The New Seeker Appears

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum The New Seeker Appears

  • Just ran a node and got this as a butty:—

    He fire’s a yucky green stream sort of thing lol

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  • SnTrooper

    New event starts in 2 days and goes for 7.


    Seven days, wow! Will we have a reasonable chance, or do we have to be 1st and get 550 tokens each day, I wonder.


    Will be keeping record of this event along the lines that I and @millforce2k posted in the Heatwave challenge. If I were not technically challenged, I’d take screenshots. Someday I’ll figure it out.


    I foresee 7 days of no sleep and being very non-productive at work and home……


    Haha, I love how the basic part of unlocking characters in a game named and based after them has become a chore itself. Just the portion of upgrading them is tedious but now they have made this “unlock with tokens” a staple. Good thing I stopped playing it long time ago.

    Also, @paul13 your post says “butty” instead of “buddy”. I guess Acid Storm has a nicer butt than others. ;)


    I just had a thought……. Why all the compititions and no attempt to open the remaining area’s?????? Inquring minds want to know….



    Nope sorry butty not buddy remember I’m Welsh so we have some funny sayings mun if you called anybody a buddy here they would just look at you as if you’re mad lol

    All I really hope in this new comp is we all get a fair cracking of the whip and there are going to be items to collect in each run not like the last comp.
    Time will tell I expect


    @geli Definitely logging this. Gotta tweak the log since it’s evolved quite a bit and somewhat cumbersome right now. You on Android? Most devices are Power & Vol- or Power & Home.

    Agree, though I have competitive advantage that I have to get up in the middle of the night anyway.

    So, 10,850 is the best we can achieve to win Acid Storm and some accessories.


    Interestingly, although Acid Storm is classified as a “Seeker” in the mainstream TF Universe, in this game he’s actually one of the “Cybertronians” squad, along with Shockwave.



    “Why all the compititions and no attempt to open the remaining area’s??????”

    Probably requires fewer human resources to recycle the code for the competitions rather than designing and coding entire new areas.

    “I foresee 7 days of no sleep and being very non-productive at work and home……”

    That’s true. I’m actually extremely busy at work the next couple of weeks – I may have to skip this competition entirely if it looks like I won’t be able to earn enough tokens without total effort.

    Francis Crawford

    You guys seem to get this news before I do. Is it an ioS/Android thing, or is it via Facebook, or what? :)


    Well,i played a node with him as a buddy and i did NOT like what i saw…
    He was at level 15 and he just fired a green-blob acid-thing,which destroyed everything he touched,but still,not something completely interseting….
    Of course i ll try to do my best to unlock him,but i want to see more things unlocked,more good TF’s offered,find out what to do with coins and this “coming soon” thing..

    Ps.: ususaly a counter is shown,even 2-3 days before a new event starts,now nothing for the moment…



    I can’t speak for the Android users, but if you’re on iOS then the next time you launch the app, you should be receiving a soft update to v which will also update your newsfeed with a message about the new competition.


    I only knew the comp was not far off as he appeared as a butty, then not long after a news feed was sent.
    I just had him again this time at level 12 and he was not that good he hit a WMT 4 times and the red bar barely moved.

    Francis Crawford



    Closing and reopening the program did the trick.

    For once, the competition is coming at a time that doesn’t fit my schedule well. So be it. I’ll try to throw enough gems at it to get the essential rewards anyway.

    And in case my guess is correct that the Seekers will be the highest-bonus squad — well, my Energon Starscream will be up to Level 14. I hope that with the explosive rounds she’ll be effective …


    The Challenge Event box just showed up on the side of the screen.


    @millforce2k – iOS here. Seems to work OK as in no crashing as others have reported. It does have the ballooning (?) issue where the run gets into a close-up then pans out later qon. biggest thing is lack of seeing WMTs activating in desert nodes. Glassor destroys them and other targets off-screen; all I see is a flash and an increase in the score.

    Other issue is the updates seem to arrive hours after Android users get them.


    I just hope that there isn’t a ridiculous amount of tokens needed for Acidstorm but I’m not getting my hopes up especially since the comp runs for 7 days…


    I see a small change from Rovio…
    1. They made 2 events for the rest of the players to unlock the last 2 TF’s..
    2. They made an event in which (finaly),you could exchange tokens for gems.

    So,may be i am dreaming,but there is a possibility to unlcok this one more easy and have in mind,that probably they will give us a chance to unlock some accessories as well… (Yellow thing on top of Acidstorms head or the purple airplane in one of his arms)
    Or maybe,they did not wish to change anything and we will have to lose our sleep and time just to unlock Acidstorm…. Let’s see….!


    We’ll soon find out what is what as not long to go lol


    I grabbed a picture of Acid Storm as a teammate.

    Acid Storm Teammate


    I’ve had him a lot lately and about an hour ago I had him again and when I went to the thank you screen his name was the very same that I’d seen in P1 on the last comp board, it was a mix of numbers and letters. I’m going to try and get him again and do a screengrab


    @aliaspbj I see your Lockdown is sporting Rangefinder, are the defense accessories working now?



    I did not note that he was down on health during that run. So, I did not experience the previously discussed health penalty for using defense accessories. I can’t speak for any of the other defense accessories, but I hope that issue was addressed in the latest soft update for the Acid Storm Challenge.


    I’m a little worried about this challenge. The last two have been full of glitches and runs where there’s been not enough to get decent tokens to even bother. I’m not confident in Rovio to make these consistent. I had a token glitch where I went from first place to last at the end of a day in the Shockwave event and I finally didn’t get any kind of compensation until after the Heatwave event. I’m fine with tokens for accessories but I’d rather just use gems to unlock characters. Games are supposed to be fun, not a chore that leaves you sleep deprived.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum The New Seeker Appears

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