The Royal (Hat) Adventure

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum The Royal (Hat) Adventure

  • Kind of surprised they started another right when the previous one ended.

    Anyway, this one requires the crown hat set which is one of the oldest and cheapest hat sets out there so everyone should have it.

    Nine Rounds
    Rewards are rare chest (after 1), 1,000 feathers (after 3), 2,000 feathers (after 5), 5,000 feathers (after 7) and 10,000 feathers at the end.

    Event run for 5 days.

    Switching to the crown hat does not give you extra FP.

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  • AggieGuy

    Okay, been trying this for a while and it is not easy.

    Rounds 1 and 2 are 4 rooms, round 3 is 5.

    Even round 1 took me over 15 attempts (shut down when obvious it won’t be beat) and I got lucky by getting Bomb at the very end because the micropig was so buried nothing else could get to him. The worst is room 2 because there are two pigs up on a pile of balloon supported rocks. The only way I could figure out was with Silver because of the fan which will blow any other bird away. You have to activate Silver just right so she’ll hit the balloons during the loop.

    Round 2 was just slightly easier, but round 3 is a pain. Nearly every room on all three rounds has 1 or more special pigs. Miner is the most common, often right in your face. There are also wrench throwers and especially tractor beam pigs. Also, nearly every room is a room with multiple fans, and 3 structures, with a nice helping of pigs on out of the way things supported by balloons.

    In order to get through all 9 rounds will require someone with very high FP, or spending gems if that is an option for this adventure. Just too many rooms so far which take 3+ birds to clear.

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