The Tasty (Hat) Adventure

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  • And we have another one.  Runs for 5 days and has 9 rounds.

    This one takes the Food Hat set, which is a 10K/Exotic hat set.

    The rewards are the usual, chest, 1,000 feathers, 2,000, feathers, 5,000 feathers, and 10,000 feathers.

    I’m lucky that I actually have the complete food hat set.  It was one of the few I did well in the TOF and was able to buy the remaining 2.

    I’ve just started.  Rounds 1 and 2 are four rooms and not crazy difficult like the previous one.

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  • AggieGuy

    You will definitely need all of the birds to complete this adventure.  Early rounds can be done with a few birds missing, but after that, it will be incredibility difficult.

    Round 3 is 5 rooms, but not hard.  You can probably afford one, maybe two errors, but that’s it.

    Round 4 is 6 rooms, and you need to play very smart, but it is doable with birds left over.

    Round 5 is also 6 rooms, and room 5 is a massive bird sucker.  I had a Mighty Eagle spell I got by striking room 1 which got me past it.  I’m sure it can be done, would require the right birds.  Make sure on room 6 you have Terrance and either Matilda, Silver, or Bomb if possible.  Terrance can take out the structure below the slingshot, and if aimed right, bounce into the far right structure.  One of the others can kill the pigs on the center structure.

    Round 6 is still 6 rooms and very frustrating.  Took me half a dozen attempts to get past it, with lucky being on my side because a lucky debris strike cleared a room which otherwise would have required me to use Bomb and that would have ended any chance to finish it.


    Round 7 is up to 7 rooms and is extremely difficult.

    Rooms 2 and 3 are major bird suckers.  There is a miner and wrench thrower right in a perfect position to force you to waste multiple birds to kill them.  There are also rocket pigs on multiple levels and will inevitably not die when they launch which means another bird wasted.

    On top of all that, most rooms have 1-3 pigs in random places, on balloons/balloon supported structures that cannot be taken out without wasting a bird.  Room 6 is pretty much death unless you have a ME or the blizzard causes massive collapse, the latter got me past it.  Way too many pigs in random places to strike the room with a bird.

    Edit: Finally got past round 7 with gems on the last room.  Round 8 is also 7 rooms, but not hard.  Got through it on the first try, no gems required.

    Round 9 is 8 rooms, and a pain in the butt.  Blasted miner pig on room 1 is a major problem.  When he goes to sleep, it is possible to strike the room.  Have to work on it again tomorrow.

    Twisted Lemon

    Well this is an adventure that I will have zero chance in participating in. The recent Royal hat adventure, I got the chest and called it quits, as the feather rewards were worthless (to me anyway) and not worth the effort of replaying each round over and over for flawless runs. I think I was stuck om round 4 and that was borderline impossible and required perfect shots with everything going right. No thanks.

    For this one, I only have Red’s and Blues’ hats available as I was one of many that wasn’t “allowed” to get any of the hats in the ToF during the first instance of the event. There’s no feasible way to get them now either; I figured they’d maybe do something smart like tailor the ToF for each player to have their missing hats show up, but of course that didn’t happen. The hats weren’t in the ToF when I did my run today.

    So that means you can only participate if you own most/all of the hats or have black pearls conveniently saved up. They cost 10k each which I don’t have, I barely have 1k as of writing this as 2 days ago I spent 10k to complete one of the many Exotic hat sets that I have to deal with. I tried round 1 and it’s not possible, 4 rooms with a screwdriver pig right in your face in the 1st room. Not happening.

    At least you were lucky enough to get all the hats previously and can thus beat it. I have no choice but to not play.


    Round 9 is probably not possible without spending hundreds if not thousands of gems, or unless you have very high FP or get lucky and get a ME somewhere along the way. All I ever saw was a chili.

    I made it to the 7th room with no birds left and decided to see what birds I could get if for no other reason than morbid curiosity of what the last room looked like. Room 7 is not a hard one to clear, Terrance could clear it on his own, but all I got were Silver, Chuck, and Blues. All three could maybe clear 1 structure with luck. Got back to room 7 again with no birds, and tried one more time. Same exact three birds again so I’m wondering if that is programmed in to make people spend maybe 600-1320 or more gems to finish the round. I’d hate to see the final room which I’d bet would take 4 birds minimum to clear.


    I just beat it. I had to spend 60 gems on the last room and cleared that with 2 of the 3 birds… worth it for the 20k feather reward. Took me ages to beat rounds 7, 8 and 9… Dan Chan’s video helped though.

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