebook who unlocked Ratchet, it is 1000 tokens for Huffer and 900 tokens for Stranglehold. According to their discussion, they sit on opposite shoulders and can be worn at the same time.


    So that is 6900 tokens for Ratchet and the two accessories. The competition only runs for 6 days. That means you have to win and get the daily max for the large majority of the competition if you don’t want to spend a lot of gems.


    Weird bug or ? This occurred twice in the Rive node.

    Using Optimus Prime and Heatwave in a River node during the event. Wanted to switch from Heatwavw to Optimus Prime after firing on WMTs. OP returns but HW remains on the screen and walks faster than OP. Hit the change teammate button and OP goes away, as well as the change teammate button. HW remains. This occurs BEFORE teletraan flies over from left to right.

    At the end of the node, the teletraan does not appear, the screen goes green then to an opaque rendering of the Ruver node. Luckily I was credited with the score and appropriate bonus(es) were applied.

    Anyone else experiencing this?

    Cynical Bird

    Yeah I didn’t make the goals today. Targets counting as 5 pts instead of 15 in the previous one.


    Ugh, I was wondering why my first run today (Day 2) scored so low, until I realized that it wasn’t red bricks anymore ……….


    @geli In a previous event, I had Heatwave stay out and walk off the screen a few times. Was still able to continue swapping them out, though. And never the end you experienced.


    Urgh, got tied up tonight and someone knocked me out of first. Given the short time window, that really hurts.

    In other news, my kids have completely given up on the challenges. They hate them and now refuse to play them. Which is probably good, because my wife has been on the verge of tossing every ipad in the house out the window since these competitions started. She hates this game with a passion, and I can’t blame her. These challenges have interrupted countless meals, vacations, birthdays, family gatherings, school days, sporting events, work days, holidays, etc.. Every time a competition starts, my whole house gets stressed out and cranky. My kids used to love this game so much that I’ve tried my best for months to help them keep their games up. But I think we’re all pretty much exhausted and just don’t care anymore.

    This game is impossible with school, work, family, sports, and life in general. WAY too much commitment required relative to the reward you get. Everything just seems to cost too many gems or too much time.


    @aliaspbj Doesn’t it add up to 5900 tokens? Also I think the event is only 5 days.


    Just finished one run. Wow, how this happened is beyond me! The guy just behind me made a run up the leaderboard with something like 7000 in one run!



    My mistake, you are correct. Ratchet is 4000 tokens here in n the US. He may cost different token amounts outside the US and so might the accessories. No matter, the point is it’s still a lot of tokens to cover in a pretty short period of time. It’s even worse if there are folks also trying to also get Arcee and Arachnid. I have no idea how much they are because I got them last year through the the mission portals. I don’t know if new players can still get them that way.


    Well they ask for feed back and so we give it to them but they don’t do anything about.
    The difference on the score from Pig City and the Valley are really low again I’m finding, not got over 200 but if you are lucky and get the Desert, Forrest or the Beach then I’m getting around 1000 before any bonus.
    I’m using Soundwave at L15 with cowboy hat and 10% EF plus Photoblaster. This is only for the bonus if it’s 10% or less, I’m finding it working great as I got 1st yesterday with only using 10 Gems and this was after I fell asleep before the 1am start time here in Wales.



    “According to one of the guys on ABT Daily Players on Facebook who unlocked Ratchet, it is 1000 tokens for Huffer and 900 tokens for Stranglehold.”

    Any word on what they do?


    Today’s scoring seems to be significantly lower than it was on Day 1. I’m looking at a minimum of two gem recharges today to reach Level 100.


    @optimuspig You must be getting good runs. I am thinking minimum 3, possibly 4 (that’s my limit) for me.



    I’m also not getting anywhere near the numbers I got yesterday. I don’t think I’m gonna hit the daily max.

    To answer you question about the accessories, Huffer provides 10% cool down and Stranglehold provides 10% damage.



    OK thanks, that’s useful.


    I’m taking into account the fact that I’ll be doing all of my recharges during hours 23 and 24, when the aggregate bonus is +100%.

    Also, I started playing since Hour 1 last night and I only missed one run overnight, so it’s possible that I’ve got a few more runs under my belt this day than you do.

    I’m currently averaging about 850 points per run (although that’s not too helpful given the variability in bonuses).


    Anyone besides me not getting any bonus Energonicons? Got them the first 2 sets of red blocks but haven’t had any since. I got 35 Energonicons to choose from and not a one is a bonus one.



    Did you make sure that you’re scrolling the list of energonicons all the way to the left/start? The bonus energonicon will always show up there regardless of where it normally appears in the list.


    Yes. I’d post a picture but I don’t know how.



    Upload pics to your album here:


    Then you can embed the pic(s) directly in a comment using the links provided.


    Funny think that is as I’ve not had a bonus E/Con all day and took it the bonus was not 1 I had but if others are not getting them it’s no me then lol
    I got 1 of those boards again P1 is 59500, P2 43600 P3 35000 and I’m in 12th with 16000 lol so not going to get much tonight.


    Today’s 100 token mark is 30550 for those who are wondering.

    Francis Crawford

    I’ve done 2 recharges already (during the initial 2-hour period of max bonus). 90 seems likely but not an utter lock, so I’m not hitting 100 w/o a 3rd recharge. I may also not win my cohort w/o at least that recharge anyway; it seems pretty competitive today.

    That said, I like today’s competition. Hard targets — as it were — but also strong groups of TFs/Energicons. Optimus Prime with Explosive Rounds and Health Pack to let him stand in and take damage, with Heatwave for occasional backup? Yes please. Free choice of TF (because I only had one guy in Epic Optimus’ group) plus Glassor? Yes thank you. Gold Grimlock backed up by my choice of a good Megatron or another Optimus with Explosive Rounds, with a strong Energicon? Works for me.


    I did the two recharges in the first hour, and haven’t missed a round, currently ~3K short of 100. so it’ll be close.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum "The Medic!" Challenge Event (get Ratchet)

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